Portal1: Codeforces
Portal2: Luogu
Recently a Golden Circle of Beetlovers was found in Byteland. It is a circle route going through \(n \cdot k\) cities. The cities are numerated from \(1\) to \(n \cdot k\), the distance between the neighboring cities is exactly \(1\) km.
Sergey does not like beetles, he loves burgers. Fortunately for him, there are \(n\) fast food restaurants on the circle, they are located in the \(1\)-st, the \((k + 1)\)-st, the \((2k + 1)\)-st, and so on, the \(((n-1)k + 1)\)-st cities, i.e. the distance between the neighboring cities with fast food restaurants is \(k\) km.
Sergey began his journey at some city \(s\) and traveled along the circle, making stops at cities each \(l\) km (\(l > 0\)), until he stopped in \(s\) once again. Sergey then forgot numbers \(s\) and \(l\), but he remembers that the distance from the city \(s\) to the nearest fast food restaurant was \(a\) km, and the distance from the city he stopped at after traveling the first \(l\) km from \(s\) to the nearest fast food restaurant was \(b\) km. Sergey always traveled in the same direction along the circle, but when he calculated distances to the restaurants, he considered both directions.
Now Sergey is interested in two integers. The first integer \(x\) is the minimum number of stops (excluding the first) Sergey could have done before returning to \(s\). The second integer \(y\) is the maximum number of stops (excluding the first) Sergey could have done before returning to \(s\).
The first line contains two integers \(n\) and \(k\) (\(1 \le n, k \le 100\,000\)) — the number of fast food restaurants on the circle and the distance between the neighboring restaurants, respectively.
The second line contains two integers \(a\) and \(b\) (\(0 \le a, b \le \frac{k}{2}\)) — the distances to the nearest fast food restaurants from the initial city and from the city Sergey made the first stop at, respectively.
Print the two integers \(x\) and \(y\).
2 3
1 1
1 6
3 2
0 0
1 3
1 10
5 3
5 5
In the first example the restaurants are located in the cities \(1\) and \(4\), the initial city \(s\) could be \(2\), \(3\), \(5\), or \(6\). The next city Sergey stopped at could also be at cities \(2, 3, 5, 6\). Let‘s loop through all possible combinations of these cities. If both \(s\) and the city of the first stop are at the city \(2\) (for example, \(l = 6\)), then Sergey is at \(s\) after the first stop already, so \(x = 1\). In other pairs Sergey needs \(1, 2, 3\), or \(6\) stops to return to \(s\), so \(y = 6\).
In the second example Sergey was at cities with fast food restaurant both initially and after the first stop, so \(l\) is \(2\), \(4\), or \(6\). Thus \(x = 1\), \(y = 3\).
In the third example there is only one restaurant, so the possible locations of \(s\) and the first stop are: \((6, 8)\) and \((6, 4)\). For the first option \(l = 2\), for the second \(l = 8\). In both cases Sergey needs \(x=y=5\) stops to go to \(s\).
我们根据题目的\(a, b, k\)计算出\(l\)的\(4\)种可能:
\(a + b\)
\(k - a + b\)
\(k + a - b\)
\(k - a - b\)
每走一步的答案就是\(\frac{n \times k}{\gcd(n \times k, step)}\)。
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
const LL INF = 1e18;
LL n, k, a, b, step;
int main() {
scanf("%lld%lld%lld%lld", &n, &k, &a, &b);
LL Max = -INF, Min = INF;
step = fabs(a + b);//第1种情况
while (step <= n * k) {//枚举步数
if (step) {
Max = max(Max, n * k / __gcd(n * k, step));
Min = min(Min, n * k / __gcd(n * k, step));
step += k;
step = fabs(k - a + b);//第2种情况
while (step <= n * k) {//枚举步数
if (step) {
Max = max(Max, n * k / __gcd(n * k, step));
Min = min(Min, n * k / __gcd(n * k, step));
step += k;
step = fabs(k - b + a);//第3种情况
while (step <= n * k) {//枚举步数
if (step) {
Max = max(Max, n * k / __gcd(n * k, step));
Min = min(Min, n * k / __gcd(n * k, step));
step += k;
step = fabs(k - a - b);//第4种情况
while (step <= n * k) {//枚举步数
if (step) {
Max = max(Max, n * k / __gcd(n * k, step));
Min = min(Min, n * k / __gcd(n * k, step));
step += k;
printf("%lld %lld\n", Min, Max);
return 0;
『题解』Codeforces1142A The Beatles