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Java Objective-C AOP

时间:2019-09-23 16:28:00      阅读:115      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


Use an AOP library or byte-code engineering (BCEL, cglib, asm, etc) to create a sub-class on the fly. Any calls to the getter or setter of an observed property notifies any attached observers.


This is similar to Java - uses isa swizzling to create a sub-class on the fly. Any calls to an observed property notifies attached observers. Interestingly, in Objective-C we can swizzle back to the original class without the wrapped property methods, if all observers are removed. Whereas in Java a class is typically loaded once, so you‘re always notifying a (possibly empty) set of observers.

Java Objective-C AOP


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