--对外提供很简单的接口使用. (一定是框架给封装到底层了,所以你才用着简单.)
public class StudentTest1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Student student1 = new Student("zhangsan", 80);
Student student2 = new Student("lisi", 90);
Student student3 = new Student("wangwu", 100);
Student student4 = new Student("zhaoliu", 90);
List<Student> students = Arrays.asList(student1, student2, student3, student4);
//op1:集合转换为stream, 然后stream转换为List
List<Student> students1 = students.stream().collect(Collectors.toList());
System.out.println("count: "+ students.stream().collect(counting()));//Collectors类提供的counting()方法
System.out.println("count: "+ students.stream().count()); //stream提供的方法 , 底层实现 mapToLong()->sum
import static java.util.stream.Collectors.*;
我们这次一行一行的读javadoc. 因为真的很重要.
* A <a href="package-summary.html#Reduction">mutable reduction operation</a> that
* accumulates input elements into a mutable result container, optionally transforming
* the accumulated result into a final representation after all input elements
* have been processed. Reduction operations can be performed either sequentially
* or in parallel.
--如 ArrayList:就是一个可变的容器.
* <p>Examples of mutable reduction operations include:
* accumulating elements into a {@code Collection}; concatenating
* strings using a {@code StringBuilder}; computing summary information about
* elements such as sum, min, max, or average; computing "pivot table" summaries
* such as "maximum valued transaction by seller", etc. The class {@link Collectors}
* provides implementations of many common mutable reductions.
可变的reduction(汇聚)操作包括:将元素累积到集合当中,使用StringBuilder将字符串给拼在一起,计算关于元素的sum,min,max or average等,计算数据透视图计算:如根据销售商获取最大销售额等.这个Collectors类,提供了大量的可变汇聚的实现.
-- Collectors本身实际上是一个工厂.
* <p>A {@code Collector} is specified by four functions that work together to
* accumulate entries into a mutable result container, and optionally perform
* a final transform on the result. They are: <ul>
* <li>creation of a new result container ({@link #supplier()})</li>
* <li>incorporating a new data element into a result container ({@link #accumulator()})</li>
* <li>combining two result containers into one ({@link #combiner()})</li>
* <li>performing an optional final transform on the container ({@link #finisher()})</li>
* </ul>
1.创建一个新的接结果容器 <supplier()> new
2.将新的数据元素给合并到一个结果容器中.<accumulator()> add
3.将两个结果容器合并成一个.<combiner()> +
4.将中间的累积类型,转换成结果类型. <finisher()> result
* <p>Collectors also have a set of characteristics, such as
* {@link Characteristics#CONCURRENT}, that provide hints that can be used by a
* reduction implementation to provide better performance.
Collectors 还会返回这么一个集合 Characteristics#CONCURRENT. (也就是这个类中的枚举类)
* <p>A sequential implementation of a reduction using a collector would
* create a single result container using the supplier function, and invoke the
* accumulator function once for each input element.
* A parallel implementation
* would partition the input, create a result container for each partition,
* accumulate the contents of each partition into a subresult for that partition,
* and then use the combiner function to merge the subresults into a combined
* result.
一个汇聚操作串行的实现,会创建一个唯一的一个结果容器.使用<Supplier>函数. 每一个输入元素都会调用累积函数(accumulator())一次.
-- 解释:
1.2 -> 5
5.3 -> 6
6.4 -> 7
这5.6.7新创建的集合,就叫做 新的结果容器
1.2 -> 1+2 (新的一个)
1.3 -> 1(新的一个)
* <p>To ensure that sequential and parallel executions produce equivalent
* results, the collector functions must satisfy an <em>identity</em> and an
* <a href="package-summary.html#Associativity">associativity</a> constraints.
为了确保串行与并行获得等价的结果. collector(收集器)的函数必须满足2个条件.
1. identity: 同一性
2. Associativity :结合性
* <p>The identity constraint says that for any partially accumulated result,
* combining it with an empty result container must produce an equivalent
* result. That is, for a partially accumulated result {@code a} that is the
* result of any series of accumulator and combiner invocations, {@code a} must
* be equivalent to {@code combiner.apply(a, supplier.get())}.
也就是说对于一个部分的累积结果a,对于任何一条线上的combiner invocations.
a == combiner.apply(a, supplier.get())
supplier.get() ,获取一个空的结果容器.
然后将a与空的结果容器容器. 保证a == (融合等式) .
--解释上述等式为什么成立:a是线程某一个分支得到的部分结果. 后面的是调用BiarnyOperator.apply()
(List<String> list1,List<String> list2)->{list1.addAll(list2);return list1;}
这个类似于之前说的: 将两个结果集折叠到同一个容器.然后返回来第一个结果的融合.
* <p>The associativity constraint says that splitting the computation must
* produce an equivalent result. That is, for any input elements {@code t1}
* and {@code t2}, the results {@code r1} and {@code r2} in the computation
* below must be equivalent:
* <pre>{@code
* A a1 = supplier.get();//获取结果容器 a1.
* accumulator.accept(a1, t1); //a1:每一次累积的中间结果, t1:流中下一个待累积的元素.
* accumulator.accept(a1, t2); //t1->a1, a1已经有东西. 然后 t2->t1 = r1 (也就是下一步)
* R r1 = finisher.apply(a1); // result without splitting
* A a2 = supplier.get(); //另外一个线程
* accumulator.accept(a2, t1); //两个结果集转换成中间结果.
* A a3 = supplier.get(); //第三个线程
* accumulator.accept(a3, t2); //两个中间结果转换成最终结果.
* R r2 = finisher.apply(combiner.apply(a2, a3)); // result with splitting
* } </pre>
--对外提供很简单的接口使用. (一定是框架给封装到底层了,所以你才用着简单.)
* <p>For collectors that do not have the {@code UNORDERED} characteristic,
* two accumulated results {@code a1} and {@code a2} are equivalent if
* {@code finisher.apply(a1).equals(finisher.apply(a2))}. For unordered
* collectors, equivalence is relaxed to allow for non-equality related to
* differences in order. (For example, an unordered collector that accumulated
* elements to a {@code List} would consider two lists equivalent if they
* contained the same elements, ignoring order.)
对于一个不包含无序的收集器来说, a1 和 a2是等价的. 条件:finisher.apply(a1).equals(finisher.apply(a2)
* <p>Libraries that implement reduction based on {@code Collector}, such as
* {@link Stream#collect(Collector)}, must adhere to the following constraints:
基于Collector 去实现汇聚(reduction)操作的这种库, 必须遵守如下的约定.
- 注释:汇聚其实有多种实现.
这两个有很大的本质的差别: (注意单线程和多线程情况下的影响.)
* <ul>
* <li>The first argument passed to the accumulator function, both
* arguments passed to the combiner function, and the argument passed to the
* finisher function must be the result of a previous invocation of the
* result supplier, accumulator, or combiner functions.</li>
1. 传递给accumulate函数的参数,以及给Combiner的两个参数,以及finisher函数的参数,
他们必须是 这几个supplier, accumulator, or combiner 函数函数上一次调用的结果(泛型-T).
* <li>The implementation should not do anything with the result of any of
* the result supplier, accumulator, or combiner functions other than to
* pass them again to the accumulator, combiner, or finisher functions,
* or return them to the caller of the reduction operation.</li>
2. 实现不应该对, 生成的 --- 结果 做任何的事情. 除了将他们再传给下一个函数.
* <li>If a result is passed to the combiner or finisher
* function, and the same object is not returned from that function, it is
* never used again.</li>
* <li>Once a result is passed to the combiner or finisher function, it
* is never passed to the accumulator function again.</li>
(就是说,如果被结束函数执行完了. 就不会再被中间操作了.)
* <li>For non-concurrent collectors, any result returned from the result
* supplier, accumulator, or combiner functions must be serially
* thread-confined. This enables collection to occur in parallel without
* the {@code Collector} needing to implement any additional synchronization.
* The reduction implementation must manage that the input is properly
* partitioned, that partitions are processed in isolation, and combining
* happens only after accumulation is complete.</li>
5. 对于非并发的收集起来说.从supplier, accumulator, or combiner任何的结果返回一定是被限定在当前的线程了. 所以可以被用在并行的操作了.
* <li>For concurrent collectors, an implementation is free to (but not
* required to) implement reduction concurrently. A concurrent reduction
* is one where the accumulator function is called concurrently from
* multiple threads, using the same concurrently-modifiable result container,
* rather than keeping the result isolated during accumulation.
6.对于并发的收集器,实现可以自由的选择. 和上面的5相对于.
* A concurrent reduction should only be applied if the collector has the
* {@link Characteristics#UNORDERED} characteristics or if the
* originating data is unordered.</li>
一个并发的,在这个时候一定会被使用; 无序的.
--到此结束,重要的 概念基本上已经介绍完毕了.
* </ul>
* <p>In addition to the predefined implementations in {@link Collectors}, the
* static factory methods {@link #of(Supplier, BiConsumer, BinaryOperator, Characteristics...)}
* can be used to construct collectors. For example, you could create a collector
* that accumulates widgets into a {@code TreeSet} with:
* <pre>{@code
* Collector<Widget, ?, TreeSet<Widget>> intoSet =
* Collector.of(TreeSet::new, TreeSet::add,
* (left, right) -> { left.addAll(right); return left; });
* }</pre>
使用.三个参数构造的 of 方法,()
* (This behavior is also implemented by the predefined collector.预定义的Collector.
* {@link Collectors#toCollection(Supplier)}).
* @apiNote
* Performing a reduction operation with a {@code Collector} should produce a
* result equivalent to:
* <pre>{@code
* R container = collector.supplier().get();
* for (T t : data)
* collector.accumulator().accept(container, t);
* return collector.finisher().apply(container);
* }</pre>
* <p>However, the library is free to partition the input, perform the reduction
* on the partitions, and then use the combiner function to combine the partial
* results to achieve a parallel reduction. (Depending on the specific reduction
* operation, this may perform better or worse, depending on the relative cost
* of the accumulator and combiner functions.)
* <p>Collectors are designed to be <em>composed</em>; many of the methods
* in {@link Collectors} are functions that take a collector and produce
* a new collector. For example, given the following collector that computes
* the sum of the salaries of a stream of employees:
收集器本身被设计成可以组合的. 也就是说收集器本身的组合.例如下.
* <pre>{@code
* Collector<Employee, ?, Integer> summingSalaries
* = Collectors.summingInt(Employee::getSalary))
* }</pre>
* If we wanted to create a collector to tabulate the sum of salaries by
* department, we could reuse the "sum of salaries" logic using
* {@link Collectors#groupingBy(Function, Collector)}:
* <pre>{@code
* Collector<Employee, ?, Map<Department, Integer>> summingSalariesByDept
* = Collectors.groupingBy(Employee::getDepartment, summingSalaries);
* }</pre>
* @see Stream#collect(Collector)
* @see Collectors
* @param <T> the type of input elements to the reduction operation
* @param <A> the mutable accumulation type of the reduction operation (often
* hidden as an implementation detail)
* @param <R> the result type of the reduction operation
* @since 1.8
* @param <T> the type of input elements to the reduction operation
* @param <A> the mutable accumulation type of the reduction operation (often
* hidden as an implementation detail)
* @param <R> the result type of the reduction operatio
* A function that creates and returns a new mutable result container.
* 创建一个新的可变结果容器.返回 Supplier函数式接口.
* @return a function which returns a new, mutable result container
泛型 - A : 可变容器的类型.
Supplier<A> supplier();
* A function that folds a value into a mutable result container.
* 将一个新的元素数据元素折叠(累加)到一个结果容器当中. 返回值为 BiConsumer函数式接口
* @return a function which folds a value into a mutable result container
BiConsumer<A, T> accumulator();
* A function that accepts two partial results and merges them. The
* combiner function may fold state from one argument into the other and
* return that, or may return a new result container.
* 接收两个部分结果,然后给合并起来.将结果状态从一个参数转换成另一个参数,或者返回一个新的结果容器....*(有点难理解.) 返回一个组合的操作符函数接口类.
-- 解释:
1.2 -> 5
5.3 -> 6
6.4 -> 7
这5.6.7新创建的集合,就叫做 新的结果容器
1.2 -> 1+2 (新的一个)
1.3 -> 1(新的一个)
所以:combiner 是 专门用在 并行流中的.
* @return a function which combines two partial results into a combined
* result
泛型-A: (结果容器类型.中间结果容器的类型.) TTT
BinaryOperator<A> combiner();
* Perform the final transformation from the intermediate accumulation type
* {@code A} to the final result type {@code R}.
* <p>If the characteristic {@code IDENTITY_TRANSFORM} is
* set, this function may be presumed to be an identity transform with an
* unchecked cast from {@code A} to {@code R}.
*如果这个特性被设置值了的话,..... 返回一个Function接口类型.
* @return a function which transforms the intermediate result to the final
* result
泛型-A :结果容器类型
泛型-R : 最终要使用的类型.(最终返回的结果的类型.)
Function<A, R> finisher();
* Characteristics indicating properties of a {@code Collector}, which can
* be used to optimize reduction implementations.
--解释: 类的作用:告诉收集器,我可以对这个目标进行怎么样的执行动作.
enum Characteristics {
* Indicates that this collector is <em>concurrent</em>, meaning that
* the result container can support the accumulator function being
* called concurrently with the same result container from multiple
* threads.
* <p>If a {@code CONCURRENT} collector is not also {@code UNORDERED},
* then it should only be evaluated concurrently if applied to an
* unordered data source.
* Indicates that the collection operation does not commit to preserving
* the encounter order of input elements. (This might be true if the
* result container has no intrinsic order, such as a {@link Set}.)
* Indicates that the finisher function is the identity function and
* can be elided. If set, it must be the case that an unchecked cast
* from A to R will succeed.