l 一个点
l 一条或两条直线
l 一个点和一条直线
l 圆
l 椭圆
l 抛物线
l 双曲线
void IntAna_QuadQuadGeo::Perform (const gp_Pln& P1, const gp_Pln& P2, const Standard_Real TolAng, const Standard_Real Tol) { Standard_Real A1, B1, C1, D1, A2, B2, C2, D2, dist1, dist2, aMVD; // done=Standard_False; param2bis=0.; // P1.Coefficients(A1,B1,C1,D1); P2.Coefficients(A2,B2,C2,D2); // gp_Vec aVN1(A1,B1,C1); gp_Vec aVN2(A2,B2,C2); gp_Vec vd(aVN1.Crossed(aVN2)); // const gp_Pnt& aLocP1=P1.Location(); const gp_Pnt& aLocP2=P2.Location(); // dist1=A2*aLocP1.X() + B2*aLocP1.Y() + C2*aLocP1.Z() + D2; dist2=A1*aLocP2.X() + B1*aLocP2.Y() + C1*aLocP2.Z() + D1; // aMVD=vd.Magnitude(); if(aMVD <=TolAng) { // normalles are collinear - planes are same or parallel typeres = (Abs(dist1) <= Tol && Abs(dist2) <= Tol) ? IntAna_Same : IntAna_Empty; } else { Standard_Real denom, denom2, ddenom, par1, par2; Standard_Real X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, aEps; // aEps=1.e-16; denom=A1*A2 + B1*B2 + C1*C2; denom2 = denom*denom; ddenom = 1. - denom2; denom = ( Abs(ddenom) <= aEps ) ? aEps : ddenom; par1 = dist1/denom; par2 = -dist2/denom; gp_Vec inter1(aVN1.Crossed(vd)); gp_Vec inter2(aVN2.Crossed(vd)); X1=aLocP1.X() + par1*inter1.X(); Y1=aLocP1.Y() + par1*inter1.Y(); Z1=aLocP1.Z() + par1*inter1.Z(); X2=aLocP2.X() + par2*inter2.X(); Y2=aLocP2.Y() + par2*inter2.Y(); Z2=aLocP2.Z() + par2*inter2.Z(); pt1=gp_Pnt((X1+X2)*0.5, (Y1+Y2)*0.5, (Z1+Z2)*0.5); dir1 = gp_Dir(vd); typeres = IntAna_Line; nbint = 1; // //------------------------------------------------------- // When the value of the angle between the planes is small // the origin of intersection line is computed with error // [ ~0.0001 ] that can not br considered as small one // e.g. // for {A~=2.e-6, dist1=4.2e-5, dist2==1.e-4} => // {denom=3.4e-12, par1=12550297.6, par2=32605552.9, etc} // So, // the origin should be refined if it is possible // Standard_Real aTreshAng, aTreshDist; // aTreshAng=2.e-6; // 1.e-4 deg aTreshDist=1.e-12; // if (aMVD < aTreshAng) { Standard_Real aDist1, aDist2; // aDist1=A1*pt1.X() + B1*pt1.Y() + C1*pt1.Z() + D1; aDist2=A2*pt1.X() + B2*pt1.Y() + C2*pt1.Z() + D2; // if (fabs(aDist1)>aTreshDist || fabs(aDist2)>aTreshDist) { Standard_Boolean bIsDone, bIsParallel; IntAna_IntConicQuad aICQ; // // 1. gp_Dir aDN1(aVN1); gp_Lin aL1(pt1, aDN1); // aICQ.Perform(aL1, P1, TolAng, Tol); bIsDone=aICQ.IsDone(); if (!bIsDone) { return; } // const gp_Pnt& aPnt1=aICQ.Point(1); //---------------------------------- // 2. gp_Dir aDL2(dir1.Crossed(aDN1)); gp_Lin aL2(aPnt1, aDL2); // aICQ.Perform(aL2, P2, TolAng, Tol); bIsDone=aICQ.IsDone(); if (!bIsDone) { return; } // bIsParallel=aICQ.IsParallel(); if (bIsParallel) { return; } // const gp_Pnt& aPnt2=aICQ.Point(1); // pt1=aPnt2; } } } done=Standard_True; }
l 获取两个平面的一般方程的系数:A、B、C、D,其中平面的法向量(A,B,C)为单位向量;
l 将两个平面的法向量叉乘得到的向量vd为平面交线的方向;
l 分别计算一个平面上的点到另外一个平面的距离:dist1和dist2;
l 如果向量vd的大小小于指定的精度TolAng,则认为两个平面平行没有交线;如果两个距离dist1和dist2小于指定的精度Tol,则认为两个平面是相同的(重合);
l 计算两个平面的夹角denom;
l 根据两个平面的夹角计算交线上的点;
l 后面是处理两个平面夹角很小的情况;
l 最后得到交线上的点pt1和方向dir1
gp_Pln P3(vd.X(), vd.Y(), vd.Z(), 0.0); IntAna_Int3Pln aTool(P1, P2, P3); if (aTool.IsDone()) { pt1 = aTool.Value(); }