Information in this knowledgebase article applies to:
Under some circumstances, an error dialog with the text Encountered an improper argument might show up when you exit a debug session. If this happens, µVision needs to be terminated with the Windows Task Manager. In most cases, customers with Asian Windows versions are affected by this issue when Asian characters are used in the project path.
The µVision 5 debugger is currently not able to process DWARF debug information which contains folder or file names with UTF-8 characters.
Use only ASCII characters in the folder and file names of your project and all your source files and libraries.
Request the files attached to this knowledgebase article.
当创建一个新的µVision项目项目——新 µVision项目……和一个项目已经加载,它是 可能µVision报告错误遇到一个不适当的 论点在某些情况下,特定的微控制器。 在Windows XP甚至可能µVision崩溃 的情况。
有一个问题5.14.2.0已µVision版本 识别并固定。
下载附件的文件并将其解压缩到文件夹中 C: \ Keil_v5 \ UV4。 如果你已经安装了PK51到另一个文件夹,你 需要适应相应的路径。 该文件UV4.exe是版本所取代。
PK51 9.54之后的版本将包括这µVision 更新。
Error: Encountered an improper argument