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OL8.0静默安装Oracle 19C

时间:2019-08-17 15:48:31      阅读:186      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

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[root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/sysctl.conf |grep -v ^#|grep -v ^$
fs.file-max = 6815744
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.shmall = 1073741824
kernel.shmmax = 4398046511104
kernel.panic_on_oops = 1
net.core.rmem_default = 262144
net.core.rmem_max = 4194304
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
net.core.wmem_max = 1048576
net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 2
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 2
fs.aio-max-nr = 1048576
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 9000 65500
[root@localhost ~]# 

sysctl -p使参数生效


[root@localhost limits.d]# cat /etc/security/limits.d/oracle-database-preinstall-19c.conf
oracle   soft   nofile    1024
oracle   hard   nofile    65536
oracle   soft   nproc    16384
oracle   hard   nproc    16384
oracle   soft   stack    10240
oracle   hard   stack    32768
oracle   hard   memlock    134217728
oracle   soft   memlock    134217728
[root@localhost limits.d]# 


dnf install -y bc binutils compat-libstdc++-33 elfutils-libelf elfutils-libelf-devel fontconfig-devel glibc glibc-devel ksh libaio libaio-devel libXrender libXrender-devel libX11 libXau libXi libXtst libgcc librdmacm-devel libstdc++ libstdc++-devel libxcb make net-tools nfs-utils python3 python3-configshell python3-rtslib python3-six targetcli smartmontools sysstat unixODBC libnsl libnsl.i686 libnsl2 libnsl2.i686


[root@localhost limits.d]# groupadd -g 1001 oinstall
[root@localhost limits.d]# groupadd -g 1002 dba
[root@localhost limits.d]# groupadd -g 1003 oper
[root@localhost limits.d]# useradd -u 1001 -g oinstall -G dba,oper oracle
[root@localhost limits.d]# passwd oracle
Changing password for user oracle.
New password: 
BAD PASSWORD: The password is shorter than 8 characters
Retype new password: 
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
[root@localhost limits.d]# 


[root@localhost ~]# mkdir -p /u01/app/oraInventory
[root@localhost ~]# mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1
[root@localhost ~]# chown -R oracle: /u01/app/oraInventory
[root@localhost ~]# chown -R oracle: /u01/app/oracle
[root@localhost ~]# su - oracle
[oracle@localhost db]$ unzip -q /stage/db/V982063-01.zip -d /u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1/
[oracle@localhost db]$ 

开始安装,注意版本兼容问题要先设置环境变量export CV_ASSUME_DISTID=RHEL7.6

[oracle@localhost ~]$ export CV_ASSUME_DISTID=RHEL7.6
[oracle@localhost ~]$ /u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1/runInstaller -ignorePrereq -waitforcompletion -silent >     -responseFile /u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1/install/response/db_install.rsp >     oracle.install.option=INSTALL_DB_SWONLY > .ORACLE_HOSTNAME=OL8.0_19C >     UNIX_GROUP_NAME=oinstall >     INVENTORY_LOCATION=/u01/app/oraInventory >     SELECTED_LANGUAGES=en,en_GB >     ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1 >     ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle >     oracle.install.db.InstallEdition=EE >     oracle.install.db.OSDBA_GROUP=dba >     oracle.install.db.OSBACKUPDBA_GROUP=dba >     oracle.install.db.OSDGDBA_GROUP=dba >     oracle.install.db.OSKMDBA_GROUP=dba >     oracle.install.db.OSRACDBA_GROUP=dba >     SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT=false >     DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES=true
Launching Oracle Database Setup Wizard...

The response file for this session can be found at:

You can find the log of this install session at:

As a root user, execute the following script(s):
        1. /u01/app/oraInventory/orainstRoot.sh
        2. /u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1/root.sh

Execute /u01/app/oraInventory/orainstRoot.sh on the following nodes: 
Execute /u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1/root.sh on the following nodes: 

Successfully Setup Software.
Moved the install session logs to:
[oracle@localhost ~]$ su - root
[root@localhost ~]# /u01/app/oraInventory/orainstRoot.sh
Changing permissions of /u01/app/oraInventory.
Adding read,write permissions for group.
Removing read,write,execute permissions for world.

Changing groupname of /u01/app/oraInventory to oinstall.
The execution of the script is complete.
[root@localhost ~]# /u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1/root.sh
Check /u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1/install/root_localhost.localdomain_2019-08-17_12-44-20-885851348.log for the output of root script
[root@localhost ~]# 


/u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1/runInstaller -ignorePrereq -waitforcompletion -silent     -responseFile /u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1/install/response/db_install.rsp     oracle.install.option=INSTALL_DB_SWONLY 	ORACLE_HOSTNAME=OL8.0_19C     UNIX_GROUP_NAME=oinstall     INVENTORY_LOCATION=/u01/app/oraInventory     SELECTED_LANGUAGES=en,en_GB     ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1     ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle     oracle.install.db.InstallEdition=EE     oracle.install.db.OSDBA_GROUP=dba     oracle.install.db.OSBACKUPDBA_GROUP=dba     oracle.install.db.OSDGDBA_GROUP=dba     oracle.install.db.OSKMDBA_GROUP=dba     oracle.install.db.OSRACDBA_GROUP=dba     SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT=false     DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES=true

静默安装数据库,df -h先看看内存够不够,不够就调整参数大小或者mount -o remount,size=4G /dev/shm

[root@localhost ~]# mount -o remount,size=4G /dev/shm
[root@localhost ~]# su - oracle
[oracle@localhost ~]$ /u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1/bin/dbca -silent -createDatabase >      -templateName General_Purpose.dbc >      -gdbname cdb1 -sid  cdb1 -responseFile NO_VALUE >      -characterSet AL32UTF8 >      -sysPassword oracle >      -systemPassword oracle >      -createAsContainerDatabase true >      -numberOfPDBs 1 >      -pdbName pdb1 >      -pdbAdminPassword oracle >      -databaseType MULTIPURPOSE >      -automaticMemoryManagement false >      -totalMemory 2000 >      -storageType FS >      -datafileDestination "/u01/app/oracle/oradata" >      -redoLogFileSize 50 >      -emConfiguration NONE >      -ignorePreReqs
[WARNING] [DBT-11209] Current available memory is less than the required available memory (2,000MB) for creating the database.
   CAUSE: Following nodes do not have required available memory :
 Node:localhost         Available memory:1.8429GB (1932452.0KB)

[WARNING] [DBT-06208] The ‘SYS‘ password entered does not conform to the Oracle recommended standards.
a. Oracle recommends that the password entered should be at least 8 characters in length, contain at least 1 uppercase character, 1 lower case character and 1 digit [0-9].
b.The password entered is a keyword that Oracle does not recommend to be used as password
   ACTION: Specify a strong password. If required refer Oracle documentation for guidelines.
[WARNING] [DBT-06208] The ‘SYSTEM‘ password entered does not conform to the Oracle recommended standards.
a. Oracle recommends that the password entered should be at least 8 characters in length, contain at least 1 uppercase character, 1 lower case character and 1 digit [0-9].
b.The password entered is a keyword that Oracle does not recommend to be used as password
   ACTION: Specify a strong password. If required refer Oracle documentation for guidelines.
[WARNING] [DBT-06208] The ‘PDBADMIN‘ password entered does not conform to the Oracle recommended standards.
a. Oracle recommends that the password entered should be at least 8 characters in length, contain at least 1 uppercase character, 1 lower case character and 1 digit [0-9].
b.The password entered is a keyword that Oracle does not recommend to be used as password
   ACTION: Specify a strong password. If required refer Oracle documentation for guidelines.
Prepare for db operation
8% complete
Copying database files
31% complete
Creating and starting Oracle instance
32% complete
36% complete
40% complete
43% complete
46% complete
Completing Database Creation
51% complete
53% complete
54% complete
Creating Pluggable Databases
58% complete
77% complete
Executing Post Configuration Actions
100% complete
Database creation complete. For details check the logfiles at:
Database Information:
Global Database Name:cdb1
System Identifier(SID):cdb1
Look at the log file "/u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbca/cdb1/cdb1.log" for further details.
[oracle@localhost ~]$ 


/u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1/bin/dbca -silent -createDatabase      -templateName General_Purpose.dbc      -gdbname cdb1 -sid  cdb1 -responseFile NO_VALUE      -characterSet AL32UTF8      -sysPassword oracle      -systemPassword oracle      -createAsContainerDatabase true      -numberOfPDBs 1      -pdbName pdb1      -pdbAdminPassword oracle      -databaseType MULTIPURPOSE      -automaticMemoryManagement false      -totalMemory 2000      -storageType FS      -datafileDestination "/u01/app/oracle/oradata"      -redoLogFileSize 50      -emConfiguration NONE      -ignorePreReqs


[oracle@localhost ~]$ cat /etc/oratab |grep -v ^#|grep -v ^$
[oracle@localhost ~]$ 


[oracle@localhost ~]$ export ORACLE_SID=cdb1
[oracle@localhost ~]$ export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/19.3.0/dbhome_1
[oracle@localhost ~]$ export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle/
[oracle@localhost ~]$ export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
[oracle@localhost ~]$ 
[oracle@localhost ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Sat Aug 17 14:20:38 2019

Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

SQL> show pdbs;

    CON_ID CON_NAME                       OPEN MODE  RESTRICTED
---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ----------
         2 PDB$SEED                       READ ONLY  NO
         3 PDB1                           READ WRITE NO
SQL> alter system set db_create_file_dest=‘/u01/app/oracle/oradata‘;

System altered.

SQL> alter pluggable database pdb1 save state;

Pluggable database altered.

SQL> exit;
Disconnected from Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production
[oracle@localhost ~]$ 

ojbk,have fun!

OL8.0静默安装Oracle 19C


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