最近有需求,对WGS测序获得SNP信息进行筛减,可问题是测序个体少,call rate,maf,hwe,等条件过滤后,snp数量还是千万级别,所以后面利用plink工具根据LD信息来滤除大量SNP标记。
工具版本:PLINK v1.90b4.6 64-bit (15 Aug 2017)
1 plink --allow-extra-chr --recode --chr-set 18 --vcf test.gz --out s_vcf 2 awk ‘{print $1"\t"$1"_"$4"\t"$3"\t"$4}‘ s_vcf.map >s1_vcf.map 3 mv s_vcf.ped s1_vcf.ped
这里我们主要使用 --indep-pairwise 参数,直接运行查看具体用法:
1 plink --indep-pairwise --help 2 PLINK v1.90b4.6 64-bit (15 Aug 2017) www.cog-genomics.org/plink/1.9/ 3 (C) 2005-2017 Shaun Purcell, Christopher Chang GNU General Public License v3 4 --help present, ignoring other flags. 5 6 --indep [window size]<kb> [step size (variant ct)] [VIF threshold] 7 --indep-pairwise [window size]<kb> [step size (variant ct)] [r^2 threshold] 8 --indep-pairphase [window size]<kb> [step size (variant ct)] [r^2 threshold] 9 Generate a list of markers in approximate linkage equilibrium. With the 10 ‘kb‘ modifier, the window size is in kilobase instead of variant count 11 units. (Pre-‘kb‘ space is optional, i.e. ‘--indep-pairwise 500 kb 5 0.5‘ 12 and ‘--indep-pairwise 500kb 5 0.5‘ have the same effect.) 13 Note that you need to rerun PLINK using --extract or --exclude on the 14 .prune.in/.prune.out file to apply the list to another computation. 15 16 --ld-xchr [code] : Set Xchr model for --indep{-pairwise}, --r/--r2, 17 --flip-scan, and --show-tags. 18 1 (default) = males coded 0/1, females 0/1/2 (A1 dosage) 19 2 = males coded 0/2 20 3 = males coded 0/2, but females given double weighting
1 plink --file s1_vcf --indep-pairwise 1000kb 1 0.5 --out ld