- Bokeh允许你通过简单的指令就可以快速创建复杂的统计图,
- Bokeh提供到各种媒体,如HTML,Notebook文档和服务器的输出
- ·我们也可以将Bokeh可视化嵌入flask和django程序
- Bokeh可以转换写在其它库(如matplotlib, seaborn和ggplot)中的可视化
- ·Bokeh能灵活地将交互式应用、布局和不同样式选择用于可视化
- 图表(Charts):一个高级接口(high-level interface),用以简单快速地建立复杂的统计图表。
- 绘图(Plotting):一个中级接口(intermediate-level interface),以构建各种视觉符号为核心。
- 模块(Models):一个低级接口(low-level interface),为应用程序开发人员提供最大的灵活性。
The full list of sections for all the modules in Bokeh is accessible from the sidebar to the left. Listed below are a few selected sections that may be especially useful.
- bokeh.models
- Everything that comprises a Bokeh plot or application—tools, controls, glyphs, data sources—is a Bokeh Model. Bokeh models are configured by setting values their various properties. This large section has a reference for every Bokeh model, including information about every property of each model.
- bokeh.plotting
- The
API is centered around the figure()
command, and the associated glyph functions such as circle()
, wedge()
, etc. This section has detailed information on these elements. - bokeh.layouts
- The simplest way to combine multiple Bokeh plots and controls in a single document is to use the layout functions such as
, column()
, etc. from the bokeh.layouts
module. - bokeh.io
- Functions for controlling where and how Bokeh documents are saved or shown, such as
, output_notebook()
, and others are in this module. - bokeh.palettes
- This section provides visual representations of all the palettes built into Bokeh.
- bokeh.settings
- All Bokeh-related environment variables, which can be used to control things like resources, minification, and log levels, are documented here.
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