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XX.CTL 控制文件
XX.DBF 数据文件
XX.LOG 日志文件



(mysql -u root -p)
cmd dos命令行执行
sqlplus 用户名/密码
sqlplus system/123

conn 用户名/密码 as 连接身份@服务器连接字符串

-- 创建表空间
create tablespace 表空间名 datafile ‘数据文件名‘ size 大小;

create tablespace T128 datafile ‘T128.dbf‘ size 10M

create tablespace T128 datafile ‘C:\T128\T128.dbf‘ size 10M

autoextend on 自动扩展表空间

drop tablespace 表空间名 including contents;

-- 查看表空间名字情况
select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces;

-- 查看表结构
desc[ribe] 表名;

desc dba_tablespaces;

create user 用户名 identified by 密码 default tablespace 表空间;

create user T128 identified by 123 default tablespace T128;

-- 授权
grant 权限 to 用户名;

grant dba to t128; --管理员权限
grant connect to t128; --连接权
session 会话权

use 数据库名(mysql)
-- 指定用户登录
connect 用户名/密码;


create table auto_test(
id int not null auto_increment primary key,
name varchar2(10)

drop sequence seq_abc;

create sequence seq_abc
start with 1 maxvalue 99999;

select seq_abc.nextval
select seq_abc.currval from dual;

select to_char(sysdate,‘yyyymmdd‘)||empno||seq_abc.nextval,empno,ename from emp;


create tablespace emp datafile ‘emp.dbf‘ size 10M autoextend on;

create user yc identified by 123 default tablespace emp;

grant dba to yc;

conn yc/123;

create table emp_info (
no int primary key,
name varchar2(10) not null,
sex char(2),
bir date,
tel number(11,0),
indate date

create table dept(
no int primary key,
name varchar2(20)

create table kq(
no int,
name varchar2(10),
dept varchar2(20),
clockin date,
clockout date,
constraint fk_kq_emp_no foreign key(no) references emp_info(no)



-- 修改表结构之添加约束
alter table emp_info add constraint pk_emp primary key(no);


--date 日期和时间类型
select sysdate from dual:

to_char(参数) --将参数转换成为字符串
to_date(参数) --将字符串转换成为日期型格式

select to_char(sysdate,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘) from emp_info;

create table 表名 as select 字段 from 表名2;

create table 表名 as select 字段 from 表名2 where 不成立条件;


-- || 连接符
select ‘abc‘||name from emp_info;
select ‘员工编号:‘||no||‘员工姓名:‘||name from emp_info;

--连接 concat()
select concat(‘hello‘,‘world‘) from dual;

create table t1(id int check(id>=1 and id<=100),name char(10));


select add_months(sysdate,-2) from dual;

select sysdate+2 from dual;

select sysdate+2/24 from dual;

select last_day(sysdate) from dual;

select round(sysdate,‘mm‘) from dual;

select next_day(sysdate,‘星期二‘) from dual;


select a.name, a.address from stu a,stu b
where a.address= b.address
and b.name=‘张三‘;


select substr(‘hello‘,1,3),length(‘hello‘),replace(‘hello‘,‘l‘,‘x‘) from dual;


select sysdate from fual;

--求出星期数:当前日期数-生日日期=天数 /7=星期数
select no,name,round((sysdate-bir)/7) from emp;


create table dept(
deptid int primary key,
deptname varchar2(20)

create table emp(
empid int primary key check(empid>0),
deptid int not null,
name varchar2(10),
sex varchar(4) check(sex in (‘男‘,‘女‘,‘未知‘)),
bir date,
height numeric(3,2) check( height>0 and height<3 ),
tel numeric(11) check(tel like ‘1%‘ and length(tel)=11 ) ,
gz numeric(7,2) check(gz between 5000 and 50000),
constraint fk_emp_dept_deptid foreign key(deptid) references dept(deptid)

create table kq(
empid int,
ontime date,
offtime date,
constraint fk_kq_emp_empid foreign key(empid) references emp(empid)

insert into dept(deptid) values(1);
insert into dept(deptid) values(2);
insert into dept(deptid) values(3);
update dept set deptname=‘开发部‘ where deptid=1;
update dept set deptname=‘测试部‘ where deptid=2;
update dept set deptname=‘运营部‘ where deptid=3;


select * from dept;

insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(1,1,‘西沉‘,‘男‘,‘15-4月-1998‘,1.80,‘18692391446‘,50000);
insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(2,1,‘路飞‘,‘男‘,‘05-5月-2000‘,1.76,‘18692391446‘,50000);
insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(3,1,‘索隆‘,‘男‘,‘11-11月-1998‘,1.83,‘18692391446‘,50000);
insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(4,2,‘娜美‘,‘女‘,‘03-7月-1999‘,1.78,‘18692391446‘,50000);
insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(5,2,‘乔巴‘,‘男‘,‘24-12月-2005‘,1.58,‘18692391446‘,50000);
insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(6,2,‘山治‘,‘男‘,‘01-6月-1998‘,1.82,‘18692391446‘,50000);
insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(7,3,‘乌索普‘,‘男‘,‘1-4月-2000‘,1.75,‘18692391446‘,50000);
insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(8,3,‘弗兰奇‘,‘男‘,‘07-8月-1979‘,1.90,‘18692391446‘,50000);
insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(9,3,‘布鲁克‘,‘男‘,‘12-12月-1937‘,1.92,‘18692391446‘,50000);
insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(10,1,‘罗宾‘,‘女‘,‘04-5月-1989‘,1.81,‘18692391446‘,50000);
insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(11,2,‘小樱‘,‘女‘,‘03-3月-2000‘,1.76,‘18692391446‘,50000);
insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(12,3,‘鸣人‘,‘男‘,‘05-9月-2000‘,1.56,‘18692391446‘,50000);


select * from emp;

insert into kq(empid,ontime,offtime) values(1,to_date(‘2019-10-24 8:30:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘),to_date(‘2019-10-24 21:00:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘));
insert into kq(empid,ontime,offtime) values(2,to_date(‘2019-10-24 8:30:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘),to_date(‘2019-10-24 21:00:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘));
insert into kq(empid,ontime,offtime) values(3,to_date(‘2019-10-24 8:30:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘),to_date(‘2019-10-24 21:00:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘));
insert into kq(empid,ontime,offtime) values(4,to_date(‘2019-10-24 8:30:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘),to_date(‘2019-10-24 21:00:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘));
insert into kq(empid,ontime,offtime) values(5,to_date(‘2019-10-24 8:30:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘),to_date(‘2019-10-24 21:00:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘));
insert into kq(empid,ontime,offtime) values(6,to_date(‘2019-10-24 8:30:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘),to_date(‘2019-10-24 21:00:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘));
insert into kq(empid,ontime,offtime) values(7,to_date(‘2019-10-24 8:30:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘),to_date(‘2019-10-24 21:00:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘));
insert into kq(empid,ontime,offtime) values(8,to_date(‘2019-10-24 8:30:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘),to_date(‘2019-10-24 21:00:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘));
insert into kq(empid,ontime,offtime) values(9,to_date(‘2019-10-24 8:30:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘),to_date(‘2019-10-24 21:00:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘));


select * from kq;

select to_char(sysdate,‘yyyy‘) from dual;

select * from emp
where to_char(bir,‘yyyy‘)>1999
and sex=‘女‘
order by to_char(bir,‘yyyy‘) desc;

select * from emp
where extract(year from bir)>1999
and sex=‘女‘
order by extract(year from bir) desc;

-- 取出给定范围的月数
select months_between(sysdate, date‘2019-11-24‘) from emp;

select floor(months_between(sysdate,bir)/12) from emp;

select floor((sysdate-bir)/365) from emp;

select to_char(sysdate,‘yyyy‘)-to_char(bir,‘yyyy‘) from emp;

select extract(year from sysdate)-extract(year from bir) from emp;

select * from emp
where floor(MONTHS_BETWEEN(sysdate,bir)/12)>21
order by empid,floor(MONTHS_BETWEEN(sysdate,bir)/12) desc;

select * from emp
where to_char(sysdate,‘yyyy‘)-to_char(bir,‘yyyy‘)>21
order by empid,to_char(sysdate,‘yyyy‘)-to_char(bir,‘yyyy‘) desc;

select * from emp
where floor((sysdate-bir)/365) >21
order by empid,floor((sysdate-bir)/365) desc;

-- ||字符串连接符
select ‘员工编号是:‘||empid||‘,姓名是:‘||name from emp;

select floor((sysdate-bir)/366) as 年龄,count(*) as 数量 from emp
group by floor((sysdate-bir)/366)
order by 年龄,数量;

select empid,name,sex,floor((sysdate-bir)/365) from emp
where gz=(select max(gz) from emp);

select c.deptname as 部门名称,count(distinct a.empid) as 迟到人数 from kq a,emp b,dept c
where a.empid=b.empid and b.deptid=c.deptid
and to_char(a.ontime,‘hh24:mi‘)>‘08:20‘ and to_char(a.ontime,‘mm‘)=10
group by c.deptname
having count(distinct a.empid)>=2
order by 迟到人数 desc;

select name,bir,rownum from emp where rownum<=5;

select row_number() over(order by sex desc),name,bir from emp;

-- 按身高排名
select empid,name,height,row_number() over(order by height) 名次 from emp;

select empid,name,height,rank() over(order by height) 名次 from emp;

select empid,name,height,dense_rank() over(order by height) 名次 from emp;

--merge into

start with..connect by

select * from scott.emp start with empno=7369 connect by prior mgr=empno;




select ename,sal,
3,decode(sign(sal-6000),1,sal+500,sal+400),sal+200) x
from emp start with empno=7839 connect by prior empno=mgr;

select empno,empname,sal,level,
when level=1 then 20000
when level=2 then sal+1000
when level=3 and sal>=6000 then sal+500
when level=3 and sal<6000 then sal+400
else sal+200
from emp start with empno=7839 connect by prior empno=mgr;

update emp a set sal=
when level=1 then 20000
when level=2 then b.sal+1000
when level=3 and b.sal>=6000 then b.sal+500
when level=3 and b.sal<6000 then b.sal+400
else b.sal+200
end)x from emp b where a.empno=b.empno
start with b.empno=7839 connect by prior b.empno=b.mgr

create table dept(
deptid int primary key,
deptname varchar2(20)

create table emp(
empid int primary key check(empid>0),
deptid int not null,
name varchar2(10),
sex varchar(4) check(sex in (‘男‘,‘女‘,‘未知‘)),
bir date,
height numeric(3,2) check( height>0 and height<3 ),
tel numeric(11) check(tel like ‘1%‘ and length(tel)=11 ) ,
gz numeric(7,2) check(gz between 5000 and 50000),
constraint fk_emp_dept_deptid foreign key(deptid) references dept(deptid)

create table kq(
empid int,
ontime date,
offtime date,
constraint fk_kq_emp_empid foreign key(empid) references emp(empid)

insert into dept(deptid) values(1);
insert into dept(deptid) values(2);
insert into dept(deptid) values(3);
update dept set deptname=‘开发部‘ where deptid=1;
update dept set deptname=‘测试部‘ where deptid=2;
update dept set deptname=‘运营部‘ where deptid=3;


select * from dept;

insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(1,1,‘西沉‘,‘男‘,‘15-4月-1998‘,1.58,‘18692391446‘,50000);
insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(2,1,‘路飞‘,‘男‘,‘05-5月-2000‘,1.76,‘18692391446‘,50000);
insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(3,1,‘索隆‘,‘男‘,‘11-11月-1998‘,1.83,‘18692391446‘,50000);
insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(4,2,‘娜美‘,‘女‘,‘03-7月-1999‘,1.78,‘18692391446‘,50000);
insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(5,2,‘乔巴‘,‘男‘,‘24-12月-2005‘,1.58,‘18692391446‘,50000);
insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(6,2,‘山治‘,‘男‘,‘01-6月-1998‘,1.82,‘18692391446‘,50000);
insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(7,3,‘乌索普‘,‘男‘,‘1-4月-2000‘,1.75,‘18692391446‘,50000);
insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(8,3,‘弗兰奇‘,‘男‘,‘07-8月-1979‘,1.90,‘18692391446‘,50000);
insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(9,3,‘布鲁克‘,‘男‘,‘12-12月-1937‘,1.92,‘18692391446‘,50000);
insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(10,1,‘罗宾‘,‘女‘,‘04-5月-1989‘,1.81,‘18692391446‘,50000);
insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(11,2,‘小樱‘,‘女‘,‘03-3月-2000‘,1.76,‘18692391446‘,50000);
insert into emp(empid,deptid,name,sex,bir,height,tel,gz) values(12,3,‘鸣人‘,‘男‘,‘05-9月-2000‘,1.56,‘18692391446‘,50000);


select * from emp;

insert into kq(empid,ontime,offtime) values(1,to_date(‘2019-10-24 8:30:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘),to_date(‘2019-10-24 21:00:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘));
insert into kq(empid,ontime,offtime) values(2,to_date(‘2019-10-24 8:30:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘),to_date(‘2019-10-24 21:00:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘));
insert into kq(empid,ontime,offtime) values(3,to_date(‘2019-10-24 8:30:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘),to_date(‘2019-10-24 21:00:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘));
insert into kq(empid,ontime,offtime) values(4,to_date(‘2019-10-24 8:30:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘),to_date(‘2019-10-24 21:00:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘));
insert into kq(empid,ontime,offtime) values(5,to_date(‘2019-10-24 8:30:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘),to_date(‘2019-10-24 21:00:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘));
insert into kq(empid,ontime,offtime) values(6,to_date(‘2019-10-24 8:30:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘),to_date(‘2019-10-24 21:00:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘));
insert into kq(empid,ontime,offtime) values(7,to_date(‘2019-10-24 8:30:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘),to_date(‘2019-10-24 21:00:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘));
insert into kq(empid,ontime,offtime) values(8,to_date(‘2019-10-24 8:30:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘),to_date(‘2019-10-24 21:00:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘));
insert into kq(empid,ontime,offtime) values(9,to_date(‘2019-10-24 8:30:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘),to_date(‘2019-10-24 21:00:00‘,‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘));


select * from kq;

select to_char(sysdate,‘yyyy‘) from dual;

select * from emp
where to_char(bir,‘yyyy‘)>1999
and sex=‘女‘
order by to_char(bir,‘yyyy‘) desc;

select * from emp
where extract(year from bir)>1999
and sex=‘女‘
order by extract(year from bir) desc;

-- 取出给定范围的月数
select months_between(sysdate, date‘2019-11-24‘) from emp;

select floor(months_between(sysdate,bir)/12) from emp;

select floor((sysdate-bir)/365) from emp;

select to_char(sysdate,‘yyyy‘)-to_char(bir,‘yyyy‘) from emp

select extract(year from sysdate)-extract(year from bir) from emp

select * from emp
where floor(MONTHS_BETWEEN(sysdate,bir)/12)>21
order by empid,floor(MONTHS_BETWEEN(sysdate,bir)/12) desc;

select * from emp
where to_char(sysdate,‘yyyy‘)-to_char(bir,‘yyyy‘)>21
order by empid,to_char(sysdate,‘yyyy‘)-to_char(bir,‘yyyy‘) desc;

select * from emp
where floor((sysdate-bir)/365) >21
order by empid,floor((sysdate-bir)/365) desc;

-- ||字符串连接符
select ‘员工编号是:‘||empid||‘,姓名是:‘||name from emp;

select floor((sysdate-bir)/366) as 年龄,count(*) as 数量 from emp
group by floor((sysdate-bir)/366)
order by 年龄,数量;

select empid,name,sex,floor((sysdate-bir)/365) from emp
where gz=(select max(gz) from emp);

select c.deptname as 部门名称,count(distinct a.empid) as 迟到人数 from kq a,emp b,dept c
where a.empid=b.empid and b.deptid=c.deptid
and to_char(a.ontime,‘hh24:mi‘)>‘08:20‘ and to_char(a.ontime,‘mm‘)=10
group by c.deptname
having count(distinct a.empid)>=2
order by 迟到人数 desc;

select name 姓名 from emp;

select name,bir,rownum from emp where rownum<=5;

select row_number() over(order by sex desc),name,bir from emp;

-- 按身高排名
select empid,name,height,row_number() over(order by height) 名次 from emp;

select empid,name,height,rank() over(order by height) 名次 from emp;

select empid,name,height,dense_rank() over(order by height) 名次 from emp;



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