第 18 题(数组):
题目:n 个数字(0,1,…,n-1)形成一个圆圈,从数字 0 开始,
每次从这个圆圈中删除第 m 个数字(第一个为当前数字本身,第二个为当前数字的下一个
数字)。当一个数字删除后,从被删除数字的下一个继续删除第 m 个数字。
/* 第 18 题(数组): 题目:n 个数字(0,1,…,n-1)形成一个圆圈,从数字 0 开始, 每次从这个圆圈中删除第 m 个数字(第一个为当前数字本身,第二个为当前数字的下一个 数字)。当一个数字删除后,从被删除数字的下一个继续删除第 m 个数字。 求出在这个圆圈中剩下的最后一个数字。 start time = 10:38 end time = 11:30 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> int findlast(int * n, int len, int m, int first) // n是输入数字的数组 len是输入数字的长度 m是要删除第几个数字 first是第一个数字是第几个数字 { if(len == 1) { return n[0]; } else { int d = (m % len) + first - 1; for(int i = d - 1; i < len - 1; i++) { n[i] = n[i + 1]; } return findlast(n, len - 1, m, d %(len - 1)); } } int findlastn(int n, int m) { int * num = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * n); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { num[i] = i; } return findlast(num, n, m, 1); } int main() { int ans = findlastn(5, 7); return 0; }
上网找答案,发现这是一个很经典的问题 约瑟夫环。有模拟O(MN)、数学O(N)两种常见方法。
int LastRemaining_Solution1(unsigned int n, unsigned int m) { // invalid input if(n < 1 || m < 1) return -1; unsigned int i = 0; // initiate a list with n integers (0, 1, ... n - 1) list<int> integers; for(i = 0; i < n; ++ i) integers.push_back(i); list<int>::iterator curinteger = integers.begin(); while(integers.size() > 1) { // find the mth integer. Note that std::list is not a circle // so we should handle it manually for(int i = 1; i < m; ++ i) { curinteger ++; if(curinteger == integers.end()) curinteger = integers.begin(); } // remove the mth integer. Note that std::list is not a circle // so we should handle it manually list<int>::iterator nextinteger = ++ curinteger; if(nextinteger == integers.end()) nextinteger = integers.begin(); -- curinteger; integers.erase(curinteger); curinteger = nextinteger; } return *(curinteger); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // n integers (0, 1, ... n - 1) form a circle. Remove the mth from // the circle at every time. Find the last number remaining // Input: n - the number of integers in the circle initially // m - remove the mth number at every time // Output: the last number remaining when the input is valid, // otherwise -1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int LastRemaining_Solution1(unsigned int n, unsigned int m) { // invalid input if(n < 1 || m < 1) return -1; unsigned int i = 0; // initiate a list with n integers (0, 1, ... n - 1) list<int> integers; for(i = 0; i < n; ++ i) integers.push_back(i); list<int>::iterator curinteger = integers.begin(); while(integers.size() > 1) { // find the mth integer. Note that std::list is not a circle // so we should handle it manually for(int i = 1; i < m; ++ i) { curinteger ++; if(curinteger == integers.end()) curinteger = integers.begin(); } // remove the mth integer. Note that std::list is not a circle // so we should handle it manually list<int>::iterator nextinteger = ++ curinteger; if(nextinteger == integers.end()) nextinteger = integers.begin(); -- curinteger; integers.erase(curinteger); curinteger = nextinteger; } return *(curinteger); }
int LastRemaining_Solution2(int n, unsigned int m) { // invalid input if(n <= 0 || m < 0) return -1; // if there are only one integer in the circle initially, // of course the last remaining one is 0 int lastinteger = 0; // find the last remaining one in the circle with n integers for (int i = 2; i <= n; i ++) lastinteger = (lastinteger + m) % i; return lastinteger; }
【编程题目】n 个数字(0,1,…,n-1)形成一个圆圈,从数字 0 开始,布布扣,bubuko.com
【编程题目】n 个数字(0,1,…,n-1)形成一个圆圈,从数字 0 开始