今天想用CV2 截个ROI ( Region Of Interest ) 的时候,
发现是截取img 那句出了错
cv2.selectROI 用法:
selectROI(windowName, img[, showCrosshair[, fromCenter]]) -> retval . @brief Selects ROI on the given image. . Function creates a window and allows user to select a ROI using mouse. . Controls: use space
or enter
to finish selection, use key c
to cancel selection (function will return the zero cv::Rect). . . @param windowName name of the window where selection process will be shown. . @param img image to select a ROI. . @param showCrosshair if true crosshair of selection rectangle will be shown. . @param fromCenter if true center of selection will match initial mouse position. In opposite case a corner of . selection rectangle will correspont to the initial mouse position. . @return selected ROI or empty rect if selection canceled. . . @note The function sets it‘s own mouse callback for specified window using cv::setMouseCallback(windowName, ...). . After finish of work an empty callback will be set for the used window.
selectROI(img[, showCrosshair[, fromCenter]]) -> retval . @overload
就是这样, ┏(^0^)┛
[Python[CV2]] -- 352: error -- 来自截取图片