CAB202 - CAB202 Assignment 1, Exercise 1: Assignment 1
CAB202 Assignment 1 Return to Exercise Lis , Exercise 1:
Assignment 1
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CAB202 Assignment 1
Due Date: 2 September 2019 23:59:59
Submission: Attach your solution using the file attachment controls provided below.
Change Log: The following changes have been made since the initial release of the
12 August 2019 – Inital release
12 August 2019 – Clarification of relative coordinate parsing.
12 August 2019 – Clarification of player character choices.
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Determinations: The following interpretations are implied by the specification in
conjunction with common sense based on everyday experience, but stated here
explicitly to erase possible misconceptions:
1. Q: How do we convert the relative coordinates given in the text files
to game play area coordinates?
A: You must convert the relative coordinates to absolute coordinates
within the game area (under the status bar). This should be such that;
0 <= absolute_x <= (screen_width()-1) and status_bar_height <=
absolute_y <= (screen_height()-1). 9 Aug 2019.
2. Q: Can we have a break line between the status bar and the game play
A: Yes, this may be drawn in the row directly under the second row of
status items (cheese, traps, weapons). 9 Aug 2019.
3. Q: What should Tom and Jerry look like?
A: Tom and Jerry should appear as ‘T‘ and ‘J‘ characters,
respectively. You may choose to use larger representations of these
characters, but single characters are fine. 9 Aug 2019.
In this assignment, you are tasked with bringing to life the classic characters of Tom and
Jerry in a terminal-based game. Tom is a cat with the simple agenda of catching the mouse,
Jerry, running rampant in his house. Tom runs around the room Jerry is in, dropping
mousetraps periodically, and constantly changing his direction to move toward Jerry. Jerry
just wants cheese and is faster than Tom, but after he has consumed enough cheese, and taken
the chase to the second room of the day, he likes to have a bit of fun by introducing some
weapons of his own to direct at Tom.
Please see pdf document for full assignment specifications, here
(Downloads/CAB202_Assignment1.pdf). Example input text file for your program can be found
here (Downloads/example_input_map.txt).
A template for the statement of completeness document will be release shortly
Listen Up!
1. The assignment will be graded by strict reference to the criteria listed below.
2. This is not a group assignment. While we encourage you to discuss the assignment and
brain-storm with your associates, you must ensure that your submission is your own
individual work.
Share ideas, not code!
3. A high standard of academic integrity is required. Breaches of academic integrity,
including plagiarism or any other action taken to subvert, circumvent, or distort the
2019/8/12 CAB202 - CAB202 Assignment 1, Exercise 1: Assignment 1 3/7
assessment process, will not be tolerated. QUT policy regarding academic conduct is
available in the QUT MOPP Section C/5.3 Academic Integrity
( In particular, under the provisions of MOPP
statement C/5.3.7 (, Part (e),
we reserve the right to require you to authenticate your learning. You may be required
to show evidence of materials used in the production of the assignment such as notes,
drafts, sketches or historical backups. You may also be required to undertake a viva or
complete a supervised practical exercise.
4. Use of any third-party code library (other than the standard libraries supplied with
GCC, ncurses, and the list of items labelled as Exceptions in the following paragraph)
is strictly prohibited. Use of code downloaded from the internet, with or without
correct attribution to the original author(s), is strictly prohibited. Submission of
source code created by teaching staff of this unit in any previous semester is strictly
prohibited. Subcontracting, outsourcing, off-shoring, purchasing, borrowing, stealing,
copying, or obtaining source code by any means other than through an act of original
creation by yourself, is strictly prohibited.
Exceptions: you are strongly encouraged to call functions defined in the current
version of the ZDK, as downloaded from CAB202 2019 Semester 2 Blackboard Learning
Resources on or after 22 July 2019.
5. Do not post your solution in any form of online repository or file sharing service, or
allow anybody else to obtain access to your solution in any way. Doing so will be
classified as academic misconduct under the clauses pertaining to collusion, especially
in the event that a copy of your source code obtained from such a service is submitted
by another student, regardless of whether this has occurred without your knowledge and
6. Abundant code samples, demonstrations, and exercises have been made available to support
your effort toward this programming task. Written permission must be obtained from the
Unit Coordinator if you want to use technology other than the ZDK to implement your
game. Permission will only be granted if there are compelling special circumstances that
make it impossible for you to use the ZDK. Without this permission, a game implemented
with some other graphical framework will receive a score of 0. Direct use of the
ncurses library to render graphics or text is expressly prohibited.
Breaching any of the foregoing conditions will result in an immediate and final score of 0
for the Assignment.
Submit the following items:
Submit the source file (.c) required to compile and run your program.
Use the controls at the bottom of this page to attach your source file.
In addition to the source file, you are required to submit a statement of
completeness (.pdf).
The statement of completeness must be submitted via TurnItIn.
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The submission portal for statement of completeness will be available in the
Assessment page on Blackboard at least 14 days before the submission deadline.
Architectural requirements:
Your program must implement the core high level architecture demonstrated in
lectures. You are encouraged to use the implementation demonstrated in the lectures
as a launching point. A minimal skeleton for the program follows:
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <cab202_graphics.h>
#include <cab202_timers.h>
// Insert other functions here, or include header files
void setup () {
// Insert setup logic here
void loop() {
// Insert loop logic here.
int main() {
while ( /* Insert termination conditions here */ ) {
timer_pause( /* Insert delay expression here. */ );
return 0;
Program structure, implementation quality
The program should be implemented with a view to ease of comprehension and maintainability.
To this end:
1. The program should be subdivided into loosely coupled functions. Wherever possible and
practical, data is transferred between functions via parameters and return values rather
than shared global variables.
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2. No function may be substantially identical to any other function.
3. All functions have carefully and meaningfully narrated documentation comments.
4. All source code must be formatted in a professional manner, making sensible use of
meaningful identifiers, and adhering to a consistent coding standard of your choice.
The assignment is worth 30% of your total grade in this subject, and it is marked out of 30.
A detailed marking rubric will be published at least 14 days before the submission deadline.
For the approximate breakdown of marks see pdf specification document
The following points should be noted about marking:
1. If your code does not compile when submitted to AMS, the mark awarded will be 0.
Give yourself plenty of time to get the basics right.
Submit Early. Submit Often.
2. Penalty marks will be applied if you do not submit a statement of completeness, or if
the statement of competeness includes misleading or false statements.
3. If the program has been implemented via a framework other than the ZDK without prior
written permission from the Unit Coordinator, the mark awarded will be 0.
4. If the program fails with segmentation faults or other fatal errors, marks will be
awarded for the features that were observed prior to the crash.
No effort will be made to work around the crash, nor will we debug your code to
make it compile or run.
Your program must compile and run well on any modern desktop machine equipped with
a Unix-like environment.
To this end, part of your job is to test the program in a variety of
environments, including (as a minimum) QUT lab machines using the CAB202
portable Cygwin environment.
“It runs fine on my computer!” may be true, but it is largely irrelevant if the
program crashes when executed on another machine. Such an excuse will not be
5. It is your responsibility to implement each feature sufficiently well that it is readily
detected through normal operation of the game. Any feature that is not apparent through
normal play will be deemed to be unimplemented.
6. We require tutors to adhere to a strict time limit of 3 minutes run time when marking
each submission. Any feature that cannot be assessed in that time will be deemed to be
unimplemented. Therefore you must avoid defects in game dynamics such as extremely fast
motion, extremely slow motion, inconsistent control settings, premature program
termination, or other properties that render the game unfit for use.
7. It is better to implement some of the features extremely well than to try to do
everything and deliver a substandard product.
8. Penalties will be applied if the code exhibits general defects or undesirable behaviour
not otherwise covered in this document. This includes but is not limited to such things
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Attach file:
选择文件 未选择任何文件
Errors in object motion, such as objects jumping more than one character position
per frame;
Objects moving outside their permitted area;
Failure to clear the screen appropriately between updates;
Collisions involving invisible or non-existent objects;
Disturbing or flashing display;
Sluggish response times, excessively fast response times, or other performance
defects which render the simulation difficult to operate according to
Gratuitous errors in program structure and organisation, including but not limited
to: inappropriate use of recursion; use of inappropriate data structures such as
linked lists or binary search trees; using #include to insert the contents of
source files rather than header files; uploading of multiple versions of the same
source file.
For purposes of AMS assessment, this activity has been classified as non-assessed. This
does not mean the assignment is non-assessable – it means that the system is not able
to assess the assignment automatically. AMS will not enforce a hard close-down for
submissions, however in line with QUT policy, late submissions without an approved
extension will not be marked. If special circumstances prevent you from meeting the
assessment due date, you can apply for an extension
before the assignment due date. If you don’t have an approved extension you should
submit the work you have completed by the due date and it will be marked against the
assessment criteria.
If compilation is successful, AMS will verify that your program has compiled
successfully, and then return. Your program will not be executed because there is no
meaningful test that can be performed automatically on a program such as this. The score
allocated by AMS for this task is not your mark for the assignment.
Submitted files:
Use the file chooser to attach a source file.
Declaration and submission
By submitting this form, I certify that:
I have read, and understand, QUT Manual Of Policy and Procedures, Section C/5.3,
Academic Integrity; and
This submission is in full compliance with all provisions of QUT Manual of Policy and
Procedures, Section C/5.3, Academic Integrity; and
2019/8/12 CAB202 - CAB202 Assignment 1, Exercise 1: Assignment 1 7/7
With the exception of support libraries provided to the class by the CAB202 teaching
team, I am the sole author of all source code and attachments included in this
Agree to these conditions:
2019 - Queensland University of Technology
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