COM6471 Assignment 3: An Entire Restaurant
December 2, 2019
This assignment expands on the previous assignment. Instead of a cafe that
only sells pies, this assignment asks you to consider a full restaurant that sells
a range of meals, a selection of drinks, and has the responsibility of managing
stock and inventory, as well as calculating suitable prices for its menu.
This assignment is broken down into five tasks. You should attempt all of
the tasks, but if you find one difficult you should still attempt the others and
submit whatever you produce.
1 Meals
Extending on the concept of Pies in the previous assignment, you should produce
suitable Java classes to model a range of possible meal types. You must include
at least these three meal types: Pie, Fish, and Steak. You are welcome to
include a few other relevant or interesting meal types. Each of these classes can
be instantiated, so ”Steak Pie” and ”Chicken Pie” are both examples of Pies;
”Fillet” and ”Rump” are both examples of Steak.
You should design and implement an efficient and maintainable class hierarchy
to represent these. You must make your system track the Ingredients of
each Meal, just as you did with the Pies in the previous assignment. As with the
Pies, you must track whether Ingredients are Vegetarian or Vegan, or neither.
The Meal class must have isVegetarian and isVegan() methods.
2 Prices
To compute an ideal sale price for the Meals, the restaurant wants to add up
the price of all the ingredients and add a 20% markup to cover staff costs etc.
You should augment your Ingredients with a cost attribute that records the
cost per unit of the Ingredient, and appropriate accessor and mutator methods.
You can then add a price() method to the Meal class which computes and
returns the sale price of a Meal.
Since not all Meals use the same quantity of particular ingredients, you
should further augment your Meal class to not only keep track of what Ingredients
are used, but also how much of each ingredient as a floating point number
(you might use 0.2kg of peas, or 2.5 chicken breasts). This should be factored
into the price.
3 Drinks
As well as meals the restaurant sells a range of Drinks. These include Beers,
Red Wines, White Wines, and Soft Drinks. You should produce a design and
implementation of a class hierarchy to represent Drinks. You should include
some attributes that you think appropriate — price, for example.
Matching of food to drinks is important in a high-class restaurant. You
should implement a drinksRecommendation() method in the Meal class that
returns a Drink. However, this should be abstract in the Meal class. The Pie
class should always return something from the Beer class, the Fish class should
always return something from the WhiteWine class, and the Steak class should
always return something from the RedWine class.
4 A Full Menu
You can now produce a full menu. Create a class that can contain many meal
items. It should have a void display() method that prints the menu to the
screen. Ideally it should be broken down by the class of the meals — i.e. Pies in
one section, Fish in another — and should also display the price neatly alongside
the items.
This class should also contain a static main method that creates a populated
Menu instance and displays it. You should try to demonstrate as many features
as possible of your system in this example.
5 Report
You should submit a report in clear, technical English that describes your Java
code, how the components operate, and how they interact. It must include at
least these sections:
A title page containing the title, your name and registration number, and
the following statement: I declare that this work is my own and I acknowledge
the contribution of others where appropriate.
Overview that describes the Meal classes, and the Drinks classes, and how
they fit together to form a coherent system. UML diagrams are allowed but not
required, other informal diagrams are also acceptable, but you should include
sufficient English prose description as well.
Meals, Prices, Drinks, Menus
These sections document each of the sets of classes and methods in more
detail. They should be technical descriptions of the individual classes with
suitable OO language used to describe their methods and attributes.
Conclusion a summarisation of the submitted system and a brief (constructive!)
description of your understanding of Java and OO design.
There is no strict word limit for this assignment but as a rough guide: less
than 1000 words is unlikely to be sufficiently detailed, while much more than
2000 is probably excessive.
Submission and Marking
As with the previous assignments, you should submit your .java files through
MOLE. You should also submit your written report through MOLE in PDF
format. The individual components will be marked as follows:
Meals [25%]
20 — 25 A set of classes with the correct inheritance structure and
methods at optimal points in the structure, making use of
15 — 20 A set of classes with the correct inheritance structure and
methods at reasonable points within that structure
10 — 15 A set of classes with the correct inheritance structure and
5 — 10 A set of compilable class files with the required methods
0 — 5 A set of compilable class files
Prices [15%]
10 — 15 An elegantly implemented set of properties and methods to
achieve the objective.
5 — 10 An adequate set of properties and methods to achieve the
0 — 5 Credit given for whatever appears.
Drinks [15%]
10 — 15 An efficient and effective use of classes and subclasses to
achieve the objective.
5 — 10 An adequate use of classes and subclasses to achieve the
0 — 5 Credit given for whatever appears.
Menus [20%]
15 — 20 Effective class definition and methods, and a convincing
demonstration in the main method.
10 — 15 Functional class definition and methods and a demonstration
in the main method.
5 — 10 A class definition and set of methods that achieve some of
the objective, and that is partially demonstrated.
0 — 5 Credit given for whatever appears.
Report [25%]
20 — 25 A clear description of the overall system, separated into logical
sections to form OO elements, which are then described
in accurate, technical detail.
15 — 20 Each submitted code section described in an accurate technical
fashion, and the interactions between components discussed
10 — 15 Each submitted code section described in an accurate, technical
5 — 10 Each submitted code section at least described
0 — 5 Credit given for whatever appears
You are reminded that the University of Sheffield takes the use
of unfair means very seriously. The code you present for this assignment
must be entirely your own work. Code that is plagiarised — that is, copied
from somewhere else — is not acceptable and you will receive zero for this
assignment and be called to a departmental unfair means panel where it will be
investigated further. If you are found to have knowingly allowed your work
to be plagiarised you will also receive zero and be further investigated.
Since the purpose of these assignments is to test your knowledge of Object
Oriented design and Java, you must also avoid collusion — that is, discussing
your design or implementation with your classmates to such a degree that you
end up submitting similar work. Even if you have produced the code independently,
part of the object of the assignment is to evaluate your Object Oriented
design approach, so you must develop your solution independently.
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