HeXH shared with us her relative centroid location code, an example, and several related documents in 2019/08/01 in Yunnan. The method has been developed in several recent publications.
Several main steps in the code include: 1. relative location of main and reference event; 2. CAP for main and relative event; 3. caluclate the backazimuthal vairation and determine the rupture direction.
The code manly includes three corresponding parts, which is documented in the readme file in detail.
The relative relocation code include the getsolv.sh, get3.awk, and solv3.awk, of which the getsolv.sh is the main code. The main equations used in the code seem to be,
$\left( \begin{matrix} 1 & \cos{\theta} & \sin{\theta} \\ \cos{\theta} & \cos^2{\theta} & \cos{\theta} \sin{\theta} \\ \sin{\theta} & \cos{\theta} \sin{\theta}& \sin^2{\theta} \end{matrix} \right) \left( \begin{matrix} \Delta T_{err} \\ \Delta X_{Lon} \\ \Delta X_{Lat} \end{matrix} \right) = \alpha \left( \begin{matrix} \Delta t \\ \Delta t \cos{\theta} \\ \Delta t \sin{\theta} \end{matrix} \right)$
Where $\theta$ is the azimuth angle of the main shock.
Use the cut-and-paste method (CAP) to determine the focal mechanism and time shift for each station for both the main shock and reference event.
The scripts include step1_rot_chdelta.sh, step2_fk.sh, and step3_cap.sh.
The file obtain in step1(newloc) is used by geneNewDist.sh to rewrite the header of the sac file
Least square to obtain the directivity, including do_directivity.sh and do_directivity_grid.sh. fit.f95 and fit_search.f95 are used here.
A note on the relative centroid location code