/************************************************************************* * STRUCT * syscomp_info_struct * * DESCRIPTION * The structure defines component task configuration information * * FIELDS * comp_name_ptr - pointer to component task name * comp_qname_ptr - pointer to component task‘s external queue name * comp_priority - component task‘s priority * comp_stack_size - component task‘s stack size * comp_ext_qsize - component task‘s external queue size * comp_int_qsize - component task‘s internal queue size * comp_create_func- component entity‘s create function * * GLOBALS AFFECTED * *************************************************************************/ typedef struct { kal_char *comp_name_ptr;//<Task名称 kal_char *comp_qname_ptr;//<外部队列名称 kal_uint32 comp_priority;//<Task优先级 kal_uint32 comp_stack_size;//<Task堆栈大小 kal_create_func_ptr comp_create_func;//<创建Task的入口函数,返回kal_bool类型,要求参数为comptask_handler_struct **,定义见下方。 kal_bool comp_internal_ram_stack;//<暂不知道作何用处,一般为KAL_FALSE kal_uint8 comp_ext_qsize;//<外部队列大小 kal_uint8 comp_int_qsize;//<内部队列大小 kal_uint8 comp_boot_mode; } comptask_info_struct;
/************************************************************************* * STRUCT * syscomp_info_struct * * DESCRIPTION * The structure defines component task configuration information * * FIELDS * comp_entry_func - component task‘s entry function * comp_cfg_func - component task‘s configurantion handler * comp_init_func - component task‘s initialization handler * comp_reset_func - component task‘s reset handler * comp_end_func - component task‘s termination handler * comp_modmain_func - component task‘s module main handler * * GLOBALS AFFECTED * *************************************************************************/ typedef struct { kal_task_func_ptr comp_entry_func;//<主函数,实现为一个消息循环 task_init_func_ptr comp_init_func;//<初始化函数 task_cfg_func_ptr comp_cfg_func;//<配置函数 task_reset_func_ptr comp_reset_func;//<重置函数 task_end_func_ptr comp_end_func;//<Task结束时调用 } comptask_handler_struct; typedef kal_bool (*kal_create_func_ptr)(comptask_handler_struct **);
const comptask_info_struct sys_comp_config_tbl[RPS_TOTAL_STACK_TASKS] = { #include "hal_task_config.h" #include "app_task_config.h" };
#define task_name(p1) {p1, #define task_queue_name(p1) p1, #define task_priority(p1) p1, #define task_stack_size(p1) (p1 + TASK_STACK_COMMON_PLUS), #define null_task_create_entry(p1) (kal_create_func_ptr)TASK_NO_CREATE_PATTERN, #define task_create_function(p1) p1, #define task_stack_internalRAM(p1) p1, #define task_external_queue_size(p1) p1, #define task_internal_queue_size(p1) p1, #define task_boot_mode(p1) p1},
/*************************Task CFG Begin****************/ /*task_indx_type*/ task_index(INDX_MMI) /*module_type and mod_task_g*/ #ifdef WISDOM_MMI /* under construction !*/ /* under construction !*/ #else task_module_map(INDX_MMI, MOD_MMI) #endif /* MOD_MMI is used by HAL file, please don‘t delete or modify it */ /*task‘s parameters*/ task_name("MMI") task_queue_name("MMI Q") task_priority(TASK_PRIORITY_MMI) #if defined(NEPTUNE_MMI) #if defined(__LOW_COST_SUPPORT_ULC__) task_stack_size(3072) #else /* __LOW_COST_SUPPORT_ULC__ */ task_stack_size(4096) #endif /* __LOW_COST_SUPPORT_ULC__ */ #else /* Default value */ #if defined(WISDOM_MMI) #if defined(OPERA_BROWSER) /* MMI: + 4 KB */ /* under construction !*/ #else /* under construction !*/ #endif #else /* WISDOM_MMI */ #ifdef __MOBILE_VIDEO_SUPPORT__ task_stack_size(20480) #else #if defined(__MRE_PACKAGE_FULL__) || defined(__MRE_PACKAGE_NORMAL__) task_stack_size(16348) /* MRE APP opera need 16KB */ #elif defined(OPERA_BROWSER) /* MMI: + 4 KB */ task_stack_size(10240) #else task_stack_size(6144) #endif #endif #endif /* WISDOM_MMI */ #endif /* NEPTUNE_MMI */ #ifdef MMI_NOT_PRESENT null_task_create_entry(NULL) #elif !defined(WISDOM_MMI) task_create_function(mmi_create) #else /* under construction !*/ #endif task_stack_internalRAM(KAL_FALSE) #if defined(WISDOM_MMI) /* under construction !*/ /* under construction !*/ #else #if (defined(__GEMINI__)) && (GEMINI_PLUS >= 4) /* under construction !*/ #else task_external_queue_size(30) #endif task_internal_queue_size(0) #endif task_boot_mode(NORMAL_M | USB_M) /*************************Task CFG END******************/
/***************************************************************************** * FUNCTION * mmi_create * DESCRIPTION * MMI task create function for system service. * PARAMETERS * handle [IN] * a(?) [IN/OUT] Handle: provide the create task related routine function. * RETURNS * The result is ok or not. *****************************************************************************/ kal_bool mmi_create(comptask_handler_struct **handle) { /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Local Variables */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static comptask_handler_struct mmi_handler_info = { MMI_task, /* task entry function */ MMI_Init, /* task initialization function */ NULL, NULL, /* task reset handler */ NULL, /* task termination handler */ }; /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Code Body */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ *handle = &mmi_handler_info; return KAL_TRUE; }
/* NOTE: User must take care about the usage of this API, if the message is sent to the same task, the message will be sent to internal queue, task must process the internal queue. Otherwise, internal queue will full. */ #define SEND_ILM( src_mod, dest_mod, sap, ilm_ptr)\ { ilm_ptr->src_mod_id = src_mod; ilm_ptr->dest_mod_id = dest_mod; ilm_ptr->sap_id = sap; if (mod_task_g[src_mod] == mod_task_g[dest_mod]) { msg_send_int_queue(ilm_ptr); } else { msg_send_ext_queue(ilm_ptr); } }