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240行代码仿写 爱奇艺首页导航栏

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 85                 {
 86                     title: ‘遇见幸福‘,
 87                     desc: ‘24点体会人生百味‘,
 88                     url: ‘1.jpg‘
 89                 },
 90                 {
 91                     title: ‘中国达人秀‘,
 92                     desc: ‘真假岳岳在线劈叉‘,
 93                     url: ‘2.jpg‘
 94                 },
 95                 {
 96                     title: ‘中国新说唱‘,
 97                     desc: ‘全国4强诞生!‘,
 98                     url: ‘3.jpg‘
 99                 },
100                 {
101                     title: ‘做家务‘,
102                     desc: ‘魏大勋花钱做音乐‘,
103                     url: ‘4.jpg‘
104                 },
105                 {
106                     title: ‘扫毒2‘,
107                     desc: ‘刘德华硬战古天乐‘,
108                     url: ‘5.jpg‘
109                 },
110                 {
111                     title: ‘加油‘,
112                     desc: ‘郝泽宁隔屏告白福子‘,
113                     url: ‘6.jpg‘
114                 },
115                 {
116                     title: ‘小欢喜‘,
117                     desc: ‘宋倩乔卫东重归于好‘,
118                     url: ‘7.jpg‘
119                 },
120                 {
121                     title: ‘谋爱上瘾‘,
122                     desc: ‘契约夫妇遇感情危机‘,
123                     url: ‘8.jpg‘
124                 },
125                 {
126                     title: ‘此食此客‘,
127                     desc: ‘啤酒花蛤夏日绝配‘,
128                     url: ‘9.jpg‘
129                 },
130                 {
131                     title: ‘爱奇艺特别策划‘,
132                     desc: ‘我们的70年‘,
133                     url: ‘10.jpg‘
134                 }
135         ];   // 需要展示的数据,通常从后端获取
137         let curIndex = 0;   // 当前索引
139         let isAutoMove = true;  // 是否可以自动改变图片
141         let interval = 1000;  // 自动轮播的间隔时间
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149         function createText(text) {
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153         // 封装函数:初始化列表
154         function initItemList() {
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157             for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
158                 let li = createTag(‘li‘);
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161                 let span2 = createTag(‘span‘);
162                 let span3 = createTag(‘span‘);
163                 let text1 = createText(items[i].title);
164                 let text2 = createText(‘:‘);
165                 let text3 = createText(items[i].desc);
166                 span1.appendChild(text1);
167                 span2.appendChild(text2);
168                 span3.appendChild(text3);
170                 li.appendChild(span1);
171                 li.appendChild(span2);
172                 li.appendChild(span3);
173                 ul.appendChild(li);
175                 addHoverListener(li, i);
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182                 curIndex = index;   // 保存当前索引
183                 changeImage();
184                 activeText();
185             });
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188         // 根据index改变背景图片
189         function changeImage() {
190             console.log(‘curIndex: ‘, curIndex);
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192             let imgWrap = document.getElementsByClassName(‘img-wrap‘)[0];
193             imgWrap.style.cssText = "background-image: url(‘" + imgUrl + "‘)";
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197         function activeText() {
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199             let li = document.getElementsByTagName(‘li‘)[curIndex];
200             if (activeObj) {
201                 activeObj.classList.remove(‘active‘);
202             }
203             li.classList.add(‘active‘);
204         }
206         // 鼠标移入移出wrap区域时响应关闭、开启自动轮播
207         function addEnterListener() {
208             let wrap = document.getElementsByClassName(‘wrap‘)[0];
209             wrap.addEventListener(‘mouseenter‘, function () {
210                 isAutoMove = false;
211             });
212             wrap.addEventListener(‘mouseleave‘, function () {
213                 isAutoMove = true;
214             });
215         }
217         // 定时切换图片:使用定时器setInterval(function(){}, time)
218         function autoMove() {
219             let timer = setInterval(function () {
220                 if (isAutoMove) {
221                     if (curIndex < 9) {
222                         curIndex ++;
223                     } else {
224                         curIndex = 0;
225                     }
226                     changeImage();
227                     activeText();
228                 }
229             }, interval);
230         }
232         window.onload = function () {
233             initItemList();
234             addEnterListener();
235             autoMove();
236         }
237     </script>
238 </body>
239 </html>


240行代码仿写 爱奇艺首页导航栏


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