1、init nextJs project
npm init
npm install react react-dom next
config script in package.json
"dev": "next" "start": "next start" "build": "next build"
npm run dev
result: 404 page not found
2、index.js entry file
export default () => <span>hello react next<span>
result: hello react next
3、koa server
npm install koa koa-router
const Koa = require(‘koa‘); const next = require(‘next‘); const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production"; //创建next app处于开发状态 const app = next({ dev }); const handle = app.getRequestHandler(); //页面加载编译完成后在处理请求 app.prepare().then(() => { const server = new Koa(); //中间件的使用 server.use(async (context, next) => { //request,response,req,res;await next() 执行下一个中间件 await handle(context.req, context.res); context.respond = false; }); server.listen(3000, () => { console.log("koa server listening on 3000") }) })
update script
"dev": "node server.js"
4、next with antd and css
npm install antd @zeit/next-css babel-plugin-import
for css config next.config.js
const withCss = require(‘@zeit/next-css‘); if (typeof require !== ‘undefined‘) { require.extensions[‘.css‘] = file => {} } module.exports = withCss({})
for antd config .babelrc
{ "presets": ["next/babel"], "plugins": [ [ "import", { "libraryName": "antd", "style": "css" } ] ] }
test valid
import App from "next/app"; import "antd/dist/antd.css"; export default App
update index.js
import { Button } from "antd"; export default () => <Button type="primary">hello world</Button>
react: nextJs koa project basic structure