1、Auto_Build_EAS.bat @echo off @echo ------------------------- @echo Only change variables below set MSBuildDir=%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5 set BuildType=Release set WorkingSpace=D:\workingspace\projects\shgt_erp\trunk set SourceDir=%WorkingSpace%\02-Sources set SolutionDir=%SourceDir%\N-EAS set SolutionPath=%SolutionDir%\NI.EAS.All.sln set BinOutput=BinOutput rem cd to the folder of this command pushd %~dp0 @echo ------------------------- @echo Start to get latest and build NI.EAS.All solution @echo Remove old log files del logs\ /Q /S /F @echo ------------------------- @echo Get Lastest for %WorkingSpace% svn update %WorkingSpace% @echo Get Lastest Finished @echo ------------------------- @echo Clear BinOutput del %SolutionDir%\%BinOutput%\ /Q /S /F @echo Clear Binoutput Finished @echo ------------------------- @echo Building Start call %MSBuildDir%\msbuild %SolutionPath% /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=%BuildType% >> logs\NI.EAS.log @echo Building Finsihed @echo ------------------------- find "0 Error(s)" logs\NI.EAS.log && echo "no error" > logs\no_error.txt if exist logs\no_error.txt (goto succeed) else (goto failed) :succeed call Deploy.bat %SolutionDir% call Deploy_Jobs.bat %SourceDir% %BuildType% echo deploy succeed pause exit :failed echo deploy failed pause exit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2、Deploy.bat set SolutionDir=%1 set DestDir=D:\EAS set ServiceDir=%SolutionDir%\Service set ServiceDestDir=%DestDir%\Service set PortalDir=%SolutionDir%\Portal\NI.EAS.Presentation.Web set PortalDestDir=%DestDir%\NI.EAS.Presentation.Web set APIDir=%SolutionDir%\Portal\NI.EAS.Presentation.API set APIDestDir=%DestDir%\NI.EAS.Presentation.API @echo Backup the latest version del bak\ /Q /S /F xcopy %DestDir%\*.* bak\ /S /Y /exclude:skipFiles.txt @echo Copy to destination net stop w3svc xcopy %ServiceDir%\*.* %ServiceDestDir%\ /S /D /Y /exclude:skipFiles.txt xcopy %PortalDir%\*.* %PortalDestDir%\ /S /D /Y /exclude:skipFiles.txt xcopy %APIDir%\*.* %APIDestDir%\ /S /D /Y /exclude:skipFiles.txt net start w3svc iisreset /restart ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3、Auto_Build_Jobs.bat @echo off @echo ------------------------- @echo Only change variables below set MSBuildDir=%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5 set BuildType=Release set WorkingSpace=D:\workingspace\projects\shgt_erp\trunk set SourceDir=%WorkingSpace%\02-Sources set SolutionDir=%SourceDir%\N-EAS set SolutionPath=%SolutionDir%\NI.EAS.All.sln set BinOutput=BinOutput rem cd to the folder of this command pushd %~dp0 @echo ------------------------- @echo Start to get latest and build NI.EAS.All solution @echo Remove old log files del logs\ /Q /S /F @echo ------------------------- @echo Get Lastest for %WorkingSpace% svn update %WorkingSpace% @echo Get Lastest Finished @echo ------------------------- @echo Clear BinOutput del %SolutionDir%\%BinOutput%\ /Q /S /F @echo Clear Binoutput Finished @echo ------------------------- @echo Building Start call %MSBuildDir%\msbuild %SolutionPath% /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=%BuildType% >> logs\NI.EAS.log @echo Building Finsihed @echo ------------------------- find "0 Error(s)" logs\NI.EAS.log && echo "no error" > logs\no_error.txt if exist logs\no_error.txt (goto succeed) else (goto failed) :succeed call Deploy_Jobs.bat %SourceDir% %BuildType% echo compile succeed pause exit :failed echo compile failed pause exit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.Deploy_Jobs.bat set SourceDir=%1 set BuildType=%2 set FinancialJobDir=%SourceDir%\AutoInterfaceTask\InterfaceTask\TaskService\bin\%BuildType% set ScheduleJobDir=%SourceDir%\N-EAS\Jobs\NI.EAS.Jobs\bin\%BuildType% set FinancialJobDestDir=D:\ServiceRun\Debug set ScheduleJobDestDir=D:\Scheduler\bin\Release @echo Backup the latest version del bak_jobs\ /Q /S /F xcopy %FinancialJobDestDir%\*.* bak_jobs\ServiceRun\ /S /Y /exclude:skipFiles.txt xcopy %ScheduleJobDestDir%\*.* bak_jobs\Scheduler\ /S /Y /exclude:skipFiles.txt @echo Copy to destination rem net stop Finance rem xcopy %FinancialJobDir%\*.* %FinancialJobDestDir%\ /S /D /Y /exclude:skipFiles.txt rem net start Finance net stop ERPSchedluer xcopy %ScheduleJobDir%\*.* %ScheduleJobDestDir%\ /S /D /Y /exclude:skipFiles.txt net start ERPSchedluer