We all know the Super Powers ofthis world and how they manage to get advantages in political warfare or evenin other sectors. But this is not a political platform and so we will talkabout a different kind of super powers – “The Super Power Numbers”. A positivenumber is said to be super power when it is the power of at least two differentpositive integers. For example 64 is a super power as 64 = 82 and 64= 43.You have to write a program that lists all super powers within 1 and 264-1 (inclusive).
This program has noinput.
Print all theSuper Power Numbers within 1 and 2^64 -1. Each line contains a single superpower number and the numbers are printed in ascending order.
Sample Input |
Partial Judge Output |
No input for this problem |
1 16 81 512 |
ProblemSetter: Shahriar Manzoor, Special Thanks: Sohel Hafiz
#include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> #include <set> #include <cstdio> #include <cmath> typedef unsigned long long ll; using namespace std; const int maxn = 100; int vis[maxn]; int main() { memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis)); for (int i = 2; i < 100; i++) if (!vis[i]) { for (int j = i*i; j < 100; j += i) vis[j] = 1; } set<ll> ans; for (ll i = 2; i < (1<<16); i++) { int top = ceil(64*log10(2)/log10(i)); ll tmp = 1; for (int j = 1; j < top; j++) { tmp *= i; if (vis[j]) ans.insert(tmp); } } printf("1\n"); set<ll>::iterator ite = ans.begin(); while (ite != ans.end()) cout << *ite++ << endl; return 0; }
UVA - 11752 The Super Powers,布布扣,bubuko.com