首先要明确的是对事件的监听方法是在 on + 事件名,比如load事件,load事件的监听方法就是onload
言归正传,Progress Events规范是W3C的一个草案,定义了与客户端服务器通信有关的事件。有如下7个进度事件:
1 onabort: ((this: XMLHttpRequest, ev: ProgressEvent) => any) | null; 2 onerror: ((this: XMLHttpRequest, ev: ProgressEvent) => any) | null; 3 onload: ((this: XMLHttpRequest, ev: ProgressEvent) => any) | null; 4 onloadend: ((this: XMLHttpRequest, ev: ProgressEvent) => any) | null; 5 onloadstart: ((this: XMLHttpRequest, ev: ProgressEvent) => any) | null; 6 onprogress: ((this: XMLHttpRequest, ev: ProgressEvent) => any) | null; 7 ontimeout: ((this: XMLHttpRequest, ev: ProgressEvent) => any) | null;
1 this.response = new Observable<Response>((responseObserver: Observer<Response>) => { 2 // 创建XHR对象 3 const _xhr: XMLHttpRequest = browserXHR.build(); 4 // 调用open方法准备请求 5 _xhr.open(RequestMethod[req.method].toUpperCase(), req.url); 6 7 // 定义load事件 8 const onLoad = () => { 9 10 // 下面的一大段代码是为了提供友好的Response, 11 // normalize IE9 bug (http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/1450) 12 let status: number = _xhr.status === 1223 ? 204 : _xhr.status; 13 14 let body: any = null; 15 16 // HTTP 204 means no content 17 if (status !== 204) { 18 // responseText is the old-school way of retrieving response (supported by IE8 & 9) 19 // response/responseType properties were introduced in ResourceLoader Level2 spec 20 // (supported by IE10) 21 body = (typeof _xhr.response === ‘undefined‘) ? _xhr.responseText : _xhr.response; 22 23 // Implicitly strip a potential XSSI prefix. 24 if (typeof body === ‘string‘) { 25 body = body.replace(XSSI_PREFIX, ‘‘); 26 } 27 } 28 29 // fix status code when it is 0 (0 status is undocumented). 30 // Occurs when accessing file resources or on Android 4.1 stock browser 31 // while retrieving files from application cache. 32 if (status === 0) { 33 status = body ? 200 : 0; 34 } 35 36 const headers: Headers = Headers.fromResponseHeaderString(_xhr.getAllResponseHeaders()); 37 // IE 9 does not provide the way to get URL of response 38 const url = getResponseURL(_xhr) || req.url; 39 const statusText: string = _xhr.statusText || ‘OK‘; 40 41 let responseOptions = new ResponseOptions({body, status, headers, statusText, url}); 42 if (baseResponseOptions != null) { 43 responseOptions = baseResponseOptions.merge(responseOptions); 44 } 45 const response = new Response(responseOptions); 46 response.ok = isSuccess(status); 47 if (response.ok) { 48 // 这里把response发送出去 49 responseObserver.next(response); 50 // TODO(gdi2290): defer complete if array buffer until done 51 responseObserver.complete(); 52 return; 53 } 54 // 如果发生错误了,把错误发送出去 55 responseObserver.error(response); 56 }; 57 // 定义error事件 58 const onError = (err: ErrorEvent) => { 59 // 对Error再封装 60 let responseOptions = new ResponseOptions({ 61 body: err, 62 type: ResponseType.Error, 63 status: _xhr.status, 64 statusText: _xhr.statusText, 65 }); 66 if (baseResponseOptions != null) { 67 responseOptions = baseResponseOptions.merge(responseOptions); 68 } 69 // 把通信的错误发送出去 70 responseObserver.error(new Response(responseOptions)); 71 }; 72 // 设置content-type 73 this.setDetectedContentType(req, _xhr); 74 75 // 设置request的Header 76 if (req.headers == null) { 77 req.headers = new Headers(); 78 } 79 if (!req.headers.has(‘Accept‘)) { 80 req.headers.append(‘Accept‘, ‘application/json, text/plain, */*‘); 81 } 82 req.headers.forEach((values, name) => _xhr.setRequestHeader(name !, values.join(‘,‘))); 83 84 // 设置responseType 85 if (req.responseType != null && _xhr.responseType != null) { 86 switch (req.responseType) { 87 case ResponseContentType.ArrayBuffer: 88 _xhr.responseType = ‘arraybuffer‘; 89 break; 90 case ResponseContentType.Json: 91 _xhr.responseType = ‘json‘; 92 break; 93 case ResponseContentType.Text: 94 _xhr.responseType = ‘text‘; 95 break; 96 case ResponseContentType.Blob: 97 _xhr.responseType = ‘blob‘; 98 break; 99 default: 100 throw new Error(‘The selected responseType is not supported‘); 101 } 102 } 103 // 添加监听事件 104 _xhr.addEventListener(‘load‘, onLoad); // 没有直接使用xhr.onload 105 _xhr.addEventListener(‘error‘, onError); 106 107 // 发起请求 108 _xhr.send(this.request.getBody()); 109 110 // 这是一个Observable,在退订Observable要对XHR对象进行解引用操作 111 return () => { 112 _xhr.removeEventListener(‘load‘, onLoad); 113 _xhr.removeEventListener(‘error‘, onError); 114 _xhr.abort(); 115 }; 116 });
可以看到,Angular把XHR对象进行了再封装,返回的是一个Observable,使用Angular通过的http模块是不能直接监听load事件的,可以认为只要Response Observable发送出数据就已经触发了load事件
1 // 通过设置参数来开启进度监听 2 if (req.reportProgress) { 3 // 取得数据时一直监听 4 xhr.addEventListener(‘progress‘, onDownProgress); 5 6 // 上传数据时要判断是否有upload 7 if (reqBody !== null && xhr.upload) { 8 xhr.upload.addEventListener(‘progress‘, onUpProgress); 9 } 10 }