然后当我偶然用了控制台命令 updateBrokerConf 修改deleteWhen的时候,再去打开broker.conf文件,发现文件内容变成了全部的配置项,那个
The most commonly used mqadmin commands are:
updateTopic Update or create topic
deleteTopic Delete topic from broker and NameServer.
updateSubGroup Update or create subscription group
deleteSubGroup Delete subscription group from broker.
updateBrokerConfig Update broker‘s config
updateTopicPerm Update topic perm
topicRoute Examine topic route info
topicStatus Examine topic Status info
topicClusterList get cluster info for topic
brokerStatus Fetch broker runtime status data
queryMsgById Query Message by Id
queryMsgByKey Query Message by Key
queryMsgByUniqueKey Query Message by Unique key
queryMsgByOffset Query Message by offset
queryMsgByUniqueKey Query Message by Unique key
printMsg Print Message Detail
printMsgByQueue Print Message Detail
sendMsgStatus send msg to broker.
brokerConsumeStats Fetch broker consume stats data
producerConnection Query producer‘s socket connection and client version
consumerConnection Query consumer‘s socket connection, client version and subscription
consumerProgress Query consumers‘s progress, speed
consumerStatus Query consumer‘s internal data structure
cloneGroupOffset clone offset from other group.
clusterList List all of clusters
topicList Fetch all topic list from name server
updateKvConfig Create or update KV config.
deleteKvConfig Delete KV config.
wipeWritePerm Wipe write perm of broker in all name server
resetOffsetByTime Reset consumer offset by timestamp(without client restart).
updateOrderConf Create or update or delete order conf
cleanExpiredCQ Clean expired ConsumeQueue on broker.
cleanUnusedTopic Clean unused topic on broker.
startMonitoring Start Monitoring
statsAll Topic and Consumer tps stats
allocateMQ Allocate MQ
checkMsgSendRT check message send response time
clusterRT List All clusters Message Send RT
getNamesrvConfig Get configs of name server.
updateNamesrvConfig Update configs of name server.
getBrokerConfig Get broker config by cluster or special broker!
queryCq Query cq command.
sendMessage Send a message
consumeMessage Consume message
其中有一些说明,那就是 -b 参数就是broker,-c 参数就是cluster(集群) ,-n 参数就是nameServer,
1.updateTopic 更新或创建topic
参数 | 参数原文 | 是否必填 | 默认值 | 说明 |
b | brokerAddr | 如果-c为空,则必填 | broker 地址,表示topic 建在该broker | |
c | clusterName | 如果-b为空,则必填 | cluster 名称,表示topic 建在该cluster | |
h | help | 否 | 命令帮助 | |
n | namesrvAddr | 是 |
nameServer地址列表, 例如:; |
o | order | 否 | false |
设置topic的顺序(真|假 ) 顺序什么的,我还没接触过 |
p | perm | 否 | 6 |
设置topic的权限(2 | 4 | 6),介绍[2:W 4:R; 6:RW] 权限什么的,我也没用过 |
r | readQueueNums | 否 | 8 | 设置读队列的数量 |
s | hasUnitSub | 否 |
原文是has unit sub (true|false sub是订阅组的意思,unit sub 我就不知道了 |
t | topic | 是 | topic名字 | |
u | unit | 否 | false |
原文是is unit topic (true|false unit是什么概念啊,我好像没有看到 |
w | writeQueueNums | 否 | 8 | 设置写队列的数量 |
示例: bin/mqadmin updateTopic -b -n -t firstTopic
2.deleteTopic 从broker和NameServer中删除topic
参数 | 参数原文 | 是否必填 | 默认值 | 说明 |
c | clusterName | 是 | cluster 名称,表示从哪个cluster中删除该topic | |
h | help | 否 | 命令帮助 | |
n | namesrvAddr | 是 |
nameServer地址列表, 例如:; |
t | topic | 是 | topic名字 |