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Unity 2018 Cookbook (Matt Smith 著)

时间:2019-07-12 21:52:16      阅读:143      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

1. Displaying Data with Core UI Elements

2. Responding to User Events for Interactive UIs

3. Inventory UIs

4. Playing and Manipulating Sounds

5. Creating Textures, Maps, and Materials

6. Shader Graphs and Video Players

7. Using Cameras

8. Lights and Effects

9. 2D Animation

10. 3D Animation

11. Webserver Communication and Online Version-Control

12. Controlling and Choosing Positions

13. Navigation Meshes and Agents

14. Design Patterns

15. Editor Extensions and Immediate Mode GUI(IMGUI)

16. Working with External Resource Files and Devices

17. Working with Plain Text, XML, and JSON Text Files

18. Virtual Reality and Extra Features

19. Automated Testing


1. Displaying Data with Core UI Elements


  Displaying a "Hellow World" UI text message

  Displaying a digital clock

  Displaying a digital countdown timer

  Create a message that fades away

  Displaying a perspective 3D Text Mesh

  Creating sophisticated text with TextMeshPro

  Displaying an image

  Creating UIs with the Fungs open source dialog system

  Creating a Fungus character dialog with images

2. Responding to User Events for Interactive UIs


  Creating UI Buttons to move between scenes

  Animating button properties on mouse-over

  Organizing image panels and channing panel depths via buttons

  Displaying the value of an interactive UI Slider

  Displaying a countdown timer graphically with a UI Slider

  Setting custom mouse cursors for 2D and 3D GameObjects

  Setting custom mouse cursors for UI controls

  Interactive text entry with an Input Field

  Toggles and radio buttons via Toggle Groups

  Creating text and image icon UI Dropdown menus

  Displaying a radar to indicate the relative locations of objects

3. Inventory UIs


  Creating a simple 2D mini-game-SpaceGril

  Displaying single object pickups with carrying and not-carrying text

  Displaying single object pickups with carrying and not-carrying icons

  Displaying multiple pickups of the same object with multiple status icons

  Using panels to visually outline the inventory UI area and individual items

  Creating a C# inventory slot UI display scripted component

  Using UI Grid Layout Groups to automatically populate a panel

  Displaying multiple pickups of different objects as a list of text via a dynamic List<> of scripted PickUp objects

  Displaying multiple pickups of different objects as text totals via a dynamic Dictionary<> of PickUp objects and enum pickup types

4. Playing and Manipulating Sounds


  Playing different  one-off sound effects with a single AudioSource component

  Playing and controlling different sounds each with their own AudioSouce component

  Creating just-in-time AudioSource components at runtime through C# scripting

  Delaying before playing a sound

  Preventing an Audio Clip from restarting if it is already playing

  Waiting for the audio to finish playing before auto-destructing an object

  Creating a metronome through the precise scheduling of sounds with dspTime

  Matching the audio pitch to the animation speed

  Simulating acoustic environments with Reverb Zones

  Adding volume control with Audio Mixers

  Making a dynamic soundtrack with Snapshots

  Balancing in-game audio with Ducking

  Audio visualization from sample specdtral data

  Synchronizing simultaneous and sequential music to create a simple 140 bpm music-loop manager

5. Creating Textures, Maps, and Materials


  Creating a basic material with Standard Shader (Specular setup)

  Adapting a basic material from Specular setup to Metallic

  Applying Normal maps to a Material

  Adding Transparency and Emission maps to a material

  Highlighting materials at mouse-over

  Adding Detail maps to a material

  Fading the transparency of a material

6. Shader Graphs and Video Players


  Playing videos by manually adding a VideoPlayer component to a GameObject

  Using scripting to control video playback on scene textures

  Using scripting to play a sequence of videos back-to-back

  Creating and using a simple Shader Graph

  Creating a glow effect with Shader Graph

  Toggling a Shader Graph color glow effect through C# code

7. Using Cameras


  Creating the basic scene for this chapter

  Creating a picture-in-picture effect

  Swithcing between multiple cameras

  Making textures from screen content

  Zooming a telescopic camera

  Displaying a minimap

  Creating an in-game surveillance Camera

  Working with Unity‘s multi-purpose camera rig

  Using Cinemachine ClearShot to switch cameras to keep the player in shot

  Letting the player switch to a Cinemachine FreeLook camera

8. Lights and Effects


  Directional Light with cookie Texture to simulate a cloudy day

  Creating and applying a cookie texture to as spotlight

  Adding a custom Reflection map to a scene

  Creating a laser aim with a projector

  Enhancing the laser aim with a Line Renderer

  Setting up an environment with Procedural Skybox and Directional Light

  Reflecdting surrounding objects with Reflection Probes

  Using Material Emission to bake light from a glowing lamp onto scene objects

  Lighting a simple scene with Lightmaps and Light Probes

9. 2D Animation


  Flipping a sprite horizontally - the DIY approachj

  Flipping a sprite horizontally - using Animator State Chart and Transitions

  Animating body parts for character movement events

  Creating a three-frame animation clip to make a platform continually animate

  Making a platform start falling once stepped on using a Trigger to move animation from one state to another

  Creating animation clips from sprite sheet sequences

  Creating a platform game with Tiles and Tilemaps

  Creating a game with the 2D Gamekit

10. 3D Animation


  Configuring a character‘s Avatar and idle animation

  Moving your character with root motion and Blend Trees

  Mixing animations with Layers and Masks

  Organizing States into Sub-state Machiners

  Transforming the Character Controller vias scripts

  Adding rigid props to animated characters

  Using Animation Events to throw an object

  Applying Ragdoll physics to a character

  Rotating the character‘s torso to aim a weapon

  Creating geometry with Probuilder

  Creating a game with the 3D Gamekit

  Importing third-party 3D models and animations from Mixamo

11. Webserver Communication and Online Version-Control


  Setting up a leaderboard using PHP and a database

  Unity game communication with web-server leaderboard

  Creating and cloning a GitHub respository

  Adding a Unity project to a local Git respository, and pushing files up to GitHub

  Unity project version-control using GitHub for Unity

  Preventing your game from running on unknown servers

12. Controlling and Choosing Positions


  Player control of 2D GameObject (and limiting the movement  within a rectangle)

  Player control

13. Navigation Meshes and Agents


14. Design Patterns


15. Editor Extensions and Immediate Mode GUI(IMGUI)


16. Working with External Resource Files and Devices


17. Working with Plain Text, XML, and JSON Text Files


18. Virtual Reality and Extra Features


19. Automated Testing


Unity 2018 Cookbook (Matt Smith 著)


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