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2019-2-20 日记

时间:2019-02-20 23:02:18      阅读:203      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

1.Thread Synchronization, 终于都看懂了,代码也写明白了。

ff Performing basic atomic operations
ff Using the Mutex construct
ff Using the SemaphoreSlim construct
ff Using the AutoResetEvent construct
ff Using the ManualResetEventSlim construct
ff Using the CountDownEvent construct
ff Using the Barrier construct
ff Using the ReaderWriterLockSlim construct
ff Using the SpinWait construct


ff Invoking a delegate on a thread pool
ff Posting an asynchronous operation on a thread pool
ff Thread pool and the degree of parallelism
ff Implementing a cancellation option
ff Using a wait handle and a timeout with a thread pool
ff Using a timer
ff Using the BackgroundWorker component


2019-2-20 日记


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