CliDriver cli = new CliDriver(); cli.setHiveVariables(oproc.getHiveVariables()); // 有变量相关的设置时 // use the specified database if specified cli.processSelectDatabase(ss); // Execute -i init files (always in silent mode) cli.processInitFiles(ss); // 指定了-i和加载.hiverc文件 if (ss. execString != null ) { // 指定了 -e时 int cmdProcessStatus = cli.processLine(ss. execString); return cmdProcessStatus; } try { // 指定了-f时 if (ss. fileName != null) { return cli.processFile(ss.fileName ); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System. err.println("Could not open input file for reading. (" + e.getMessage() + ")" ); return 3; }
1)add xxx/set/compile/reset等命令
public int processCmd(String cmd) { CliSessionState ss = (CliSessionState) SessionState.get(); ss.setLastCommand(cmd); // Flush the print stream, so it doesn‘t include output from the last command ss.err.flush(); String cmd_trimmed = cmd.trim(); String[] tokens = tokenizeCmd(cmd_trimmed); int ret = 0; if (cmd_trimmed.toLowerCase().equals( "quit") || cmd_trimmed.toLowerCase().equals("exit" )) { //如果是quit或者是exit,则直接退出jvm ss.close(); System.exit(0); } else if (tokens[0].equalsIgnoreCase("source" )) { // 如果是source xxx的情况,则按文件处理(调用processFile方法) String cmd_1 = getFirstCmd(cmd_trimmed, tokens[0].length()); File sourceFile = new File(cmd_1); if (! sourceFile.isFile()){ console.printError( "File: "+ cmd_1 + " is not a file." ); ret = 1; } else { try { this.processFile(cmd_1); } catch (IOException e) { console.printError( "Failed processing file "+ cmd_1 +" " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), stringifyException(e)); ret = 1; } } } else if (cmd_trimmed.startsWith("!" )) { // 以!开头的,做为shell命令执行,最终调用Runtime.getRuntime().exec(shell_cmd) String shell_cmd = cmd_trimmed.substring(1); shell_cmd = new VariableSubstitution().substitute(ss.getConf(), shell_cmd); //这里也会进行变量替换 // shell_cmd = "/bin/bash -c \‘" + shell_cmd + "\‘"; try { Process executor = Runtime. getRuntime().exec(shell_cmd); StreamPrinter outPrinter = new StreamPrinter(executor.getInputStream(), null, ss.out); StreamPrinter errPrinter = new StreamPrinter(executor.getErrorStream(), null, ss.err); outPrinter.start(); errPrinter.start(); ret = executor.waitFor(); if (ret != 0) { console.printError( "Command failed with exit code = " + ret); } } catch (Exception e) { console.printError( "Exception raised from Shell command " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), stringifyException(e)); ret = 1; } } else if (tokens[0].toLowerCase().equals("list" )) { // list命令时,调用SessionState的list_resource方法 SessionState.ResourceType t; if (tokens. length < 2 || (t = SessionState.find_resource_type(tokens[1])) == null) { console.printError( "Usage: list [" + StringUtils.join(SessionState.ResourceType.values(), "|") + "] [<value> [<value>]*]"); ret = 1; } else { List<String> filter = null; if (tokens.length >= 3) { System. arraycopy(tokens, 2, tokens, 0, tokens.length - 2); filter = Arrays. asList(tokens); } Set<String> s = ss.list_resource(t, filter); if (s != null && !s.isEmpty()) { ss.out.println(StringUtils.join(s, "\n")); } } } else if (ss.isRemoteMode()) { // remote mode -- connecting to remote hive server //如果是远程模式,即hiveserver,调用HiveClient类的execute方法 HiveClient client = ss.getClient(); PrintStream out = ss.out; PrintStream err = ss.err; try { client.execute(cmd_trimmed); List<String> results; do { results = client.fetchN( LINES_TO_FETCH); for (String line : results) { out.println(line); } } while (results.size() == LINES_TO_FETCH); } catch (HiveServerException e) { ret = e.getErrorCode(); if (ret != 0) { // OK if ret == 0 -- reached the EOF String errMsg = e.getMessage(); if (errMsg == null) { errMsg = e.toString(); } ret = e.getErrorCode(); err.println( "[Hive Error]: " + errMsg); } } catch (TException e) { String errMsg = e.getMessage(); if (errMsg == null) { errMsg = e.toString(); } ret = -10002; err.println( "[Thrift Error]: " + errMsg); } finally { try { client.clean(); } catch (TException e) { String errMsg = e.getMessage(); if (errMsg == null) { errMsg = e.toString(); } err.println( "[Thrift Error]: Hive server is not cleaned due to thrift exception: " + errMsg); } } } else { // local mode // 剩下的情况都作为local模式,比如add xxx,set xxxx,select/insert xxx/show tables/create table,databse/use xxx等命令。 try { CommandProcessor proc = CommandProcessorFactory.get(tokens, (HiveConf) conf); //会先根据命令获取对应的CommandProcessor 实现类 ret = processLocalCmd(cmd, proc, ss); //并调用processLocalCmd方法 } catch (SQLException e) { console.printError( "Failed processing command " + tokens[0] + " " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils.stringifyException(e)); ret = 1; } } return ret; }
int processLocalCmd (String cmd, CommandProcessor proc, CliSessionState ss)
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