nuxt官网:Nuxt.js docs
github: 项目地址
package | 版本号 |
"babel-cli" | "^6.26.0" |
"babel-preset-es2015" | "^6.24.1" |
"cross-env" | "^5.2.0" |
"element-ui" | "^2.4.11" |
"koa" | "^2.6.2" |
"node-sass" | "^4.11.0" |
"nuxt" | "^2.4.0" |
"sass-loader" | "^7.1.0" |
"nodemon" | "^1.18.9" |
# install dependencies
$ npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev
# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm start
# generate static project
$ npm run generate
目录 | 说明 |
assets | 资源目录 |
components | 组件 |
layout | 布局 |
middleware | 中间件 |
pages | 页面组件 |
plugins | 插件 |
server | koa目录 |
static | 静态文件 |
store | Vuex状态管理 |
nuxt.config.js | nuxt的个性化配置 |