func test() ->Void{ print("test") } func test() { print("test") } func test() ->(){ print("test") }
func pi() -> Double { return 3.14 }
func sum (v1 :Int , v2: Int) -> Int{ return v1+v2; } //形参默认是let 也只能是let func sum (v1 :Int , v2: Int) -> Int{ v1+v2; }
func calcute(v1 :Int , v2: Int) ->(sum:Int,cha:Int,avg:Double){ return (v1+v2,v1-v2,Double((v1+v2))/2.0) } print(calcute(v1: 2, v2: 3)) print(calcute(v1: 2, v2: 3).sum) print(calcute(v1: 2, v2: 3).cha) print(calcute(v1: 2, v2: 3).avg)
func gotoWork( time:Int) ->(){ print("gotoWork:\(time)点") } //参数标签 func gotoWork(at time:Int) ->(){ print("gotoWork:\(time)点") } gotoWork(at: 8) //使用下划线省略参数标签 func sum (_ v1 :Int ,_ v2: Int) -> Int{ return v1+v2; } print(sum(3, 3))
func person (name : String="nobody" , age: Int = 50 ,weight:Double) { print("name:\(name) age\(age) weight:\(weight)") } person(name: "jack", age: 18, weight: 99.5) person(weight: 33) person(name: "tom", weight: 12) // 输出 //name:jack age18 weight:99.5 //name:nobody age50 weight:33.0 //name:tom age50 weight:12.0
func sum (numbers : Int...)->(Int){ var s = 0 for i in numbers { s+=i } return s } print(sum(numbers: 1,2,3,4)) //10 // 注意 一个函数只有有一个可变参数 并且紧跟着的第一个 参数标签不能省略 func test (numbers: Int... , name:String ,_ age :Int){ print("number:\(numbers) name:\(name) age:\(age)") } test(numbers: 1,3,5, name: "jack", 20) //输出 number:[1, 3, 5] name:jack age:20
6、Swift 自带的 print 函数
/// - Parameters: /// - items: Zero or more items to print. /// - separator: A string to print between each item. The default is a single /// space (`" "`). /// - terminator: The string to print after all items have been printed. The /// default is a newline (`"\n"`). //public func print(_ items: Any..., separator: String = " ", terminator: String = "\n") // separator 元素分割符 terminator 结尾符号 print(1,2,3,4, separator: "--", terminator: "..") print(8,9,10, separator: "--", terminator: "..") //输出 1--2--3--4..8--9--10..