---最大连续交易天数 select t2.customer_no,max(t2.co) from (select t1.customer_no,t1.yp-t1.rn rk,count(1) co from (select ctd.customer_no, ctd.order_time yp, row_number() over(partition by ctd.customer_no order by ctd.order_time) rn from posp_boss.customer_trans_day ctd where ctd.order_time >= to_date(‘20180101‘, ‘yyyymmdd‘) order by ctd.customer_no,ctd.order_time)t1 group by t1.customer_no,t1.yp-t1.rn)t2 group by t2.customer_no
---计算回流状况 with t1 as (select ctd.customer_no, ctd.order_time yp, row_number() over(partition by ctd.customer_no order by ctd.order_time) rn from posp_boss.customer_trans_day ctd where ctd.order_time >= to_date(‘20180101‘, ‘yyyymmdd‘) order by ctd.customer_no,ctd.order_time) select t1.customer_no,max(ceil(t2.yp-t1.yp)) ypc from (select t1.customer_no,t1.yp,t1.rn-1 rm from t1) t2 left join t1 on t1.customer_no = t2.customer_no and t1.rn = t2.rm group by t1.customer_no
---计算回流涉及天数,商户,交易量 with t1 as (select ctd.customer_no, ctd.order_time yp, row_number() over(partition by ctd.customer_no order by ctd.order_time) rn from posp_boss.customer_trans_day ctd where ctd.order_time >= to_date(‘20180101‘, ‘yyyymmdd‘) order by ctd.customer_no,ctd.order_time) select t3.ypc, count(distinct t3.customer_no) mt, sum(t4.amt) amount from (select t1.customer_no,max(ceil(t2.yp-t1.yp)) ypc from (select t1.customer_no,t1.yp,t1.rn-1 rm from t1) t2 left join t1 on t1.customer_no = t2.customer_no and t1.rn = t2.rm group by t1.customer_no)t3 join (select ctd.customer_no, sum(ctd.trans_amount) amt from posp_boss.customer_trans_day ctd where ctd.order_time >= to_date(‘20180101‘, ‘yyyymmdd‘) group by ctd.customer_no)t4 on t3.customer_no = t4.customer_no group by t3.ypc