批量还原完整备份 :
declare @filepath nvarchar(50)
,@dbname varchar(500)
,@dbpath nvarchar(600)
,@dbnamefile nvarchar(500)
,@sqltxt nvarchar(max)
,@datafile nvarchar(500)
,@logfile nvarchar(500)
set @filepath = ‘d:\temp‘
create table #dbname (dbnamefile varchar(500))
create table #dbtmp(
LogicalName nvarchar(128),
PhysicalName nvarchar(260),
Type char(1),
FileGroupName nvarchar(128),
Size numeric(20,0),
MaxSize numeric(20,0),
FileId bigint,
CreateLSN numeric(25,0),
DropLSN numeric(25,0),
UniqueID uniqueidentifier,
ReadOnlyLSN numeric(25,0),
ReadWriteLSN numeric(25,0),
BackupSizeInBytes bigint,
SourceBlockSize int,
FileGroupID int,
LogGroupGUID uniqueidentifier,
DifferentialBaseLSN numeric(25,0),
DifferentialBaseGUID uniqueidentifier,
IsReadOnly bit,
IsPresent bit,
tdethumbprint varchar(50)
insert into #dbname
exec (‘xp_cmdshell ‘‘dir /b ‘+@filepath+‘‘‘‘)
--select * from #dbname
delete from #dbname
where dbnamefile not like ‘%.full‘ or dbnamefile is null
declare mycur cursor for select dbnamefile from #dbname
open mycur
fetch next from mycur into @dbnamefile
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
set @dbpath = @filepath + ‘\‘ + @dbnamefile
set @dbname = substring(@dbnamefile,1,CHARINDEX(‘_33_‘,@dbnamefile)-1)
print @dbpath
print @dbname
truncate table #dbtmp
set @sqltxt = ‘restore filelistonly from disk = ‘‘‘+@dbpath+‘‘‘‘
insert into #dbtmp
select @datafile = LogicalName from #dbtmp where Type = ‘d‘
select @logfile = LogicalName from #dbtmp where Type = ‘l‘
--set @sqltxt=‘Alter database [‘+@dbname+‘] set RESTRICTED_USER with rollback immediate‘
--exec (@sqltxt)
set @sqltxt = ‘restore database [‘+@dbname+‘] from disk = ‘‘‘+@dbpath+‘‘‘
with replace,norecovery,
move ‘‘‘+@datafile+‘‘‘ to ‘‘d:\database\‘+@datafile+‘.mdf‘‘,
move ‘‘‘+@logfile+‘‘‘ to ‘‘d:\database\‘+@logfile+‘.ldf‘‘
print @sqltxt
exec (@sqltxt)
fetch next from mycur into @dbnamefile
close mycur
deallocate mycur
drop table #dbname
drop table #dbtmp
declare @filepath nvarchar(50) ,@dbname varchar(500) ,@dbpath nvarchar(600) ,@dbnamefile nvarchar(500) ,@sqltxt nvarchar(max) ,@datafile nvarchar(500) ,@logfile nvarchar(500) set @filepath = ‘d:\temp‘ create table #dbname (dbnamefile varchar(500)) create table #dbtmp( LogicalName nvarchar(128), PhysicalName nvarchar(260), Type char(1), FileGroupName nvarchar(128), Size numeric(20,0), MaxSize numeric(20,0), FileId bigint, CreateLSN numeric(25,0), DropLSN numeric(25,0), UniqueID uniqueidentifier, ReadOnlyLSN numeric(25,0), ReadWriteLSN numeric(25,0), BackupSizeInBytes bigint, SourceBlockSize int, FileGroupID int, LogGroupGUID uniqueidentifier, DifferentialBaseLSN numeric(25,0), DifferentialBaseGUID uniqueidentifier, IsReadOnly bit, IsPresent bit, tdethumbprint varchar(50) ) insert into #dbname exec (‘xp_cmdshell ‘‘dir /b ‘+@filepath+‘‘‘‘) --select * from #dbname delete from #dbname where dbnamefile not like ‘%.diff‘ or dbnamefile is null declare mycur cursor for select dbnamefile from #dbname open mycur fetch next from mycur into @dbnamefile while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin set @dbpath = @filepath + ‘\‘ + @dbnamefile set @dbname = substring(@dbnamefile,1,CHARINDEX(‘_33_‘,@dbnamefile)-1) print @dbpath print @dbname --truncate table #dbtmp --set @sqltxt = ‘restore filelistonly from disk = ‘‘‘+@dbpath+‘‘‘‘ --insert into #dbtmp --exec(@sqltxt) --select @datafile = LogicalName from #dbtmp where Type = ‘d‘ --select @logfile = LogicalName from #dbtmp where Type = ‘l‘ set @sqltxt = ‘restore database [‘+@dbname+‘] from disk = ‘‘‘+@dbpath+‘‘‘ with norecovery ‘ print @sqltxt -- exec (@sqltxt) fetch next from mycur into @dbnamefile end close mycur deallocate mycur drop table #dbname drop table #dbtmp
create table #logname (logfile varchar(500)) create table #logname_l(logfile nvarchar(500),no bigint) declare @filepath varchar(500), @logfile varchar(500) ,@logpath varchar(500) ,@dbname varchar(500) ,@sqltxt varchar(max) set @filepath = ‘D:\temp‘ insert into #logname exec (‘xp_cmdshell ‘‘dir /b ‘+@filepath+‘ *.trn‘‘‘) insert into #logname_l(logfile,no) select logfile,replace(replace(SUBSTRING(logfile,charindex(‘_No‘,logfile),22),‘_no‘,‘‘),‘.trn‘,‘‘) as no from #logname where logfile like ‘%.trn‘ declare mycur cursor for select logfile from #logname_l order by no asc open mycur fetch next from mycur into @logfile while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin set @dbname = SUBSTRING(@logfile, 1, CHARINDEX(‘_no‘,@logfile)-1) set @logpath = @filepath + ‘\‘ + @logfile set @sqltxt = ‘restore log [‘+@dbname+‘] from disk = ‘‘‘+@logpath+‘‘‘ with norecovery‘ print @sqltxt exec(@sqltxt) fetch next from mycur into @logfile end close mycur deallocate mycur drop table #logname drop table #logname_l