1. python读取Excel单元格
__author__ = ‘sitong‘ # !_*_coding:utf-8_*_ import xlrd apply_dic = [] def get_excel(): with xlrd.open_workbook(r‘D:\0325.xlsx‘) as workbook : name_sheets = workbook.sheet_names() #获取Excel的sheet表列表,存储是sheet表名 for index in name_sheets: #for 循环读取每一个sheet表的内容 sheet_info = workbook.sheet_by_name(index) #根据表名获取表中的所有内容,sheet_info也是列表,列表中的值是每个单元格里值 first_line = sheet_info.row_values(0) #获取首行,我这里的首行是表头,我打算用表头作为字典的key,每一行数据对应表头的value,每一行组成一个字典 values_merge_cell = merge_cell(sheet_info) #这里是调用处理合并单元格的函数 for i in range(1, sheet_info.nrows): #开始为组成字典准备数据 other_line = sheet_info.row_values(i) for key in values_merge_cell.keys(): if key[0] == i: other_line[key[1]] = values_merge_cell[key] #print(other_line) dic = list_dic(first_line,other_line) #调用组合字典的函数,传入key和value,字典生成 apply_dic.append(dic) return apply_dic def list_dic(list1,list2): ‘‘‘ two lists merge a dict,a list as key,other list as value :param list1:key :param list2:value :return:dict ‘‘‘ dic = dict(map(lambda x,y:[x,y], list1,list2)) return dic def merge_cell(sheet_info): ‘‘‘ #handle Merge transverse cells and handle Merge Vertical Cells, assign empty cells, :param rlow:row, include row exclusive of row_range :param rhigh:row_range :param clow:col, include col exclusive of col_range :param chigh:col_range :param sheet_info:object of sheet :return:dic contain all of empty cells value ‘‘‘ merge = {} merge_cells = sheet_info.merged_cells for (rlow, rhigh, clow, chigh) in merge_cells: value_mg_cell = sheet_info.cell_value(rlow, clow) if rhigh-rlow == 1: # Merge transverse cells for n in range(chigh-clow-1): merge[(rlow, clow+n+1)] = value_mg_cell elif chigh-clow == 1: # Merge Vertical Cells for n in range(rhigh-rlow-1): merge[(rlow+n+1, clow)] = value_mg_cell return merge if __name__ == ‘__main__‘: get_excel()