oh-my-zsh: https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh
终极 Shell——Zsh: https://linuxtoy.org/archives/zsh.html
Linux终极shell-Z Shell--用强大的zsh & oh-my-zsh把Bash换掉: https://blog.csdn.net/gatieme/article/details/52741221
xinchen@ubuntu:~$ cat /etc/shells
# /etc/shells: valid login shells
sudo apt-get install zsh
# usermod命令用于修改用户的基本信息
# usermod -G staff newuser2 (将newuser2添加到组staff中)
# usermod -l newuser1 newuser (修改newuser的用户名为newuser1)
# usermod -L newuser1 (锁定账号newuser1)
# usermod -U newuser1 (解除对newuser1的锁定)
sudo usermod -s /bin/ash $USERNAME
# or
chsh -s /bin/zsh
chsh -s `which zsh`
# 切换回bash
chsh -s /bin/bash
Oh My Zsh is installed by running one of the following commands in your terminal. You can install this via the command-line with either curl
or wget
# curl
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
# wget
sh -c "$(wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh -O -)"
# The default location is ~/.oh-my-zsh (hidden in your home directory)
export ZSH="$HOME/.dotfiles/oh-my-zsh"; sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
# git clone
git clone git://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh.git ~/.oh-my-zsh
# 备份已有的zshrc, 替换zshrc, 至此可直接使用
cp ~/.zshrc ~/.zshrc.orig
cp ~/.oh-my-zsh/templates/zshrc.zsh-template ~/.zshrc
# 直接使用脚本安装
cd oh-my-zsh/tools
# Once you find a theme that you'd like to use, you will need to edit the ~/.zshrc file. You'll see an environment variable (all caps) in there that looks like:
# If you're feeling feisty, you can let the computer select one randomly for you each time you open a new terminal window.
ZSH_THEME="random" # (...please let it be pie... please be some pie..)
# And if you want to pick random theme from a list of your favorite themes:
# ~/.zshrc
plugins=(git encode64 urltools)
# By default, you will be prompted to check for upgrades every few weeks. If you would like oh-my-zsh to automatically upgrade itself without prompting you, set the following in your ~/.zshrc:
# To disable automatic upgrades, set the following in your ~/.zshrc:
# If you'd like to upgrade at any point in time (maybe someone just released a new plugin and you don't want to wait a week?) you just need to run:
If you want to uninstall oh-my-zsh
, just run uninstall_oh_my_zsh
from the command-line. It will remove itself and revert your previous bash
or zsh