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发送邮件 打印详细的连接过程

时间:2019-12-23 09:50:59      阅读:81      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]


import time
import smtplib
import sys

# 465端口发信
def sendMailSSL(mail_sender, mail_passwd, mail_rcpts, rcpt_host): print(mail_sender) print(mail_passwd) print(mail_rcpts) print(rcpt_host) is_conn_timout = False to_mx = rcpt_host + ":465" helo_domain = mail_sender.split(@)[1] msg = ‘‘‘ From: {fromaddr} To: {toaddr} Subject: coremail SA team testing‘ This is not a fraud, so Don‘t panic I can‘t send email to you ,so I try do some test Please dont reply this mail , and So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish . ‘‘‘ msg = msg.format(fromaddr=mail_sender, toaddr=mail_rcpts) time_begin_conn = time.time() try: server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(to_mx, timeout=180) time_end_conn = time.time() except Exception as e: print("连接收信方MX失败: %s" % str(e)) sys.exit(1) server.set_debuglevel(1) time_begin_ehlo = time.time() server.ehlo(helo_domain) time_begin_mail_from = time.time() #server.starttls() server.login(mail_sender, mail_passwd) # 认证阶段 server.mail(mail_sender) # mail from阶段 time_begin_rcpt = time.time() server.rcpt(mail_rcpts) # rcpt 阶段 time_begin_data = time.time() try: server.data(msg) # time_end_data = time.time() except Exception as e: print("mail cmd DATA failed:" + str(e)) # time_end_data = time.time() is_conn_timout = True # server.close() time_end_data = time.time() if not is_conn_timout: server.quit() time_end_all = time.time() print("连接MX %s 阶段用时:%fs" % (str(rcpt_host), time_end_conn - time_begin_conn)) print("HELO阶段用时:%fs" % (time_begin_mail_from - time_begin_ehlo)) print("MAIL FROM 阶段用时:%fs" % (time_begin_rcpt - time_begin_mail_from)) print("MAIL RCPT 阶段用时:%fs" % (time_begin_data - time_begin_rcpt)) print("MAIL DATA 阶段用时:%fs" % (time_end_data - time_begin_data)) print("整个发信用时: %fs" % (time_end_all - time_begin_conn))
# 25端口发信
def sendMailTest(mail_sender, mail_passwd, mail_rcpts, rcpt_host): print(mail_sender) print(mail_passwd) print(mail_rcpts) print(rcpt_host) is_conn_timout = False to_mx = rcpt_host + ":25" helo_domain = mail_sender.split(@)[1] msg = ‘‘‘ From: {fromaddr} To: {toaddr} Subject: coremail SA team testing‘ This is not a fraud, so Don‘t panic I can‘t send email to you ,so I try do some test Please dont reply this mail , and So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish . ‘‘‘ msg = msg.format(fromaddr=mail_sender, toaddr=mail_rcpts) time_begin_conn = time.time() try: server = smtplib.SMTP(to_mx, timeout=180) time_end_conn = time.time() except Exception as e: print("连接收信方MX失败: %s" % str(e)) sys.exit(1) server.set_debuglevel(1) time_begin_ehlo = time.time() server.ehlo(helo_domain) time_begin_mail_from = time.time() server.starttls() server.login(mail_sender, mail_passwd) # 认证阶段 server.mail(mail_sender) # mail from阶段 time_begin_rcpt = time.time() # for username in mail_rcpts: server.rcpt(mail_rcpts) # rcpt 阶段 time_begin_data = time.time() try: server.data(msg) # time_end_data = time.time() except Exception as e: print("mail cmd DATA failed:" + str(e)) # time_end_data = time.time() is_conn_timout = True # server.close() time_end_data = time.time() if not is_conn_timout: server.quit() time_end_all = time.time() print("连接MX %s 阶段用时:%fs" % (str(rcpt_host), time_end_conn - time_begin_conn)) print("HELO阶段用时:%fs" % (time_begin_mail_from - time_begin_ehlo)) print("MAIL FROM 阶段用时:%fs" % (time_begin_rcpt - time_begin_mail_from)) print("MAIL RCPT 阶段用时:%fs" % (time_begin_data - time_begin_rcpt)) print("MAIL DATA 阶段用时:%fs" % (time_end_data - time_begin_data)) print("整个发信用时: %fs" % (time_end_all - time_begin_conn)) def main(): mail_from = "cm3@leejay.vip" mail_passwd = "1" mail_to = "cm10@leejay.vip" mx_host = "" # 25端口发信 #sendMailTest(mail_sender=mail_from, mail_passwd=mail_passwd, mail_rcpts=mail_to, rcpt_host=mx_host) # 465端口发信 sendMailSSL(mail_sender=mail_from, mail_passwd=mail_passwd, mail_rcpts=mail_to, rcpt_host=mx_host) if __name__ == "__main__": main()

发送邮件 打印详细的连接过程


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