1A! We get median of each array and compare them, then we know which half should be disguarded and how many should be disguarded.
class Solution { public: double findMidArr(int A[], int s, int e, int &chopLen) { int len = e - s + 1; chopLen = (s + e) / 2 - s; if (len % 2) return A[(s + e) / 2]; else return (A[(s + e) / 2] + A[(s + e) / 2 + 1]) / 2.0; } double findMidMinor(int sm[], int cntSm, int lg[], int cntLg) { vector<int> v; v.assign(lg, lg + cntLg); v.insert(v.end(), sm, sm + cntSm); std::sort(v.begin(), v.end()); size_t len = v.size(); if (len % 2) return v[len / 2]; else return (v[len / 2] + v[len / 2 - 1]) / 2.0; } double findMid(int A[], int sa, int ea, int B[], int sb, int eb) { int lenA = ea - sa + 1; int lenB = eb - sb + 1; // Base cases if (lenA <= 2) return findMidMinor(A + sa, lenA, B + sb, lenB); if (lenB <= 2) return findMidMinor(B + sb, lenB, A + sa, lenA); // Chop int chopLenA, chopLenB; double midA = findMidArr(A, sa, ea, chopLenA); double midB = findMidArr(B, sb, eb, chopLenB); int chopLen = std::min(chopLenA, chopLenB); if (midA == midB) return midA; else if (midA < midB) return findMid(A, sa + chopLen, ea, B, sb, eb - chopLen); else if (midB < midA) return findMid(A, sa, ea - chopLen, B, sb + chopLen, eb); } double findMedianSortedArrays(int A[], int m, int B[], int n) { return findMid(A, 0, m - 1, B, 0, n - 1); } };
LeetCode "Median of Two Sorted Arrays",布布扣,bubuko.com
LeetCode "Median of Two Sorted Arrays"