Azure Function Runtime版本和IP输出格式问题
computeClient.virtualMachines.listAll(function (err, result) {
if (err) {
context.log(util.format(‘List all vms under the current subscription. \n%s‘, util.inspect(err, { depth: null })));
var listVmErrorInfo = [];
‘status_code‘: ‘1‘,
‘status_info‘: ‘Failed to list VMs.‘,
‘error_info‘: err
var listVmErrorInfoJson = JSON.stringify(listVmErrorInfo);
var vmInfo = listVmErrorInfoJson.substring(1, listVmErrorInfoJson.length-1);
// Added Section B
context.res = {
body : JSON.parse(vmInfo)
else {
context.log(util.format(‘List all vms for the current subscription. \n%s‘, util.inspect(result, { depth: null })));
var virtualMachinesJson = JSON.stringify(result);
var virtualMachines = JSON.parse(virtualMachinesJson);
var vms = [];
var count = ‘‘;
count = virtualMachines.length;
for (var i=0; i<virtualMachines.length; i++) {
virtualMachineName = virtualMachines[i].name;
VirtualMachineId = virtualMachines[i].id.split(‘/‘);
resourceGroupName = VirtualMachineId[4];
networkClient.publicIPAddresses.list(resourceGroupName, function (err, result){
context.log(‘-------------Get IP Addresses---------------‘);
if (err) {
context.log(util.format(‘\nGets all public IP addresses in a resource group.:\n%s‘, util.inspect(err, { depth: null })));
} else {
var publicIpAddressJson = JSON.stringify(result);
var publicIpAddressString = JSON.parse(publicIpAddressJson);
for (var i=0; i<publicIpAddressString.length; i++) {
publicIpAddress = publicIpAddressString[i].ipAddress;
context.log(‘=================Public IP address:‘+publicIpAddress);
//context.log(‘=================Public IP address:‘+publicIpAddress);
// Added Section A
‘count‘: count,
‘status_code‘: ‘0‘,
‘status_info‘: ‘Get VMs information successfully‘,
‘virtualMachineInfo‘: virtualMachines,
‘ipAddress_Test‘: publicIpAddress
var vmsJson = JSON.stringify(vms);
vmInfo = vmsJson.substring(1, vmsJson.length-1);
// Added Section B
context.res = {
body : JSON.parse(vmInfo)
// Removed Section A
// Removed Section B
basic sample translation:
module.exports = async function (context, req) {
if (1) {
// Declares variables
//login in azure using the service principal
try {
const authResponse = await msRestAzure.loginWithServicePrincipalSecret(clientId, secret, domain)
let credentials = authResponse.credentials;
let subscriptions = authResponse.subscriptions;
// success code with other
// This is the same as context.done()... see docs for details:
} catch (err) {
// the "if err" code
var loginErrorInfo = [];
// ...
// etc.
// this is the same as context.done(err);
throw err;
Azure Function Runtime版本和IP输出格式问题