1.M*2^(127 + E)
例如:-24 = -1.1^4,c = -24,指数为131,小数M = 1
function y=f_b2d(n) %----------------------------------------------------------------------- %PROGRAMMER: %GORDON NANA KWESI AMOAKO %EMAIL: kwesiamoako@gmail.com || gsnka@yahoo.com % %You can contact me with any questions and feel free to modify to suit %you needs. I don‘t think this is the best though, but it‘s good. %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Modified: 22 FEB 2012 %MATLAB‘s bin2dec( ) function just converts whole binary numbers %This function f_b2d( ) provides an extended functionality of converting %numbers with binary fractions or binary fractions only to decimalnumbers %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % %INPUT: n, n is a String of Binary numbers e.g. f_b2d(‘11001.101‘) gives us %OUTPUT: A Decimal Number % %SAMPLE input and output %------------------------------- %f_b2d(‘11001.101‘)=25.6250 %f_b2d(‘110000111.111111101‘)=391.9941 %f_b2d(‘0.11001111101‘)= 0.8110 %Converting the Number to String n=strtrim(n); numadd=0; t=length(n); %---------------------------------------------------------------------- if isempty(find(n==‘.‘)) y=bin2dec(n); else %---------------------------------------------------------------------- j=find(n==‘.‘); i_part=n(1:j-1); f_part=n(j+1:end); % Look for the indices of the fraction part which are ones and % a simple computation on it to convert to decimal d_fpart=sum(0.5.^find(f_part==‘1‘)); y=f_b2d(i_part)+d_fpart; % Concatenate the results %---------------------------------------------------------------------- end
function y=f_d2b(n) %----------------------------------------------------------------------- %PROGRAMMER: %GORDON NANA KWESI AMOAKO %EMAIL: kwesiamoako@gmail.com || gsnka@yahoo.com % Modified: 14 JULY 2012 %----------------------------------------------------------------------- %MATLAB‘s dec2bin( ) function just converts whole numbers to binary %This function f_d2b( ) provides an extended functionality of converting %numbers with fractions or fractions only to BINARY %---------------------------------------------------------------------- % %INPUT: n e.g. 25.625 %OUTPUT: Binary number e.g. 11001.101 % %Converting the Number to String strn=strtrim(num2str(n)); %------------------------------------------------ if isempty(find(strn==‘.‘)) y=d2b(n); return; else %------------------------------------------------ k = find(strn ==‘.‘); end %Retrieving INTEGER and FRACTIONAL PARTS as strings i_part=strn(1:k-1); f_part=strn(k:end); %Converting the strings back to numbers ni_part=str2num(i_part); nf_part=str2num(f_part); ni_part=d2b(ni_part); strtemp=‘‘; temp=nf_part; %------------------------------------------------- t=‘1‘;s=‘0‘; while nf_part>= 0 nf_part=nf_part*2; if (nf_part==1) || (nf_part==temp) strtemp=strcat(strtemp,t); break; elseif nf_part>1 strtemp=strcat(strtemp,t); nf_part=nf_part-1; else strtemp=strcat(strtemp,s); end end if(i_part==‘0‘) y=strcat(‘0.‘,strtemp); else y=strcat(ni_part,‘.‘,strtemp); end %------------------------------------------------ end