首先,方格中的数字,我们只能够取一次,于是我们可以考虑对每个点$x$进行拆点,拆分为“入点”与“出点”,分别记为$x‘$和$x‘‘$,然后连一条边,即$x‘\xrightarrow{flow=1,cost=a_{i,j}} x‘‘$,其中$a_{i,j}$表示每个点的数字,限制经过每个点获取的数字。
//Luogu P2045
//Solution: EK Network Flow, Minimum Cost Maximum Flow
//Written by MaxDYF
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int NODE = 1000000;
const int EDGE = 1000000;
const int inf = 1e9;
//Index of Edge
struct Edge{
int to, nxt, flow, cost;
}edge[EDGE << 1];
int head[NODE], cnt = 1;
//Indexs of EK Network Flow
int flow[NODE];
int cost[NODE];
int pre[NODE]; //record the last NODE of the present NODE in the road.
int last[NODE];//record the last EDGE of the present NODE.
//The Start and End
int S, T;
//The Indexs to record result
int maxflow, mincost;
//Something for SPFA
bool vis[NODE];
queue<int> que;
//The functions
void add(int, int, int, int);
bool spfa();
void work();
//All the things above here are about the Network Flow.
//And the things under here are about the Problem.
int a[60][60];//record the map
//They are for Spliting NODEs
int start[60][60];
int end[60][60];
//main function
int main()
int n, k, cnt = 1;
cin >> n >> k;
//set the Start and the End
S = 0;
T = 2 * n * n + 1;
for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
for(int j = 1; j <= n; ++j)
cin >> a[i][j];
a[i][j] = -a[i][j];
//One of the MOST IMPORTANT things: split each NODE into 2 NODEs
start[i][j] = ++cnt;
end[i][j] = ++cnt;
//In this problem, the "cost" is refer to the Price of the Node.
//So we have to get the "Max 'Cost'" instead of "Min 'Cost'".
//To achieve our goal, we can turn the "cost"
//to its opposite number.
//And get the opposite number of the answer.
for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
for(int j = 1; j <= n; ++j)
//Add edge for these two NODEs
add(start[i][j], end[i][j], 1, a[i][j]);
//set the Flow of the Edge between them to 1
//to make sure that the Number can only be taken once.
add(start[i][j], end[i][j], inf, 0);
//to make sure that this Node can be walked many times.
if(i < n)
add(end[i][j], start[i+1][j], inf, 0);
if(j < n)
add(end[i][j], start[i][j+1], inf, 0);
//just means they are connected,
//and can't get any "cost"(or price) any more.
add(S, start[1][1], k, 0);
add(end[n][n], T, k, 0);
//make sure there are only "k" roads being collected.
cout << -mincost;
bool spfa()
memset(vis, 0, sizeof vis);
memset(flow, 0x3f, sizeof flow);
memset(cost, 0x3f, sizeof cost);
cost[S] = 0;
pre[T] = -1;
vis[S] = 1;
//main work of SPFA
while (!que.empty())
int x = que.front();
vis[x] = 0;
for (int i = head[x]; i; i = edge[i].nxt)
int y = edge[i].to;
//if the present node is not the CHEAPEST
if((cost[y] > cost[x] + edge[i].cost) && (edge[i].flow > 0))
//update the node
//and its "pre" and "last"
cost[y] = cost[x] + edge[i].cost;
flow[y] = min(flow[x], edge[i].flow);
pre[y] = x;
last[y] = i;
vis[y] = 1;
return pre[T] != -1;
void add(int x, int y, int flow, int cost)
edge[++cnt] = Edge{y, head[x], flow, cost};
head[x] = cnt;
edge[++cnt] = Edge{x, head[y], 0, -cost};
head[y] = cnt;
void work()
//EK Network Flow Algorithm
//Nothing worth saying.
//Isn't it?
//If you can't understand it,
//you'd better learn The EK Algorithm first.
maxflow += flow[T];
mincost += flow[T] * cost[T];
int now = T;
while(now != S)
edge[last[now]].flow -= flow[T];
edge[last[now] ^ 1].flow += flow[T];
now = pre[now];