class Solution { public: vector<string> wordsAbbreviation(vector<string>& dict) { int n=dict.size(); vector<string> res(n); vector<int> prefix(n,0); //prefix[i] = to what index is the prefix for (int i=0;i<n;++i){ res[i] = abbrev(dict[i],prefix[i]); } for (int i=0;i<n;++i){ while (true){ vector<int> dupes; for (int j=i+1;j<n;++j){ if (res[i]==res[j]) dupes.push_back(j); } if (dupes.empty()) break; dupes.push_back(i); // add one more character for (int k:dupes){ res[k] = abbrev(dict[k],++prefix[k]); } } } return res; } string abbrev(string &word, int i){ // word[0~i] is prefix int len=word.size(); // prefix has i+1 char, plus one number, plus last char if ((i+1)+1+1 >= len) return word; return word.substr(0,i+1) + to_string(len-(i+1)-1) + word[len-1]; } };
内侧:j的for循环O(n) + k的for循环最多也是O(n) * abbrev的O(m)。
时间复杂度 O(m^2 * n^2)
Group + Longest Common Prefix
max { lcp(word[i],word[i-1]), lcp(word[i],word[i+1]) }
class Solution { public: vector<string> wordsAbbreviation(vector<string>& dict) { int n=dict.size(); unordered_map<string,vector<pair<string,int>>> m; // abbrev -> vector of (word,index) vector<string> res(n); // group by initial abbreviation for (int i=0;i<n;++i){ string word=dict[i]; string ab=abbrev(word,0); m[ab].push_back({word,i}); } for (const auto &x:m){ auto group=x.second; sort(group.begin(),group.end()); vector<int> prefix(group.size(),0); //prefix[i] = to what index is the prefix for (int i=1;i<group.size();++i){ int lcp=longestCommonPrefix(group[i-1].first,group[i].first); prefix[i] = lcp; prefix[i-1] = max(lcp,prefix[i-1]); } for (int i=0;i<group.size();++i){ res[group[i].second] = abbrev(group[i].first,prefix[i]); } } return res; } string abbrev(string &word, int i){ // word[0~i] is prefix int len=word.size(); // prefix has i+1 char, plus one number, plus last char if ((i+1)+1+1 >= len) return word; return word.substr(0,i+1) + to_string(len-(i+1)-1) + word[len-1]; } // return the number of longest common prefix int longestCommonPrefix(string a, string b){ int i=0; while (i<a.size() && i<b.size() && a[i]==b[i]) ++i; return i; } };
sort时间复杂度应该是 O(m*nlogn),nlogn次比较,每次比较两个长度为m的字符串要 O(m)。
Group + Trie
struct TrieNode{ int count; vector<TrieNode *> next; TrieNode():count(0),next(26,NULL){} }; class Solution { public: vector<string> wordsAbbreviation(vector<string>& dict) { int n=dict.size(); unordered_map<string,vector<pair<string,int>>> m; // abbrev -> vector of (word,index) vector<string> res(n); // group by initial abbreviation for (int i=0;i<n;++i){ string word=dict[i]; string ab=abbrev(word,0); m[ab].push_back({word,i}); } for (const auto &x:m){ auto group=x.second; TrieNode *root=new TrieNode(); for (pair<string,int> y:group){ string word=y.first; TrieNode *p=root; for (char ch:word){ if (p->next[ch-‘a‘]==NULL) p->next[ch-‘a‘] = new TrieNode(); p = p->next[ch-‘a‘]; ++p->count; } } for (pair<string,int> y:group){ string word=y.first; TrieNode *p=root; int i; for (i=0;i<word.size();++i){ p = p->next[word[i]-‘a‘]; if (p->count==1) break; // find distinct prefix } res[y.second] = abbrev(word,i); } } return res; } string abbrev(string &word, int i){ // word[0~i] is prefix int len=word.size(); // prefix has i+1 char, plus one number, plus last char if ((i+1)+1+1 >= len) return word; return word.substr(0,i+1) + to_string(len-(i+1)-1) + word[len-1]; } };
时间复杂度 O(mn)
LeetCode 527. Word Abbreviation