#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; // 抽象类,定义处理请求的接口 class Logger { public: static const int DEBUG = 1; static const int NOTICE = 2; static const int ERR = 3; // 设置责任链下一个成员 void setNext(Logger *log) { next = log; } // 根据优先级决定处理消息或传递给下一个处理者 void message(string msg, int priority) { if (priority <= mask) writeMessage(msg); else if (next != NULL) next->message(msg, priority); } protected: int mask; // The next element in the chain of responsibility Logger *next; virtual void writeMessage(string msg) = 0; }; // 具体处理者 class StdoutLogger : public Logger { public: StdoutLogger(int m) { mask = m; } protected: void writeMessage(string msg) { cout << "Writting to stdout: " << msg << endl; } }; // 具体处理者 class EmailLogger : public Logger { public: EmailLogger(int m) { mask = m; } protected: void writeMessage(string msg) { cout << "Sending via email: " << msg << endl; } }; // 具体处理者 class StderrLogger : public Logger { public: StderrLogger(int m) { mask = m; } protected: void writeMessage(string msg) { cout << "Sending to stderr: " << msg << endl; } }; int main() { Logger *log1 = new StdoutLogger(Logger::DEBUG); Logger *log2 = new EmailLogger(Logger::NOTICE); Logger *log3 = new StderrLogger(Logger::ERR); // Build the chain of responsibility log1->setNext(log2); log2->setNext(log3); // Handled by StdoutLogger log1->message("Hello world.", Logger::DEBUG); // Handled by EmailLogger log1->message("Sending a Email.", Logger::NOTICE); // Handled by StderrLogger log1->message("An error has occurred.", Logger::ERR); system("pause"); return 0; }