2、CREATE OBJECT lo_excel,创建zcl_excel类对象;
"excel文档类对象 DATA:lo_excel TYPE REF TO zcl_excel. "excel worksheet类对象 DATA:lo_worksheet TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet. "异常类 DATA:lf_cxexcel TYPE REF TO ZCX_EXCEL. "创建excel FORM creat_excel. "excel超链接 DATA:lo_hyperlink TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_hyperlink. TRY. "创建excel对象 CREATE OBJECT lo_excel. "获得当前worksheet lo_worksheet = lo_excel->get_active_worksheet( ). "设置单元格 lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = ‘A‘ ip_row = 1 ip_value = ‘hello world!‘ ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = ‘A‘ ip_row = 2 ip_value = sy-datum ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = ‘A‘ ip_row = 3 ip_value = sy-uzeit ). "创建超链接 "外部链接 lo_hyperlink = zcl_excel_hyperlink=>create_external_link( iv_url = ‘https://www.baidu.com‘ ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = ‘A‘ ip_row = 4 ip_value = ‘百度一下‘ ip_hyperlink = lo_hyperlink ). "内部链接到其他sheet lo_hyperlink = zcl_excel_hyperlink=>create_internal_link( iv_location = ‘itab!A1‘ ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = ‘A‘ ip_row = 5 ip_value = ‘itab:A1‘ ip_hyperlink = lo_hyperlink ). CATCH ZCX_EXCEL. ENDTRY. ENDFORM.
"下载显示excel转换 DATA:cl_writer TYPE REF TO zif_excel_writer. DATA:xdata TYPE xstring. DATA:t_rawdata TYPE solix_tab. DATA:bytecount TYPE i. "excel转换成xstring FORM translate_excel. "实例化cl_writer对象 CREATE OBJECT cl_writer TYPE zcl_excel_writer_2007. xdata = cl_writer->write_file( lo_excel ). * "方式1:convert to binary * CALL FUNCTION ‘SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY‘ * EXPORTING * buffer = xdata * IMPORTING * output_length = bytecount * TABLES * binary_tab = t_rawdata. "方式2:This method is only available on AS ABAP > 6.40 "excel转换 t_rawdata = cl_bcs_convert=>xstring_to_solix( iv_xstring = xdata ). "统计字节数 bytecount = xstrlen( xdata ). ENDFORM.
"在ABAP显示 FORM display_excel. DATA:error TYPE REF TO i_oi_error. DATA:t_errors TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF REF TO i_oi_error WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY. DATA:cl_control TYPE REF TO i_oi_container_control. "OIContainerCtrl DATA:cl_document TYPE REF TO i_oi_document_proxy. "Office Dokument c_oi_container_control_creator=>get_container_control( IMPORTING control = cl_control error = error ). APPEND error TO t_errors. cl_control->init_control( EXPORTING inplace_enabled = ‘X‘ no_flush = ‘X‘ r3_application_name = ‘Demo Document Container‘ parent = cl_gui_container=>screen0 IMPORTING error = error EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 2 ). APPEND error TO t_errors. cl_control->get_document_proxy( EXPORTING document_type = ‘Excel.Sheet‘ " EXCEL no_flush = ‘ ‘ IMPORTING document_proxy = cl_document error = error ). APPEND error TO t_errors. cl_document->open_document_from_table( EXPORTING document_size = bytecount document_table = t_rawdata open_inplace = ‘X‘ ). WRITE: ‘.‘. " To create an output. That way screen0 will exist ENDFORM.
"下载到本地 FORM download_excel. DATA:filepath TYPE String VALUE ‘C:‘. DATA:filename TYPE String VALUE ‘abap2xlsx1‘. "选择文件保存路径 cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_browse( EXPORTING window_title = ‘Select path to download EXCEL-file‘ initial_folder = filepath CHANGING selected_folder = filepath EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 error_no_gui = 2 not_supported_by_gui = 3 OTHERS = 4 ). filename = filepath && ‘\‘ && filename && ‘.XLSX‘.
"下载excel cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download( EXPORTING bin_filesize = bytecount filename = filename filetype = ‘BIN‘ CHANGING data_tab = t_rawdata ). ENDFORM.
"excel转换下载成csv FORM translate_csv. "cl_writer对象 CREATE OBJECT cl_writer TYPE zcl_excel_writer_csv. zcl_excel_writer_csv=>set_delimiter( ip_value = cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab ). zcl_excel_writer_csv=>set_enclosure( ip_value = ‘‘‘‘ ). zcl_excel_writer_csv=>set_endofline( ip_value = cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf ). "单个sheet写入,set_active_sheet_index_by_name( ) zcl_excel_writer_csv=>set_active_sheet_index( i_active_worksheet = 2 ). xdata = cl_writer->write_file( lo_excel ). "后续操作和excel一致,文件后缀.csv ENDFORM.
"读写xlsm类型文档 FORM translate_xlsm. DATA:lo_excel_writer TYPE REF TO zif_excel_writer. DATA:lo_excel_reader TYPE REF TO zif_excel_reader. TRY . CREATE OBJECT lo_excel_reader TYPE zcl_excel_reader_xlsm. CREATE OBJECT lo_excel_writer TYPE zcl_excel_writer_xlsm. lo_excel = lo_excel_reader->load_file( ‘文件路径‘ ). xdata = lo_excel_writer->write_file( lo_excel ). "后续操作和excel一致,文件后缀.xlsm CATCH ZCX_EXCEL. ENDTRY. ENDFORM.
"使用zcl_excel_converter导出excel FORM export_excel_conv. DATA:t_sflight TYPE TABLE OF sflight. DATA:lo_salv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table. SELECT * INTO TABLE t_sflight FROM sflight UP TO 10 ROWS. TRY. cl_salv_table=>factory( EXPORTING list_display = abap_false IMPORTING r_salv_table = lo_salv CHANGING t_table = t_sflight[] ). CATCH cx_salv_msg . ENDTRY. "调用显示alv * lo_salv->display( ). DATA: lo_converter TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_converter. "创建zcl_excel_converter类 CREATE OBJECT lo_converter. TRY . lo_converter->convert( EXPORTING io_alv = lo_salv it_table = t_sflight i_row_int = 2 i_column_int = 2 ). CATCH zcx_excel. ENDTRY. "调用write_file方法导出excel lo_converter->write_file( i_path = ‘D:/test.xlsx‘ ). ENDFORM. "EXPORT_TO_EXCEL_CONV
"使用worksheet的bind_alv方法 FORM export_excel_bind. DATA:t_sflight TYPE TABLE OF sflight. DATA:lo_salv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table. SELECT * INTO TABLE t_sflight FROM sflight UP TO 10 ROWS. TRY. cl_salv_table=>factory( EXPORTING list_display = abap_false IMPORTING r_salv_table = lo_salv CHANGING t_table = t_sflight[] ). CATCH cx_salv_msg . ENDTRY. "调用显示alv * lo_salv->display( ). TRY . "将alv绑定到worksheet, "只是绑定,导出excel需要调用gui_download方法 lo_worksheet->bind_alv( io_alv = lo_salv it_table = t_sflight i_top = 2 i_left = 1 ). CATCH zcx_excel. ENDTRY. "下载excel操作 "zcl_excel_writer对象,实例化 CREATE OBJECT cl_writer TYPE zcl_excel_writer_2007. xdata = cl_writer->write_file( lo_excel ). t_rawdata = cl_bcs_convert=>xstring_to_solix( iv_xstring = xdata ). "统计字节数 bytecount = xstrlen( xdata ). "下载excel cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download( EXPORTING bin_filesize = bytecount filename = ‘D:/test.xlsx‘ filetype = ‘BIN‘ CHANGING data_tab = t_rawdata ). ENDFORM.
"通过worksheet的bind_alv_ole2方法,将alv导出 FORM export_excel_bind1. "屏幕alv对象 DATA:lo_alv TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid. "excel header DATA:gt_listheader TYPE slis_t_listheader. DATA:wa_listheader LIKE LINE OF gt_listheader. "excel保存路径 DATA:l_path TYPE string VALUE ‘C:temp/test.xlsx‘. "获取屏幕alv对象 CALL FUNCTION ‘GET_GLOBALS_FROM_SLVC_FULLSCR‘ IMPORTING e_grid = lo_alv. wa_listheader-typ = ‘H‘. wa_listheader-info = ‘header line‘. APPEND wa_listheader TO gt_listheader. wa_listheader-typ = ‘S‘. wa_listheader-info = ‘second line‘. APPEND wa_listheader TO gt_listheader. wa_listheader-typ = ‘A‘. wa_listheader-info = ‘地址信息‘. APPEND wa_listheader TO gt_listheader. "调用lo_worksheet的bind_alv_ole2方法,直接调用下载 lo_worksheet->bind_alv_ole2( EXPORTING * I_DOCUMENT_URL = SPACE " excel template * I_XLS = ‘X‘ " create in xls format? i_save_path = l_path io_alv = lo_alv it_listheader = gt_listheader i_top = 2 i_left = 1 * I_COLUMNS_HEADER = ‘X‘ * I_COLUMNS_AUTOFIT = ‘X‘ * I_FORMAT_COL_HEADER = * I_FORMAT_SUBTOTAL = * I_FORMAT_TOTAL = EXCEPTIONS miss_guide = 1 ex_transfer_kkblo_error = 2 fatal_error = 3 inv_data_range = 4 dim_mismatch_vkey = 5 dim_mismatch_sema = 6 error_in_sema = 7 OTHERS = 8 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. ENDFORM.
"设置workbook级别protection,禁止编辑新建worksheet FORM set_workbook. lo_excel->zif_excel_book_protection~protected = zif_excel_book_protection=>c_protected. lo_excel->zif_excel_book_protection~lockrevision = zif_excel_book_protection=>c_locked. lo_excel->zif_excel_book_protection~lockstructure = zif_excel_book_protection=>c_locked. lo_excel->zif_excel_book_protection~lockwindows = zif_excel_book_protection=>c_locked. lo_excel->zif_excel_book_protection~workbookpassword = zcl_excel_common=>encrypt_password( ‘secret‘ ). lo_excel->zif_excel_book_protection~revisionspassword = zcl_excel_common=>encrypt_password( ‘secret‘ ). ENDFORM.
"设置worksheet FORM set_worksheet. "sheet颜色 DATA:ls_tabcolor TYPE ZEXCEL_S_TABCOLOR. "打印头和脚 DATA:ls_header TYPE zexcel_s_worksheet_head_foot. DATA:ls_footer TYPE zexcel_s_worksheet_head_foot. TRY . "创建一个新的worksheet lo_worksheet = lo_excel->add_new_worksheet( ). lo_worksheet->set_title( ip_title = ‘sheet2‘ ). lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_properties~selected = zif_excel_sheet_properties=>c_selected.
"设置sheet标签颜色 ls_tabcolor-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_blue. lo_worksheet->set_tabcolor( iv_tabcolor = ls_tabcolor ).
"设置sheet隐藏 * lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_properties~hidden = zif_excel_sheet_properties=>c_hidden.
"设置隐藏0 lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = ‘C‘ ip_row = 1 ip_value = ‘C2隐藏0:‘ ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = ‘C‘ ip_row = 2 ip_value = 0 ). lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_properties~show_zeros = zif_excel_sheet_properties=>c_hidezero. "sheet打印设置,printing settings lo_worksheet->sheet_setup->set_page_margins( ip_header = ‘1‘ ip_footer = ‘1‘ ip_unit = ‘cm‘ ). lo_worksheet->sheet_setup->black_and_white = ‘X‘. lo_worksheet->sheet_setup->fit_to_page = ‘X‘. " you should turn this on to activate fit_to_height and fit_to_width lo_worksheet->sheet_setup->fit_to_height = 0. " used only if ip_fit_to_page = ‘X‘ lo_worksheet->sheet_setup->fit_to_width = 2. " used only if ip_fit_to_page = ‘X‘ lo_worksheet->sheet_setup->orientation = zcl_excel_sheet_setup=>c_orientation_landscape. lo_worksheet->sheet_setup->page_order = zcl_excel_sheet_setup=>c_ord_downthenover. lo_worksheet->sheet_setup->paper_size = zcl_excel_sheet_setup=>c_papersize_a4. lo_worksheet->sheet_setup->scale = 80. " used only if ip_fit_to_page = SPACE "设置打印头和脚 " Header and Footer ls_header-right_value = ‘print date &D‘. ls_header-right_font-size = 8. ls_header-right_font-name = zcl_excel_style_font=>c_name_arial. ls_footer-left_value = ‘&Z&F‘. "Path / Filename ls_footer-left_font = ls_header-right_font. ls_footer-right_value = ‘page &P of &N‘. "page x of y ls_footer-right_font = ls_header-right_font. lo_worksheet->sheet_setup->set_header_footer( ip_odd_header = ls_header ip_odd_footer = ls_footer ). "设置隐藏列 lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_properties~hide_columns_from = ‘M‘. "设置行收缩展开,lv_collapsed:true收缩,false展开 lo_worksheet->set_row_outline( iv_row_from = 10 iv_row_to = 16 iv_collapsed = abap_true ). " collapsed "设置sheet保护 DATA:lo_style TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style. DATA:lv_style_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style. lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_protection~protected = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_protected. "设置密码加密 lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_protection~password = zcl_excel_common=>encrypt_password( ‘secret‘ ). lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_protection~sheet = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_active. lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_protection~objects = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_active. lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_protection~scenarios = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_active. lo_style = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). "设置unlocked锁住样式 lo_style->protection->locked = zcl_excel_style_protection=>c_protection_unlocked. lv_style_guid = lo_style->get_guid( ). "设置可编辑 lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = ‘E‘ ip_row = 2 ip_value = ‘unlocked‘ ip_style = lv_style_guid ). "设置单元格尺寸 lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_properties~zoomscale = 150. * lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_properties~zoomscale_normal = 150. * lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_properties~zoomscale_pagelayoutview = 150. * lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_properties~zoomscale_sheetlayoutview = 150. "设置是否显示打印sheet网格线 lo_worksheet->set_show_gridlines( i_show_gridlines = abap_false ). lo_worksheet->set_print_gridlines( i_print_gridlines = abap_false ). CATCH ZCX_EXCEL. ENDTRY. ENDFORM.
2. 获取设置当前活动worksheet,特别注意操作多个worksheet时,当前哪个worksheet处于活动状态。
"设置获取active worksheet FORM set_active_sheet. "当创建lo_excle->add_new_worksheet(),当前创建worksheet处于active状态 "get_active_sheet_index()方法,获取活动worksheet的index "get_active_worksheet()方法,获取活动worksheet "set_active_sheet_index()方法,通过index设置活动worksheet "set_active_sheet_index_by_name()方法, ENDFORM.
"设置单元格样式 FORM set_style. "style类 DATA:lo_style TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style. "style的guid DATA:lv_style_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style.TRY. "创建一个新的worksheet lo_worksheet = lo_excel->add_new_worksheet( ). lo_worksheet->set_title( ip_title = ‘sheet3‘ ). CATCH ZCX_EXCEL. ENDTRY. "字体设置,类:zcl_excel_style_font "创建一个新style lo_style = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). "加粗 lo_style->font->bold = abap_true. "斜体 lo_style->font->italic = abap_true. "下划线 lo_style->font->underline = abap_true. "下划线mode,单下划线双下划线 lo_style->font->underline_mode = zcl_excel_style_font=>c_underline_double. "字体family,C_FAMILY_XXX lo_style->font->family = zcl_excel_style_font=>c_family_roman. "字体名:c_name_XXX,直接设置字体名:‘YouYuan‘ * lo_style->font->name = zcl_excel_style_font=>c_name_arial. lo_style->font->name = ‘YouYuan‘. "字体主题:C_SCHEME_XXX lo_style->font->scheme = zcl_excel_style_font=>c_scheme_none. "字体颜色,使用CSS颜色值:后面六位,前两位默认FF * lo_style->font->color-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_red. lo_style->font->color-rgb = ‘FF66FFCC‘. "自定义color,设置红绿蓝;create_new_argb方法和create_new_argb_int方法,返回zecel_style_color_argb类型 * zcl_excel_style_color=>create_new_argb( ip_red = ‘FF‘ ip_green = ‘00‘ ip_blu = ‘00‘ ). "颜色对应结构体ZEXCEL_S_STYLE_COLOR * zexcel_s_style_color-rgb对应:ZEXCEL_STYLE_COLOR_ARGB类型 * zexcel_s_style_color-indexed 对应:ZEXCEL_STYLE_COLOR_INDEXED类型 * zexcel_s_style_color-theme 对应:ZEXCEL_STYLE_COLOR_THEME类型 * zexcel_s_style_color-tint 对应:ZEXCEL_STYLE_COLOR_TINT类型 "字体大小 lo_style->font->size = 11. "获取style的编码uuid lv_style_guid = lo_style->get_guid( ). TRY . "设置style lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = ‘C‘ ip_row = 1 ip_style = lv_style_guid ip_value = ‘style样式字体‘ ). CATCH ZCX_EXCEL. ENDTRY.
"fill设置,类:zcl_excel_style_fill "创建一个新style lo_style = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). "填充类型 lo_style->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. "前景色 lo_style->fill->fgcolor-rgb = ‘FF66FFCC‘. "背景色 lo_style->fill->bgcolor-rgb = ‘FF000022‘. "获取style的编码uuid lv_style_guid = lo_style->get_guid( ). TRY . "设置style lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = ‘C‘ ip_row = 2 ip_style = lv_style_guid ip_value = ‘style样式fill‘ ). CATCH ZCX_EXCEL. ENDTRY.
"border类 DATA:lo_border TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style_border. "创建一个新style lo_style = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). "创建border对象 CREATE OBJECT lo_border. "设置border样式 lo_border->border_style = zcl_excel_style_border=>c_border_dashdot. lo_border->border_color-rgb = ‘FFCC0066‘. "设置所有border lo_style->borders->allborders = lo_border. "通过down,left,right,top设置单独边框 * lo_style->borders->down = lo_border. "设置单元格中交叉线 * lo_style->borders->diagonal = lo_border. * lo_style->borders->diagonal_mode = zcl_excel_style_borders=>c_diagonal_both. "获取style的编码uuid lv_style_guid = lo_style->get_guid( ). TRY . "设置style lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = ‘C‘ ip_row = 3 ip_style = lv_style_guid ip_value = ‘style样式border‘ ). CATCH ZCX_EXCEL. ENDTRY. "设置alignment,类:zcl_excel_style_alignment "创建一个新style lo_style = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). "设置水平方向,c_horizontal_xxxx:居中center,靠左left,靠右right,默认general lo_style->alignment->horizontal = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_horizontal_left. "设置竖直方向,c_vertical_xxxx:顶部top,底部bottom,中间center,排齐justify lo_style->alignment->vertical = zcl_excel_style_alignment=>c_vertical_top. "设置文本旋转 lo_style->alignment->textrotation = 0. "设置缩小适应 lo_style->alignment->shrinktofit = abap_true. "设置缩进字符 lo_style->alignment->indent = 2. "换行 lo_style->alignment->wraptext = abap_true. "获取style的编码uuid lv_style_guid = lo_style->get_guid( ). TRY . "设置style lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = ‘C‘ ip_row = 4 ip_style = lv_style_guid ip_value = ‘style样式alignment‘ ) CATCH ZCX_EXCEL. ENDTRY.
"设置number_format格式,类:zcl_excel_style_number_format "创建一个新style lo_style = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). "日期格式 lo_style->number_format->format_code = zcl_excel_style_number_format=>c_format_date_ddmmyyyy. "获取style的编码uuid lv_style_guid = lo_style->get_guid( ). TRY . "设置style lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = ‘C‘ ip_row = 5 ip_style = lv_style_guid ip_value = sy-datum ). CATCH ZCX_EXCEL. ENDTRY. "创建一个新style lo_style = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). "文本格式 lo_style->number_format->format_code = zcl_excel_style_number_format=>c_format_text. "获取style的编码uuid lv_style_guid = lo_style->get_guid( ). TRY . "设置style lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = ‘C‘ ip_row = 6 ip_style = lv_style_guid ip_value = ‘01234‘ ). CATCH ZCX_EXCEL. ENDTRY. "设置保护protection,类:zcl_excel_style_protection "创建一个新style lo_style = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). "是否隐藏?? * lo_style->protection->hidden = zcl_excel_style_protection=>c_protection_hidden. "是否锁住?? lo_style->protection->locked = ‘1‘. "获取style的编码uuid lv_style_guid = lo_style->get_guid( ). TRY . "设置style lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = ‘C‘ ip_row = 7 ip_style = lv_style_guid ip_value = ‘style样式protection‘ ). CATCH ZCX_EXCEL. ENDTRY. ENDFORM.
"设置单元格对应ABAP数据类型 FORM set_typedesc. TRY. "创建一个新的worksheet lo_worksheet = lo_excel->add_new_worksheet( ). lo_worksheet->set_title( ip_title = ‘sheet6‘ ). "设置type desc "cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_string, "cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_packed, "cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_num, "cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_date, lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = ‘C‘ ip_row = 1 ip_abap_type = cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_string ip_value = ‘string‘ ). CATCH ZCX_EXCEL. ENDTRY. ENDFORM.
"展示一个内表到excel FORM show_itab. "内表定义 DATA:t_sflight LIKE TABLE OF sflight. SELECT * INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE t_sflight FROM sflight WHERE CARRID = ‘AA‘. "excel内表设置 DATA: ls_table_settings TYPE zexcel_s_table_settings. "excel内表显示栏位,样式 DATA: lt_field_catalog TYPE zexcel_t_fieldcatalog. "指针 FIELD-SYMBOLS:<fs_catalog> TYPE zexcel_s_fieldcatalog. TRY . "创建一个新的worksheet lo_worksheet = lo_excel->add_new_worksheet( ). "设置sheet标题 lo_worksheet->set_title( ip_title = ‘itab‘ ). "设置内表样式 ls_table_settings-table_name = ‘itab‘. ls_table_settings-table_style = zcl_excel_table=>builtinstyle_medium2. "设置内表起始列和行 ls_table_settings-top_left_column = ‘B‘. ls_table_settings-top_left_row = 2. * ls_table_settings-bottom_right_column = ‘F‘. * ls_table_settings-bottom_right_row = 8. "行条纹 ls_table_settings-show_row_stripes = abap_false. "列条纹 ls_table_settings-show_column_stripes = abap_true. "无过滤器 ls_table_settings-nofilters = abap_true. "iconset DATA: ls_iconset TYPE zexcel_conditional_iconset. "条件格式 DATA: lo_style_conditional TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style_conditional. "设置显示图标类型c_iconset_XXXX,不同图标 ls_iconset-iconset = zcl_excel_style_conditional=>c_iconset_5rating. "iconset_数字,数字是几设置几个cfvo,显示不同图标区间 ls_iconset-cfvo1_type = zcl_excel_style_conditional=>c_cfvo_type_percent. ls_iconset-cfvo1_value = ‘0‘. ls_iconset-cfvo2_type = zcl_excel_style_conditional=>c_cfvo_type_percent. ls_iconset-cfvo2_value = ‘20‘. ls_iconset-cfvo3_type = zcl_excel_style_conditional=>c_cfvo_type_percent. ls_iconset-cfvo3_value = ‘30‘. ls_iconset-cfvo4_type = zcl_excel_style_conditional=>c_cfvo_type_percent. ls_iconset-cfvo4_value = ‘40‘. ls_iconset-cfvo5_type = zcl_excel_style_conditional=>c_cfvo_type_percent. ls_iconset-cfvo5_value = ‘50‘. "条件设置 lo_style_conditional = lo_worksheet->add_new_conditional_style( ). "规则 lo_style_conditional->rule = zcl_excel_style_conditional=>c_rule_iconset. "优先级 lo_style_conditional->priority = 1. lo_style_conditional->mode_iconset = ls_iconset. "是否同时显示单元格值 ls_iconset-showvalue = zcl_excel_style_conditional=>c_showvalue_true. "获取内表字段 lt_field_catalog = zcl_excel_common=>get_fieldcatalog( ip_table = t_sflight ). "设置field catalog "zexcel_s_fieldcatalog字段解析 "position:字段显示位置 "dynpfld:字段是否显示,true显示,false隐藏 "abap_type:字段对应ABAP类型 "cond_style:可以添加zcl_excel_style_conditional,图标显示 "totals_function:该列添加统计行,统计类型, "TOTALS_FUNCTION_AVERAGE:平均值 "TOTALS_FUNCTION_COUNT:统计记录数 "TOTALS_FUNCTION_MAX:最大值 "TOTALS_FUNCTION_MIN:最小值 "TOTALS_FUNCTION_SUM:合计 LOOP AT lt_field_catalog ASSIGNING <fs_catalog>. CASE <fs_catalog>-fieldname. WHEN ‘CARRID‘. <fs_catalog>-position = 1. <fs_catalog>-dynpfld = abap_true. WHEN ‘CONNID‘. <fs_catalog>-position = 2. <fs_catalog>-dynpfld = abap_true. <fs_catalog>-abap_type = cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_int. WHEN ‘FLDATE‘. <fs_catalog>-position = 3. <fs_catalog>-dynpfld = abap_true. <fs_catalog>-totals_function = zcl_excel_table=>totals_function_count. WHEN ‘PRICE‘. <fs_catalog>-position = 4. <fs_catalog>-dynpfld = abap_true. <fs_catalog>-cond_style = lo_style_conditional. <fs_catalog>-totals_function = zcl_excel_table=>totals_function_sum. WHEN OTHERS. <fs_catalog>-dynpfld = abap_false. ENDCASE. ENDLOOP. "设置内表和worksheet绑定 lo_worksheet->bind_table( ip_table = t_sflight is_table_settings = ls_table_settings it_field_catalog = lt_field_catalog ). "设置固定行 lo_worksheet->freeze_panes( ip_num_rows = 3 ). "设置活动的lo_worksheet,从1开始, "使用set_active_sheet_index_by_name方法,通过sheet名设置active sheet lo_excel->set_active_sheet_index( 1 ). CATCH ZCX_EXCEL INTO lf_cxexcel. "获取错误信息 DATA:result TYPE String. CALL METHOD lf_cxexcel->IF_MESSAGE~GET_TEXT RECEIVING result = result. MESSAGE result TYPE ‘E‘. ENDTRY. ENDFORM.
"图标显示 FORM conditional_format. "条件格式 DATA: lo_style_conditional TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style_conditional. TRY. "创建一个新的worksheet lo_worksheet = lo_excel->add_new_worksheet( ). lo_worksheet->set_title( ip_title = ‘sheet4‘ ).
"iconset DATA: ls_iconset TYPE zexcel_conditional_iconset. "设置显示图标类型c_iconset_XXXX,不同图标 ls_iconset-iconset = zcl_excel_style_conditional=>c_iconset_3trafficlights2. "iconset_数字,数字是几设置几个cfvo,显示不同图标区间 ls_iconset-cfvo1_type = zcl_excel_style_conditional=>c_cfvo_type_percent. ls_iconset-cfvo1_value = ‘0‘. ls_iconset-cfvo2_type = zcl_excel_style_conditional=>c_cfvo_type_percent. ls_iconset-cfvo2_value = ‘33‘. ls_iconset-cfvo3_type = zcl_excel_style_conditional=>c_cfvo_type_percent. ls_iconset-cfvo3_value = ‘66‘. "是否同时显示单元格值 ls_iconset-showvalue = zcl_excel_style_conditional=>c_showvalue_true. "条件设置 lo_style_conditional = lo_worksheet->add_new_conditional_style( ). "规则 lo_style_conditional->rule = zcl_excel_style_conditional=>c_rule_iconset. "优先级 lo_style_conditional->priority = 1. lo_style_conditional->mode_iconset = ls_iconset. "设置范围range lo_style_conditional->set_range( ip_start_column = ‘C‘ ip_start_row = 4 ip_stop_column = ‘C‘ ip_stop_row = 8 ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 4 ip_column = ‘C‘ ip_value = 100 ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 5 ip_column = ‘C‘ ip_value = 1000 ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 6 ip_column = ‘C‘ ip_value = 150 ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 7 ip_column = ‘C‘ ip_value = 10 ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 8 ip_column = ‘C‘ ip_value = 500 ).
"databar DATA:ls_databar TYPE zexcel_conditional_databar. ls_databar-cfvo1_type = zcl_excel_style_conditional=>c_cfvo_type_min. ls_databar-cfvo1_value = ‘0‘. ls_databar-cfvo2_type = zcl_excel_style_conditional=>c_cfvo_type_max. ls_databar-cfvo2_value = ‘0‘. ls_databar-colorrgb = ‘FF638EC6‘. "条件设置 lo_style_conditional = lo_worksheet->add_new_conditional_style( ). "规则 lo_style_conditional->rule = zcl_excel_style_conditional=>c_rule_databar. "优先级 lo_style_conditional->priority = 1. lo_style_conditional->mode_databar = ls_databar. "设置范围range lo_style_conditional->set_range( ip_start_column = ‘D‘ ip_start_row = 4 ip_stop_column = ‘D‘ ip_stop_row = 8 ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 4 ip_column = ‘D‘ ip_value = 100 ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 5 ip_column = ‘D‘ ip_value = 200 ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 6 ip_column = ‘D‘ ip_value = 300 ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 7 ip_column = ‘D‘ ip_value = 400 ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 8 ip_column = ‘D‘ ip_value = 500 ). "colorscale DATA:ls_colorscale TYPE zexcel_conditional_colorscale. ls_colorscale-cfvo1_type = zcl_excel_style_conditional=>c_cfvo_type_min. ls_colorscale-cfvo1_value = 0. ls_colorscale-cfvo2_type = zcl_excel_style_conditional=>c_cfvo_type_percentile. ls_colorscale-cfvo2_value = ‘50‘. ls_colorscale-colorrgb1 = ‘FFF8696B‘. ls_colorscale-colorrgb2 = ‘FF63BE7B‘. "条件设置 lo_style_conditional = lo_worksheet->add_new_conditional_style( ). "规则 lo_style_conditional->rule = zcl_excel_style_conditional=>c_rule_colorscale. "优先级 lo_style_conditional->priority = 1. lo_style_conditional->mode_colorscale = ls_colorscale. "设置范围range lo_style_conditional->set_range( ip_start_column = ‘E‘ ip_start_row = 4 ip_stop_column = ‘E‘ ip_stop_row = 8 ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 4 ip_column = ‘E‘ ip_value = 10 ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 5 ip_column = ‘E‘ ip_value = 20 ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 6 ip_column = ‘E‘ ip_value = 30 ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 7 ip_column = ‘E‘ ip_value = 40 ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 8 ip_column = ‘E‘ ip_value = 50 ). "cellis "根据条件,设置单元格样式 DATA:lo_style TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style. DATA:lv_style_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style. DATA:ls_cellis TYPE zexcel_conditional_cellis. lo_style = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style->fill->bgcolor-rgb = ‘FF00CCFF‘. lv_style_guid = lo_style->get_guid( ).
"条件设置 lo_style_conditional = lo_worksheet->add_new_conditional_style( ). lo_style_conditional->rule = zcl_excel_style_conditional=>c_rule_cellis. ls_cellis-formula = ‘"hello"‘. ls_cellis-operator = zcl_excel_style_conditional=>c_operator_equal. ls_cellis-cell_style = lv_style_guid. lo_style_conditional->mode_cellis = ls_cellis. lo_style_conditional->priority = 1. lo_style_conditional->set_range( ip_start_column = ‘G‘ ip_start_row = 2 ip_stop_column = ‘G‘ ip_stop_row = 2 ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 1 ip_column = ‘G‘ ip_value = ‘G2输入hello显示样式:‘ ). CATCH ZCX_EXCEL. ENDTRY. ENDFORM.
"formula,公式 FORM set_formula. TRY . lo_excel->set_active_sheet_index_by_name( ‘sheet4‘ ). "获取worksheet,通过sheet名 lo_worksheet = lo_excel->get_worksheet_by_name( ‘sheet4‘ ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 9 ip_column = ‘C‘ ip_value = ‘求和:‘ ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 10 ip_column = ‘C‘ ip_formula = ‘SUM(C4:C5)‘ ). CATCH ZCX_EXCEL. ENDTRY. ENDFORM.
"通过循环获取动态公式 DO 2 TIMES. "获取转换的公式 lv_formula = zcl_excel_common=>shift_formula( iv_reference_formula = ‘SUM(C4:C5)‘ iv_shift_cols = 0 iv_shift_rows = sy-index ). lv_row = 10 + sy-index. " Absolute row = sy-index rows below reference cell lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = lv_row ip_column = ‘C‘ ip_formula = lv_formula ). ENDDO.
"range获取 FORM set_range. "range DATA:lo_range TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_range. "sheet名 DATA: lv_title TYPE zexcel_sheet_title VALUE ‘sheet4‘. lo_range = lo_excel->add_new_range( ). lo_range->name = ‘range‘. "A4A5区域 lo_range->set_value( ip_sheet_name = lv_title ip_start_column = ‘A‘ ip_start_row = 4 ip_stop_column = ‘A‘ ip_stop_row = 5 ). ENDFORM.
"ZCL_EXCEL_COMMON类 FORM common_excel. "ZCL_EXCEL_COMMON类提供一些通用方法 "CONVERT_COLUMN2ALPHA:将列号转换对应字母 "DATE_TO_EXCEL_STRING:将日期转换为string类型对应数字字符串 "ENCRYPT_PASSWORD:加密密码字符串 "EXCEL_STRING_TO_DATE:将日期数字字符串转换为日期 "SHIFT_FORMULA:移动应用单元格公式 ENDFORM.
"单元格验证 FORM set_validation. "range DATA:lo_range TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_range. "data validation验证规则 DATA:lo_data_validation TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_data_validation. TRY. "创建一个新的worksheet lo_worksheet = lo_excel->add_new_worksheet( ). lo_worksheet->set_title( ip_title = ‘data validation‘ ). "设置下拉选择值 lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 1 ip_column = ‘A‘ ip_value = ‘苹果‘ ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 2 ip_column = ‘A‘ ip_value = ‘梨子‘ ). lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 3 ip_column = ‘A‘ ip_value = ‘香蕉‘ ). "创建新range lo_range = lo_worksheet->add_new_range( ). lo_range->name = ‘fruit‘. "ip_sheet_name设置range数据所在sheet,设置range范围 lo_range->set_value( ip_sheet_name = ‘data validation‘ ip_start_column = ‘A‘ ip_start_row = ‘1‘ ip_stop_column = ‘A‘ ip_stop_row = ‘3‘ ). "创建验证规则 lo_data_validation = lo_worksheet->add_new_data_validation( ). "验证类型:下拉选择框 lo_data_validation->type = zcl_excel_data_validation=>c_type_list. lo_data_validation->formula1 = ‘fruit‘. "规则所在单元格 lo_data_validation->cell_row = 4. lo_data_validation->cell_column = ‘A‘. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 4 ip_column = ‘A‘ ip_value = ‘Select a value‘ ). "创建验证规则 lo_data_validation = lo_worksheet->add_new_data_validation( ). "验证类型:文本长度 lo_data_validation->type = zcl_excel_data_validation=>c_type_textlength. "操作符:小于等于 lo_data_validation->operator = zcl_excel_data_validation=>c_operator_lessthanorequal. "公式 lo_data_validation->formula1 = 10. "规则所在单元格 lo_data_validation->cell_row = 2. lo_data_validation->cell_column = ‘B‘. "规则区域 * lo_data_validation->cell_row_to = 3. * lo_data_validation->cell_column = ‘D‘. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 1 ip_column = ‘B‘ ip_value = ‘text长度小于10:‘ ). "创建验证规则 lo_data_validation = lo_worksheet->add_new_data_validation( ). "验证类型: lo_data_validation->type = zcl_excel_data_validation=>c_type_whole. "操作符:between lo_data_validation->operator = zcl_excel_data_validation=>c_operator_between. "范围 lo_data_validation->formula1 = 1. lo_data_validation->formula2 = 10. "选择单元格,弹出提示信息 lo_data_validation->prompttitle = ‘Range‘. lo_data_validation->prompt = ‘Enter a value between 1 and 10‘. "错误弹窗,显示错误信息 lo_data_validation->errortitle = ‘Error‘. lo_data_validation->error = ‘You have entered a wrong value. Please use only numbers between 1 and 10.‘. "规则生效单元格 lo_data_validation->cell_row = 2. lo_data_validation->cell_column = ‘C‘. lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 1 ip_column = ‘C‘ ip_value = ‘数字在1-10:‘ ). CATCH ZCX_EXCEL. ENDTRY. ENDFORM.
"单元格合并 FORM set_merge. TRY . lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_row = 1 ip_column = ‘F‘ ip_value = ‘单元格合并‘ ). "设置单元格合并 lo_worksheet->set_merge( ip_column_start = ‘F‘ ip_column_end = ‘H‘ ip_row = 1 ip_row_to = 2 ). CATCH ZCX_EXCEL. ENDTRY. ENDFORM.
使用zcl_excel_worksheet_columndime类对象保存列信息,zcl_excel_worksheet_rowdimensi 类对象保存行信息。
"行列选择 FORM select_area. "列选择对象 DATA:column_dimension TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet_columndime. "行选择对象 DATA:row_dimension TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet_rowdimensi. TRY . "列选择 column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column_dimension( ip_column = ‘A‘ ). "设置列属性 "设置列宽 column_dimension->set_width( ip_width = 6 ). "设置自动列宽 column_dimension->set_auto_size( ip_auto_size = abap_true ). "设置是否可见 column_dimension->set_visible( ip_visible = abap_true ). "设置列样式 "style类 DATA:lo_style TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style. "style的guid DATA:lv_style_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style. "创建一个新style lo_style = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). "文本格式 lo_style->number_format->format_code = zcl_excel_style_number_format=>c_format_text. "获取style的编码uuid lv_style_guid = lo_style->get_guid( ). column_dimension->set_column_style_by_guid( ip_style_guid = lv_style_guid ). "设置outline level,出现列收缩展开栏 column_dimension->set_outline_level( ip_outline_level = 0 ). "行选择 row_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_row_dimension( ip_row = 1 ). "设置行高 row_dimension->set_row_height( ip_row_height = 32 ). CATCH ZCX_EXCEL. ENDTRY. ENDFORM.
"获取excel的列数和行数 FORM get_rc. "行数 DATA:lv_rows TYPE I. "列数 DATA:lv_columns TYPE I. "列数对应字母 DATA:col_alpha TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha. TRY . "获取行列数 lv_rows = lo_worksheet->get_highest_row( ). lv_columns = lo_worksheet->get_highest_column( ). "将列数转换成对应列字母 col_alpha = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( ip_column = 2 ). CATCH ZCX_EXCEL. ENDTRY. ENDFORM.
"显示图片 FORM set_drawing. "绘制图片对象 DATA:lo_drawing TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_drawing. TRY . "创建一个新的worksheet lo_worksheet = lo_excel->add_new_worksheet( ). lo_worksheet->set_title( ip_title = ‘drawing‘ ). "显示本地路径图片 DATA:t_solix TYPE solix_tab. DATA:lv_len TYPE I. DATA:lv_xstring TYPE xstring. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload EXPORTING filename = ‘D:\图片\back2.jpg‘ filetype = ‘BIN‘ IMPORTING filelength = lv_len CHANGING data_tab = t_solix. IF sy-subrc <> 0 . MESSAGE ‘读取失败!‘ TYPE ‘E‘. ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION ‘SCMS_BINARY_TO_XSTRING‘ EXPORTING input_length = lv_len IMPORTING buffer = lv_xstring TABLES binary_tab = t_solix EXCEPTIONS failed = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. "创建zcl_excel_drawing对象 lo_drawing = lo_excel->add_new_drawing( ). lo_drawing->set_position( ip_from_row = 3 ip_from_col = ‘B‘ ). lo_drawing->set_media( ip_media = lv_xstring ip_media_type = zcl_excel_drawing=>c_media_type_bmp ip_width = 83 ip_height = 160 ). "worksheet添加图片 lo_worksheet->add_drawing( lo_drawing ). "加载tcode:SMW0图片 DATA:ls_key TYPE wwwdatatab. ls_key-relid = ‘MI‘. "SMW0,通过object id可以查找到图片 ls_key-objid = ‘SAPLOGO.GIF‘. lo_drawing = lo_excel->add_new_drawing( ). lo_drawing->set_position( ip_from_row = 16 ip_from_col = ‘B‘ ). lo_drawing->set_media_www( ip_key = ls_key ip_width = 166 ip_height = 75 ). "worksheet添加图片 lo_worksheet->add_drawing( lo_drawing ). "Mime repository (by default Question mark in standard Web Dynpro WDT_QUIZ "使用lo_worksheet->set_media_mime方法 CATCH ZCX_EXCEL. ENDTRY. ENDFORM.
"设置filter FORM set_filter. DATA:t_sflight TYPE TABLE OF sflight. SELECT * FROM sflight INTO TABLE t_sflight UP TO 10 ROWS. "将alv或者内表绑定到excel,converter类 DATA:lo_converter TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_converter. "自动过滤类 DATA:lo_autofilter TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_autofilter. "过滤器范围 DATA:ls_area TYPE zexcel_s_autofilter_area. "列单元格值 DATA:lv_cell_value TYPE zexcel_cell_value. TRY . "创建一个新的worksheet lo_worksheet = lo_excel->add_new_worksheet( ). lo_worksheet->set_title( ip_title = ‘filter‘ ). CREATE OBJECT lo_converter. lo_converter->convert( EXPORTING it_table = t_sflight i_row_int = 1 i_column_int = 1 io_worksheet = lo_worksheet CHANGING co_excel = lo_excel ). "当前worksheet,创建新的filter对象 lo_autofilter = lo_excel->add_new_autofilter( io_sheet = lo_worksheet ) . ls_area-row_start = 1. ls_area-col_start = 1. ls_area-row_end = lo_worksheet->get_highest_row( ). ls_area-col_end = lo_worksheet->get_highest_column( ). lo_autofilter->set_filter_area( ls_area ). "设置第三列filter value * lo_worksheet->get_cell( EXPORTING * ip_column = ‘C‘ * ip_row = 2 * IMPORTING * ep_value = lv_cell_value ). "设置列筛选值 * lo_autofilter->set_value( i_column = 3 i_value = lv_cell_value ). CATCH ZCX_EXCEL. ENDTRY. ENDFORM.