在java的动态代理机制中,有两个重要的类或接口,一个是 InvocationHandler(Interface)、另一个则是 Proxy(Class),这一个类和接口是实现我们动态代理所必须用到的。首先我们先来看看java的API帮助文档是怎么样对这两个类进行描述的:
/** * {@code InvocationHandler} is the interface implemented by * the <i>invocation handler</i> of a proxy instance. * * <p>Each proxy instance has an associated invocation handler. * When a method is invoked on a proxy instance, the method * invocation is encoded and dispatched to the {@code invoke} * method of its invocation handler. * * @author Peter Jones * @see Proxy * @since 1.3 */
代理对象的invocation handler必须要实现InvocationHandler接口。
每个代理对象都有一个与之关联的invocation handler。当通过代理对象调用一个方法时,这个方法会调用invocation handler的invoke方法。
/** * Processes a method invocation on a proxy instance and returns * the result. This method will be invoked on an invocation handler * when a method is invoked on a proxy instance that it is * associated with. * * @param proxy the proxy instance that the method was invoked on * * @param method the {@code Method} instance corresponding to * the interface method invoked on the proxy instance. The declaring * class of the {@code Method} object will be the interface that * the method was declared in, which may be a superinterface of the * proxy interface that the proxy class inherits the method through. * * @param args an array of objects containing the values of the * arguments passed in the method invocation on the proxy instance, * or {@code null} if interface method takes no arguments. * Arguments of primitive types are wrapped in instances of the * appropriate primitive wrapper class, such as * {@code java.lang.Integer} or {@code java.lang.Boolean}. * * @return the value to return from the method invocation on the * proxy instance. */ public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable;
/** * {@code Proxy} provides static methods for creating dynamic proxy * classes and instances, and it is also the superclass of all * dynamic proxy classes created by those methods. */
/** * Returns an instance of a proxy class for the specified interfaces * that dispatches method invocations to the specified invocation * handler. * * @param loader the class loader to define the proxy class * @param interfaces the list of interfaces for the proxy class * to implement * @param h the invocation handler to dispatch method invocations to * @return a proxy instance with the specified invocation handler of a * proxy class that is defined by the specified class loader * and that implements the specified interfaces */ @CallerSensitive public static Object newProxyInstance(ClassLoader loader, Class<?>[] interfaces, InvocationHandler h) throws IllegalArgumentException {..........}
方法返回一个基于参数中接口的代理对象,该代理对象会将方法调用发送到指定的invocation handler上。看一下该方法的三个参数:
先通过Proxy类的newProxyInstance获取代理对象,然后基于该代理对象的方法调用会触发与该代理对象关联的invocation handler中的invoke方法。
public interface Subject { void getNews(); void hello(String str); }
public class RealSubject implements Subject { @Override public void getNews() { System.out.println("北京要实行垃圾分类了"); } @Override public void hello(String str) { System.out.println("hello:" + str); } }
public class ProxyFactory{ //真实对象 private Object realObj; public ProxyFactory(Object realObj){ this.realObj = realObj; } /*获取代理对象*/ public Object getProxyInstance(){ Object proxyInstance = Proxy.newProxyInstance(realObj.getClass().getClassLoader(), realObj.getClass().getInterfaces(), new InvocationHandleImpl()); System.out.println("获取到的代理对象:" + proxyInstance.getClass().getName()); return proxyInstance; } //InvocationHandler的实现 class InvocationHandleImpl implements InvocationHandler{ @Override public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { System.out.println("invoke中的代理对象:" + proxy.getClass().getName()); //在代理真实对象之前添加一些自己的操作 System.out.println("===before"); System.out.println("method:" + method); Object invokeResult = method.invoke(realObj, args); //在代理真实对象之后添加一些自己的操作 System.out.println("===after"); return invokeResult; } } }
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { Subject realSubject = new RealSubject(); ProxyFactory proxyFactory = new ProxyFactory(realSubject); //获取代理对象 Subject proxyInstance = (Subject) proxyFactory.getProxyInstance(); //基于代理对象的方法调用 proxyInstance.getNews(); proxyInstance.hello("动态代理"); } }
获取到的代理对象:com.sun.proxy.$Proxy0 invoke中的代理对象:com.sun.proxy.$Proxy0 ===before method:public abstract void com.hy.spring.service.Subject.getNews() 北京要实行垃圾分类了 ===after invoke中的代理对象:com.sun.proxy.$Proxy0 ===before method:public abstract void com.hy.spring.service.Subject.hello(java.lang.String) hello:动态代理 ===after
可以看到返回的代理对象的类名是:com.sun.proxy.$Proxy0,和invocation handler中invoke方法的参数proxy是同一个代理对象
Proxy.newProxyInstance 创建的代理对象是在jvm运行时动态生成的一个对象,它并不是我们的InvocationHandler类型,也不是我们定义的那组接口的类型,而是在运行是动态生成的一个对象,并且命名方式都是这样的形式,以$开头,proxy为中,最后一个数字表示对象的标号。
在通过代理对象来调用真实对象的方法的时候,我们可以在该方法前后添加自己的一些操作,同时我们看到我们的这个 method 对象是这样的:
method:public abstract void com.hy.spring.service.Subject.getNews() method:public abstract void com.hy.spring.service.Subject.hello(java.lang.String)
正好就是我们的Subject接口中的两个方法,这也就证明了当通过代理对象来调用方法的时候,实际就是委托由其关联到的 invocation handler 对象的invoke方法中来调用,并不是自己来真实调用,而是通过代理的方式来调用的。这就是Java动态代理机制。