#include"readConfig.h" #define CFGNAME "./test.txt" void mymenu() { printf("=========================\n"); printf("1 Test Write Config file\n"); printf("2 Test Read Config file\n"); printf("0 exit\n"); printf("=========================\n"); } int TGetCfg() { int ret = 0; char name[1024] = {0}; char value[1024] = {0}; int vlen = 0; printf("\nplease input key: "); scanf("%s,",name); ret = GetCfgItem(CFGNAME, name, value, &vlen); if (0 != ret) { printf("func WriteCfgItem err:%d \n",ret); return ret; } printf("value:%s \n",value); return ret; } int TWriteCfg() { int ret = 0; char name[1024] = {0}; char value[1024] = {0}; printf("\nplease input key: "); scanf("%s",name); printf("\nplease input value: "); scanf("%s", value); ret = WriteCfgItem(CFGNAME, name, value, strlen(value)); if (0 != ret) { printf("func WriteCfgItem err : %d \n", ret); return ret; } printf("your input name is %s , value is %s\n", name, value); return ret; } int main() { int choice; for(;;) { mymenu(); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: TWriteCfg(); break; case 2: TGetCfg(); break; case 0: exit(0); default: exit(0); } } printf("end......"); return 0; }
/* readConfig.h */ #ifndef _READCONFIG_H__ #define _READCONFIG_H__ #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdio.h> #define MaxLine 2048 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C"{ #endif int GetCfgItem(char *pFileName, char *pKey, char *pValue, int *pValueLen); //函数声明只是声明传入参数类型,参数名称可以和实现时不一样 int WriteCfgItem(char *pFileName, char *pItemName, char *pItemValue, int itemValueLen); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif
/* readConfig.c */ #include "readConfig.h" //获取配置项 int GetCfgItem(char *pFileName, char *pKey, char *pValue, int *pValueLen) { int ret = 0; FILE *fp = NULL; char *pTmp = NULL, *pEnd = NULL, *pBegin = NULL; char lineBuf[MaxLine]; fp = fopen(pFileName, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { //-1 means the file is not exist ret = -1; return ret; } while (!feof(fp)) { memset(lineBuf, 0 ,sizeof(lineBuf)); fgets(lineBuf, MaxLine, fp); pTmp = strchr(lineBuf, ‘=‘); //没有 = 号行跳过 if (pTmp == NULL) { continue; } pTmp = strstr(lineBuf, pKey); //判断该行是否有pKey if (pTmp == NULL) { continue; } pTmp = pTmp + strlen(pKey); // wang = qing ==> "= qing" pTmp = strchr(pTmp, ‘=‘); //判断pKey后面是否有= if (pTmp == NULL) { continue; } pTmp = pTmp + 1; //有等号把指针移到 = 号后一位 //获取value的起点 去除空格,遇到第一个非空格符号位置赋予pBegin while(1) { if (*pTmp == ‘ ‘) { pTmp++; } else { pBegin = pTmp; if (*pBegin == ‘\n‘) { //-2 means the value is empty fclose(fp); ret = -2; return ret; } break; } } //获取value终点 //遇到换行符或空格符终止(value值中不能有换行符空格符) while(1) { if ((*pTmp == ‘ ‘) || (*pTmp == ‘\n‘)) { break; } else { pTmp++; } } pEnd = pTmp; *pValueLen = pEnd - pBegin; memcpy(pValue, pBegin, pEnd-pBegin); } if (fp != NULL) { fclose(fp); } return 0; } /* 写配置文件 循环写每一行,检查key配置项是否存在,若存在,则修改对应value值 若不存在,则在文件末尾添加 “key = value” */ int WriteCfgItem(char *pFileName, char *pKey, char *pValue, int ValueLen) { int rv = 0, iTag = 0, length = 0; FILE *fp = NULL; char lineBuf[MaxLine]; char *pTmp = NULL, *pBegin = NULL, *pEnd = NULL; char filebuf[1024*8] = {0}; if (pFileName == NULL || pKey == NULL || pValue == NULL) { rv = -1; printf("setCfgItem() error. param error \n"); return rv; } fp = fopen(pFileName, "r+"); if (fp == NULL) { printf("The file %s is not exist, now create it.\n", pFileName); fp = fopen(pFileName, "w+t"); if (fp == NULL) { rv = -2; printf("create new file %s error. \n",pFileName); return rv; } } fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END); //把文件指针从文件开头移动到文件结尾 length = ftell(fp); //获取文件长度 if (length > 1024 *8) { rv = -3; printf("the size of file is too big, and no support\n"); fclose(fp); return rv; } fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET); while (!feof(fp)) { memset(lineBuf, 0, sizeof(lineBuf)); pTmp = fgets(lineBuf, MaxLine, fp); if (pTmp == NULL) { break; } /*检查pKey是否在本行 不在copy到filebuf中 在先修改,copy到filebuf中(替换) 读完整个文件 */ pTmp = strstr(lineBuf, pKey); if (pTmp == NULL) { strcat(filebuf, lineBuf); continue; } else { sprintf(lineBuf,"%s = %s\n", pKey, pValue); //将linebuf内容追加复制到filebuf中 strcat(filebuf, lineBuf); iTag = 1; } } //关键字不存在,追加 if (iTag == 0) { fprintf(fp, "%s = %s\n", pKey, pValue); } else //若关键字存在,则重新创建文件 先关闭源文件,再重新从头写入该文件中 { if (fp != NULL) { fclose(fp); fp = NULL; } fp = fopen(pFileName, "w+t"); if (fp == NULL) { rv = -4; printf("fopen() err. \n"); if (fp != NULL) { fclose(fp); return rv; } } fputs(filebuf, fp); } if (fp != NULL) { fclose(fp); } return rv; }