# DML语言 /* 数据操作语言: 插入:insert 修改:update 删除: delete */ 一、插入语句 insert /* 语法: 方式一: insert into 表名(列名,。。) values(值1,值2,。。。。) 方式二: insert into 表名 set 列名=值1,列名=值2,。。。。 */ #1. 插入值的类型要与列的类型一致或者兼容 use girls; insert into beauty(id,name,sex,borndate,phone,photo,boyfriend_id) values(13,"唐艺昕","女","1990-01-01","188882222",null,2); select * from beauty; #2.不可以为null的列必须插入值,可以为null的列如何插入值? #方式1: insert into beauty(id,name,sex,borndate,phone,photo,boyfriend_id) values(13,"唐艺昕","女","1990-01-01","188882222",null,2); #方式2: insert into beauty(id,name,sex,borndate,phone,boyfriend_id) values(14,"郑爽","女","1990-01-01","188882222",2); select * from beauty; insert into beauty(id,name,sex,borndate,phone) values(15,"娜扎","女","1991-01-01","188882222"); #3.列的顺序是否可以交换 insert into beauty(name,sex,borndate,id,phone,boyfriend_id) values("蒋欣","女","1988-01-01",16,"188882222",2); select * from beauty; #4.列数和值必须一致 #5.可以省略列名,默认所有列,而且列的顺序和表中的顺序一致 insert into beauty values(17,"张飞","男",null,"188882222",null,null); #方式二 insert into beauty set id=18,name="刘涛",sex="女",borndate="1980-05-23",phone="181012586",boyfriend_id=6; 方式一 可以插入多行 insert into beauty(id,name,sex,borndate,phone,photo,boyfriend_id) values (19,"唐艺昕1","女","1990-01-01","188882222",null,2), (20,"唐艺昕2","女","1990-01-01","188882222",null,2), (21,"唐艺昕3","女","1990-01-01","188882222",null,2); 方式一支持子查询,方式二不支持 insert into beauty(id,name,sex) select 22,"宋茜","110"; 二、修改:update /* 1.修改单表的记录 语法: update 表名 set 列=值,列=值,。。。。where 筛选条件 2.修改多表的记录 语法: sql92语法: update 表1 别名,表2 别名 set 列=值,列=值,。。。 where 连接条件 and 筛选条件; sql99语法: update 表1 别名 inner|left|right join 表2 别名 on 连接条件 set 列=值,列=值,。。。 【where筛选条件】 */ # 1.修改单表的记录 #案例:修改beauty中姓唐的女神的电话为13535266 update beauty set phone="13535266" where name like "唐%"; select * from beauty; 三、删除: delete /* 方式一:delete 语法: 单表的删除 delete from 表名 where 筛选条件; 多表的删除 语法: sql92语法: delete 别名1,别名2 from 表1 别名1,表2,别名2 where 连接条件 and 筛选条件; sql99语法: delete 别名1,别名2 from 表1 别名 inner|left|right join 表2 别名 on 连接条件【where筛选条件】 方式二:truncate清空数据 语法: truncate table 表名; */ #方式一:delete # 单表的删除 案例:删除手机尾号以6结尾的女神信息 delete from beauty where phone like "%6";