原语句: SELECT ifnull(system_name, "ALL") AS system_name, ifnull(DISK, 0) AS disk FROM ( SELECT ROUND(SUM(disk_per) / COUNT(*), 4) AS DISK, s1.SYSTEM_ID FROM vm_info_tab p1 LEFT JOIN ( SELECT ROUND( ( ifnull(SUM(disk_total), disk_free) - SUM(disk_free) ) / SUM(disk_total), 4 ) * 100 AS disk_per, per_hid FROM x86.vm_performance_tab f1 WHERE f1.Per_Time > TIMESTAMPADD(WEEK, - 1, NOW()) GROUP BY per_hid ) AS perf_value ON p1.ip = perf_value.per_hid LEFT JOIN system_device_relation_tab s1 ON p1.vm_id = s1.DEVICE_ID GROUP BY s1.`SYSTEM_ID` ) p1 LEFT JOIN system_info_tab p2 ON p1.system_id = p2.`system_id`;
| system_name | disk |
| ALL | 0.0000 |
1 row in set (6.30 sec) <--------- 0条记录使用了 6.30秒
1. 最大问题在于 join 后进行 group by , 两表 join时候会有很多数据进行匹配 , group 有去重功能 , 可以先对数据进行去重 , 然后再进行join , 这样减少join数据时候比对量 , 并且用上了索引了 , 原语句只用了join 字段时候的索引 , 最后group by就要从表返回数据,这就是慢的原因之一 , 第3个操作就是用了 using where 过滤元组和是否读取数据文件或索引文件没有关系 , mysql官档:
Using where
A WHERE clause is used to restrict which rows to match against the next table or send to the client. Unless you specifically intend to fetch or examine all rows from the table, you may have something wrong in your query if the Extra value is not Using where and the table join type is ALL or index.
2. 分析后主要有2个表进行group by , f1 和 s1 表
修改后: SELECT ifnull( system_name, "ALL" ) AS system_name, ifnull( DISK, 0 ) AS disk FROM ( SELECT ROUND( SUM( disk_per ) / COUNT( * ), 4 ) AS DISK, s1.SYSTEM_ID FROM vm_info_tab p1 LEFT JOIN ( SELECT ROUND( ( ifnull( SUM( disk_total ), disk_free ) - SUM( disk_free ) ) / SUM( disk_total ), 4 ) * 100 AS disk_per, per_hid FROM ( SELECT disk_total, disk_free, per_hid FROM x86.vm_performance_tab f1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT id FROM x86.vm_performance_tab f1 GROUP BY per_hid ) a ON f1.id = a.id WHERE f1.Per_Time > TIMESTAMPADD ( WEEK, - 1, NOW ()) ) f1 GROUP BY f1.per_hid ) AS perf_value ON p1.ip = perf_value.per_hid LEFT JOIN system_device_relation_tab s1 ON p1.vm_id = s1.DEVICE_ID GROUP BY s1.` SYSTEM_ID ` ) p1 LEFT JOIN system_info_tab p2 ON p1.system_id = p2.` system_id `;
| system_name | disk |
| ALL | 0.0000 |
1 row in set (0.41 sec) <------- 性能上来了
3. f1 字段使用 索引进行group by , 第5操作 , 提升了性能