#who is this?
[ ${UID} -ne 0 ] && (echo "must is root";exit 1)
#View memory frequency
/usr/sbin/dmidecode|awk ‘$1~/Speed/&& $2~/[0-9][0-9]/{print "Memory Frequency:",$2}‘|uniq
#View maximum supported memory
/usr/sbin/dmidecode|awk ‘/Maximum Capacity/{print }‘|sed ‘s/^.//g‘
#View number of memory slots
/usr/sbin/dmidecode|awk ‘$1~/Size/{print|"wc -l"}‘|awk ‘{print "Number of memory slots:",$1}‘
#View maximum memory
/usr/sbin/dmidecode|grep -P -A5 "Memory\s+Device"|grep Size|egrep -v ‘Range|No‘|uniq|awk ‘{print "Single memory:",$2,$3}‘
#View Number of cpu cores
cat /proc/cpuinfo|awk ‘$1=="processor"{print|"wc -l"}‘|awk ‘{print "Number of cpu cores:",$1}‘
#Cpu model
cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep ‘model name‘|uniq|cut -d":" -f2|awk ‘{print "Cpu model:",$0}‘
#View HDD or SSD
df -h|grep ‘^/dev‘|awk ‘{print "hard disk space",$2,$4,$6}‘
#View Motherboard model
/usr/sbin/dmidecode|grep ‘Product Name‘|awk ‘$3!="System"{print "Motherboard model:" $3,$4,$5,$6,$7}‘
Memory Frequency: 1333 #内存频率
Maximum Capacity: 8 GB #最大内存支持
Number of memory slots: 2 #内存槽数量
Single memory: 4096 MB #单根插槽支持多大内存
Number of cpu cores: 4 #CPU核心数量
Cpu model: AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 640 Processor #CPU型号
hard disk space 108G 32G / #磁盘分区信息
hard disk space 297M 16M /boot #磁盘分区信息
Motherboard model:M5A78L-M LX #主板型号
ssh root@xxxxxx < 脚本名称 来执行