function [delta1, delta2] = db2delta(Rp, As) % ------------------------------------------------- % Converts dB specs Rp and As into % absolute specs delta1 and delta2 % [delta1, delta2] = delta2db(Rp, As) % delta1 = passband tolerance ( or ripple), absolute specs % delta2 = stopband tolerance ( or ripple), absolute specs % Rp = passband ripple in dB % As = stopband attenuation in dB % temp = 10^(-Rp/20); delta1 = (1-temp) / (1+temp); delta2 = (1+delta1)*(10^(-As/20));
function [Rp, As] = delta2db(delta1, delta2) % ------------------------------------------------- % Converts absolute specs delta1 and delta2 into % dB specs Rp and As % [Rp, As] = delta2db(delta1, delta2) % delta1 = passband tolerance ( or ripple), absolute specs % delta2 = stopband tolerance ( or ripple), absolute specs % Rp = passband ripple in dB % As = stopband attenuation in dB % Rp = -20 * log10( (1-delta1)/(1+delta1)); As = -20 * log10( delta2 / (1+delta1));