a = {} for i = 1,100 do a[i] = 0 end print("The length of array ‘a‘ is " .. #a) squares = {1, 4, 9, 16, 25} print("The length of array ‘a‘ is " .. #squares)
local N = 3 local M = 3 mt = {} for i = 1,N do mt[i] = {} for j = 1,M do mt[i][j] = i * j end end mt = {} for i = 1, N do for j = 1, M do mt[(i - 1) * M + j] = i * j end end
list = nil for i = 1, 10 do list = { next = list ,value = i} end local l = list while l do --print(l.value) l = end
List = {} --创建 function return {first = 0,last = -1} end --队列头插入 function List.pushFront(list,value) local first = list.first - 1 list.first = first list[first] = value end --队列尾插入 function List.popFront(list) local first = list.first if first > list.last then error("List is empty") end local value = list[first] list[first] = nil list.first = first + 1 return value end function List.popBack(list) local last = list.last if list.first > last then error("List is empty") end local value = list[last] list[last] = nil list.last = last - 1 return value end --测试代码 local testList = {first = 0,last = -1} local tableTest = 12 List.pushFront(testList,tableTest) print( List.popFront(testList))
local stackMng = {} stackMng.__index = stackMng function stackMng:new() local temp = {} setmetatable(temp,stackMng) return temp end function stackMng:init() self.stackList = {} end function stackMng:reset() self:init() end function stackMng:clear() self.stackList = {} end function stackMng:pop() if #self.stackList == 0 then return end if self.stackList[1] then print(self.stackList[1]) end return table.remove(self.stackList,1) end function stackMng:push(t) table.insert(self.stackList,t) end function stackMng:Count() return #self.stackList end --测试代码 object = stackMng:new() object:init() object:push(1) object:pop()
reserved = { ["while"] = true, ["end"] = true, ["function"] = true, ["local"] = true, } for k,v in pairs(reserved) do print(k,"->",v) end