In the following figure you can see a rectangular card. The width of the card is W and length of the card is L and thickness is zero. Four (x*x) squares are cut from the four corners of the card shown by the black dotted lines. Then the card is folded along the magenta lines to make a box without a cover.
Given the width and height of the box, you will have to find the maximum volume of the box you can make for any value of x.
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
const int INF = 1e9;
const int MAXN = 1e6+10;
const int MOD = 1e9+7;
int main()
int t, cnt = 0;
double l, w;
scanf("%d", &t);
printf("Case %d: ", ++cnt);
scanf("%lf%lf", &l, &w);
double res = (4*(l+w)-sqrt(16*(l+w)*(l+w)-4*12*(l*w)))/24.0;
printf("%lf\n", res*(l-2*res)*(w-2*res));
return 0;
LightOJ - 1297 - Largest Box(数学)