/*** overtwo.cpp ***/ #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Box { public: Box(double l = 2.0,double b = 2.0,double h = 2.0) { length = l; breadth = b; height = h; } double getVolume() { return length*breadth*height; } private: double length; double breadth; double height; friend Box operator+(const Box& a,const Box& b); }; Box operator+(const Box& a,const Box& b) { Box box; box.length = a.length+b.length; box.breadth = a.breadth+b.breadth; box.height = a.height + b.height; return box; } int main() { Box box1(3.3,1.2,1.5); Box box2(8.5,6.0,2.0); Box box3; double volume = 0.0; volume = box1.getVolume(); cout << "Volume of box1 : " << volume << endl; volume = box2.getVolume(); cout << "Volume of box2 : " << volume << endl; box3 = box1 + box2; volume = box3.getVolume(); cout << "Volume of box3 : " << volume << endl; return 0; }
exbot@ubuntu:~/wangqinghe/C++/20190808$ g++ overtwo.cpp -o overtwo
exbot@ubuntu:~/wangqinghe/C++/20190808$ ./overtwo
Volume of box1 : 5.94
Volume of box2 : 102
Volume of box3 : 297.36
/*** overfriend.cpp ***/ #include<iostream> using namespace std; class A { private: int a; public: A(); A(int n); A operator+(const A &obj); A operator+(const int b); friend A operator+(const int b,A obj); void display(); }; A::A() { a = 0; } A::A(int n) { a = n; } A A::operator +(const A& obj) //重载+号,用于对象相加 { return this->a+obj.a; } A A::operator+(const int b) //对象和数相加 { return A(a+b); } A operator+ (const int b, A obj) // 友元函数调用第二个重载+的成员函数,相当于obj.operator(b) { return obj+b; } void A::display() { cout << a << endl; } int main() { A a1(1); A a2(2); A a3,a4,a5; a1.display(); a2.display(); int m = 1; a3 = a1 + a2; //可以调换顺序,相当于a3=a1.operator+(a2); a3.display(); a4 = a1 + m; //加了一个友元函数可调换顺序 a4.display(); a5 = m + a1; a5.display(); return 0; }
exbot@ubuntu:~/wangqinghe/C++/20190808$ ./overfrined