1 // leetcodeTree.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。 2 // 3 4 #include "stdafx.h" 5 #include <iostream> 6 #include <queue> 7 #include <stack> 8 #include <vector> 9 10 using namespace std; 11 12 struct TreeNode { 13 int val; 14 TreeNode *left; 15 TreeNode *right; 16 TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(nullptr), right(nullptr) { }; 17 }; 18 struct TreeLinkNode { 19 int val; 20 TreeLinkNode *left; 21 TreeLinkNode *right; 22 TreeLinkNode *next; 23 TreeLinkNode(int x) : val(x) { left = nullptr; right = nullptr; next = nullptr; }; 24 }; 25 26 TreeNode* build(TreeNode *root, int val) { // 构造一棵树 27 if (root == nullptr) { 28 root = new TreeNode(val); 29 return root; 30 } 31 if (val < root->val) 32 root->left = build(root->left, val); 33 else 34 root->right = build(root->right, val); 35 36 return root; 37 } 38 39 vector<int> preOrderTraversal(TreeNode *root) { // 非递归先序遍历 40 vector<int> result; 41 stack<TreeNode*> stk; 42 if (root != nullptr) 43 stk.push(root); 44 while (!stk.empty()) { 45 TreeNode *p = stk.top(); 46 stk.pop(); 47 cout << ‘\t‘ << p->val; // 打印遍历序列 48 result.push_back(p->val); 49 50 if (p->right != nullptr) // 注意是先进栈右孩子,再进栈左孩子 51 stk.push(p->right); 52 if (p->left != nullptr) 53 stk.push(p->left); 54 } 55 return result; 56 } 57 58 int main() { 59 int t[] = {5,4,3,6,7}; 60 TreeNode* root = nullptr; 61 for(int i=0;i<sizeof(t)/sizeof(int);++i) // build a tree 62 build(root,t[i]); 63 64 preOrderTraversal(root); 65 66 return 0; 67 }
1,Binary Tree Preorder Traversal(非递归)
1 vector<int> preOrderTraversal(TreeNode *root) { // 非递归先序遍历 2 vector<int> result; 3 stack<TreeNode*> stk; 4 if (root != nullptr) 5 stk.push(root); 6 while (!stk.empty()) { 7 TreeNode *p = stk.top(); 8 stk.pop(); 9 cout << ‘\t‘ << p->val; 10 result.push_back(p->val); 11 12 if (p->right != nullptr) // 注意是先进栈右孩子,再进栈左孩子 13 stk.push(p->right); 14 if (p->left != nullptr) 15 stk.push(p->left); 16 } 17 return result; 18 }
2,Binary Tree Inorder Traversal(非递归)
1 vector<int> inOrderTraversal(TreeNode *root) { // 非递归中序遍历 2 vector<int> result; 3 stack<TreeNode*> stk; 4 TreeNode *p = root; 5 6 while (!stk.empty() || p != nullptr) { 7 if (p != nullptr) { 8 stk.push(p); 9 p = p->left; 10 } 11 else { 12 p = stk.top(); 13 stk.pop(); 14 cout << ‘\t‘ << p->val; 15 result.push_back(p->val); 16 p = p->right; 17 } 18 } 19 return result; 20 }
3,Binary Tree Postorder Traversal(非递归)
1 vector<int> postOrderTravelsal(TreeNode *root) { 2 vector<int> result; 3 stack<TreeNode*> stk; 4 if (root == nullptr) 5 return result; 6 7 TreeNode *pCur, *pLastVisit; 8 pCur = root; 9 pLastVisit = nullptr; 10 11 while (pCur) { // 把 pCur 移动到最左下方 12 stk.push(pCur); 13 pCur = pCur->left; 14 } 15 while (!stk.empty()) { 16 pCur = stk.top(); 17 stk.pop(); 18 if (pCur->right == nullptr || pCur->right == pLastVisit) { // 如果当前节点无右子树或者右子树已经被访问过,则访问 19 result.push_back(pCur->val); 20 cout << ‘\t‘ << pCur->val; 21 pLastVisit = pCur; 22 } 23 else { // 跳到右子树去 24 stk.push(pCur); // 根节点再次入栈 25 pCur = pCur->right; 26 while (pCur) { 27 stk.push(pCur); 28 pCur = pCur->left; 29 } 30 } 31 } 32 cout << endl; 33 return result; 34 }
4,Binary Tree Level Order Traversal(不区分层)
1 void levelOrderI(TreeNode* root) { // 层次遍历,不分层次 2 if (root == nullptr) 3 return; 4 queue<TreeNode*> q; 5 q.push(root); 6 while (!q.empty()) { 7 TreeNode *temp = q.front(); 8 q.pop(); 9 cout << temp->val << ‘\t‘; 10 if (temp->left) 11 q.push(temp->left); 12 if (temp->right) 13 q.push(temp->right); 14 } 15 cout << endl; 16 }
5,Binary Tree Level Order Traversal(区分层次)
1 vector<vector<int>> levelOrderII1(TreeNode* root) { // 迭代版 2 vector<vector<int>> result; 3 queue<TreeNode*> current, next; 4 5 if (root == nullptr) 6 return result; 7 else 8 current.push(root); 9 10 while (!current.empty()) { 11 vector<int> level; // elements in one level 12 while (!current.empty()) { 13 TreeNode *node = current.front(); 14 current.pop(); 15 level.push_back(node->val); 16 if (node->left) 17 next.push(node->left); 18 if (node->right) 19 next.push(node->right); 20 } 21 result.push_back(level); 22 swap(current, next); 23 } 24 return result; 25 } 26 27 28 void traverse(TreeNode *root, size_t level, vector<vector<int>>& result) { 29 if (!root) 30 return; 31 if (level > result.size()) 32 result.push_back(vector<int>()); // 如果层数不够,新加一层来存储 33 34 result[level - 1].push_back(root->val); 35 traverse(root->left, level + 1, result); 36 traverse(root->right, level + 1, result); 37 } 38 vector<vector<int>> levelOrderII2(TreeNode* root) { // 递归版 39 vector<vector<int>> result; 40 traverse(root, 1, result); 41 return result; 42 }
6,Binary Tree Level Order Traversal(分层,从下向上)
1 vector<vector<int>> levelOrderBottomI(TreeNode *root) { // 递归版 2 vector<vector<int>> result; 3 traverse(root, 1, result); 4 reverse(result.begin(), result.end()); // 多了这一行,调用相同的函数 5 return result; 6 } 7 8 vector<vector<int>> levelOrderBottomII(TreeNode *root) { 9 vector<vector<int>> result; 10 if (root == nullptr) 11 return result; 12 13 queue<TreeNode*> current, next; 14 15 current.push(root); 16 while (!current.empty()) { 17 vector<int> level; // elments in one level 18 while (!current.empty()) { 19 TreeNode *node = current.front(); 20 current.pop(); 21 level.push_back(node->val); 22 if (node->left) 23 next.push(node->left); 24 if (node->right) 25 next.push(node->right); 26 } 27 result.push_back(level); 28 swap(next, current); 29 } 30 reverse(result.begin(), result.end()); // 多了这一行 31 return result; 32 }
7,Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal
1 void traverse(TreeNode *root, size_t level, vector <vector<int>>& result, bool left_to_right) { // 递归往返方向 2 if (!root) 3 return; 4 5 if (level > result.size()) 6 result.push_back(vector<int>()); 7 8 if (left_to_right) 9 result[level - 1].push_back(root->val); 10 else 11 result[level - 1].insert(result[level].begin(), root->val); 12 13 traverse(root->left, level + 1, result, !left_to_right); 14 traverse(root->right, level + 1, result, !left_to_right); 15 } 16 vector<vector<int>> zigzagLevelOrderI(TreeNode *root) { 17 vector<vector<int>> result; 18 traverse(root, 1, result, true); 19 return result; 20 } 21 22 23 vector<vector<int>> zigzagLevelOrderII(TreeNode *root) { // 迭代版 24 vector<vector<int>> result; 25 queue<TreeNode*> current, next; 26 bool left_to_right = true; 27 28 if (root == nullptr) 29 return result; 30 else 31 current.push(root); 32 33 while (!current.empty()) { 34 vector<int> level; // elements in one level 35 while (!current.empty()) { 36 TreeNode *node = current.front(); 37 current.pop(); 38 level.push_back(node->val); 39 if (node->left) 40 next.push(node->left); 41 if (node->right) 42 next.push(node->right); 43 } 44 if (!left_to_right) // 多加了这一行 45 reverse(level.begin(),level.end()); 46 result.push_back(level); 47 left_to_right = !left_to_right; 48 swap(next, current); 49 } 50 return result; 51 }
8,Recover Binary Search Tree(未实现)
9,Same Tree
1 bool isSameTreeI(TreeNode *p, TreeNode *q) { // 递归版 2 if (!p && !q) 3 return true; 4 if (!p || !q) 5 return false; 6 7 return p->val == q->val && isSameTreeI(p->left, q->left) && isSameTreeI(p->right, q->right); 8 } 9 10 bool isSampleTreeII(TreeNode *p, TreeNode *q) { // 迭代 11 stack<TreeNode*> stk; 12 stk.push(p); 13 stk.push(q); 14 15 while (!stk.empty()) { 16 p = stk.top(); 17 stk.pop(); 18 q = stk.top(); 19 stk.pop(); 20 21 if (!q && !q) 22 continue; 23 if (!q || !p) 24 return false; 25 if (q->val != p->val) 26 return false; 27 28 stk.push(p->right); 29 stk.push(q->right); 30 31 stk.push(p->left); 32 stk.push(q->left); 33 } 34 return true; 35 }
10,Symmetric Tree(对称树)
1 bool isSymmetricI(TreeNode *p, TreeNode *q) { // 迭代版本 2 if (!p && !q) 3 return true; 4 if (!p || !q) 5 return false; 6 return p->val == q->val && isSymmetricI(p->left, q->left) && isSymmetricI(p->right, q->left); 7 } 8 bool isSymmetricI(TreeNode *root) { 9 if (root == nullptr) return true; 10 return isSymmetricI(root->left, root->right); 11 } 12 13 14 bool isSymmetricII(TreeNode *root) { // 迭代版 15 if (!root) return true; 16 stack<TreeNode*> stk; 17 stk.push(root->left); 18 stk.push(root->right); 19 20 while (!stk.empty()) { 21 auto p = stk.top(); 22 stk.pop(); 23 auto q = stk.top(); 24 stk.pop(); 25 26 if (!p && !p) continue; 27 if (!p || !q) return false; 28 if (p->val != q->val) return false; 29 30 stk.push(p->left); 31 stk.push(q->right); 32 33 stk.push(p->right); 34 stk.push(q->left); 35 } 36 return true; 37 }
11,Balanced Binary Tree
1 int balancedHeight(TreeNode *root) { 2 if (root == nullptr) 3 return 0; // 终止条件 4 5 int leftHeight = balancedHeight(root->left); 6 int rightHeight = balancedHeight(root->right); 7 8 if (leftHeight < 0 || rightHeight < 0 || abs(leftHeight - rightHeight) > 1) // 什么时候 leftHight 会小于 0? 9 return -1; // 剪枝 10 11 return max(leftHeight, rightHeight) + 1; 12 13 } 14 bool isBalanceTree(TreeNode *root) { 15 return balancedHeight(root) >= 0; 16 }
12,Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List
1 void flatten(TreeNode *root) { // 迭代版,先序遍历然后组成单链表形状 2 if (root == nullptr) 3 return; 4 stack<TreeNode*> stk; 5 stk.push(root); 6 TreeNode dummy(-1); 7 TreeNode *prev = &dummy; 8 9 while (!stk.empty()) { 10 TreeNode *node = stk.top(); 11 stk.pop(); 12 13 if (node->right) 14 stk.push(node->right); 15 if (node->left) 16 stk.push(node->left); 17 18 node->left = nullptr; 19 prev->right = node; 20 prev = prev->right; 21 } 22 root = dummy.right; 23 }
13,Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node(II)
1 void connectI(TreeLinkNode *root) { // 迭代版 2 while (root) { 3 TreeLinkNode *next = nullptr; // the first node of next level 4 TreeLinkNode *prev = nullptr; // previous node on the same level 5 while (root) { // 对于每一行来说 6 if (!next) 7 next = root->left ? root->left : root->right; 8 9 if (root->left) { 10 if (prev) 11 prev->next = root->left; 12 prev = root->left; 13 } 14 if (root->right) { 15 if (prev) 16 prev->next = root->right; 17 prev = root->right; 18 } 19 } 20 root = next; // turn to next level 21 } 22 } 23 24 25 void connectII(TreeLinkNode *root) { // 迭代版 26 if (root == nullptr) return; 27 28 TreeLinkNode dummy(-1); 29 for (TreeLinkNode *curr = root, *prev = &dummy; curr; curr = curr->next) { 30 if (curr->left) { 31 prev->next = curr->left; 32 prev = prev->next; 33 } 34 if (curr->right) { 35 prev->next = curr->right; 36 prev = prev->next; 37 } 38 } 39 connectII(dummy.next); // 下一层的第一个节点 40 }
14,Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal
1 TreeNode* buildTreeI(vector<int>::iterator pre_first, vector<int>::iterator pre_last, 2 vector<int>::iterator in_first, vector<int>::iterator in_last) { 3 if (pre_first == pre_last) // 如果 左子树为空,结束 4 return nullptr; 5 if (in_first == in_last) // 如果 右子树为空,结束 6 return nullptr; 7 8 auto root = new TreeNode(*pre_first); 9 auto inRootPos = find(in_first, in_last, *pre_first); 10 int leftSize = distance(in_first, inRootPos); 11 12 root->left = buildTreeI(next(pre_first), next(pre_first, leftSize + 1),in_first,next(in_first,leftSize)); 13 root->right = buildTreeI(next(pre_first, leftSize + 1), pre_last, next(inRootPos), in_last); 14 15 return root; 16 } 17 TreeNode* buildTreeI(vector<int>& preOrder, vector<int>& inOrder) { // 根据先序遍历和中序遍历序列构造二叉树 18 return buildTreeI(begin(preOrder), end(preOrder), begin(inOrder), end(inOrder)); 19 }
15,Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal
1 TreeNode* buildTreeII(vector<int>::iterator in_first, vector<int>::iterator in_last, 2 vector<int>::iterator post_first, vector<int>::iterator post_last) { 3 4 if (in_first == in_last) 5 return nullptr; 6 if (post_first == post_last) 7 return nullptr; 8 9 int pRootValue = *prev(post_last); 10 TreeNode* root = new TreeNode(pRootValue); 11 12 auto inRootPos = find(in_first, in_last, pRootValue); 13 int leftSize = distance(in_first, inRootPos); 14 15 root->left = buildTreeII(in_first, inRootPos, post_first, next(post_first, leftSize)); // 注意迭代器“前闭后开”原则 16 root->right = buildTreeII(next(inRootPos), in_last, next(post_first, leftSize), prev(post_last)); 17 18 return root; 19 } 20 TreeNode* buildTreeII(vector<int>& inOrder, vector<int>& postOrder) { 21 return buildTreeII(begin(inOrder), end(inOrder), begin(postOrder), end(postOrder)); 22 }
16,Unique Binary Search Trees
1 int numTrees(int n) { // 一维动态规划 2 vector<int> f(n + 1, 0); 3 4 f[0] = 1; 5 f[1] = 1; 6 for (int i = 2; i <= n; ++i) { 7 for (int k = 1; k <= i; ++k) 8 f[i] += f[k - 1] * f[i - k]; 9 } 10 return f[n]; 11 }